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Homosexuality not included.


Active Member
Espo, do you have any evidence for homosexuality "usually" including sex with the same gender any more than heterosexuality "usually" including sex with the opposite gender (If, by usually, you mean more than 50% of the time of homosexuals is spent having sex with the same sex)?

It's the dictionary definition of the word.

Really, though.... that's all you got?

Weak sauce.


Admiral Obvious
It's the dictionary definition of the word.

Really, though.... that's all you got?

Weak sauce.
The "dictionary definition"?

What dictionary?

"WordNet (r) 2.0"
n : a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of
the same sex

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
homosexuality - definition of homosexuality by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

For the legal definition:


Really, you fellows should know the meaning of a word you so staunchly defend the virtues of....

I'm really not getting what your argument here is. Are you saying that we shouldn't defend people's right to have homosexual sex because it involves... homosexual sex? Because I'm pretty sure that we're all aware of that.


Veteran Member
homosexuality - definition of homosexuality by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

For the legal definition:

Homosexuality Definition

Really, you fellows should know the meaning of a word you so staunchly defend the virtues of....

If you guys want to store your valuables up your cornhole and call it a "safety deposit box" that's fine with me too.

we all agree what sex is...
apparently you don't know what a loving relationship entails...

or attraction for that matter.
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Admiral Obvious
Anyone else notice Espo's links have almost the same definition as what Mestemia posted?
I also noticed that Espo diverted the topic to the definition instead of actually addressing the issue:
Espo, do you have any evidence for homosexuality "usually" including sex with the same gender any more than heterosexuality "usually" including sex with the opposite gender (If, by usually, you mean more than 50% of the time of homosexuals is spent having sex with the same sex)?


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Voting for something means you condone and/or support it.

Does it not?

I agree with the poster who said it shouldn't have been on the ballot.

Exactly. So voting for homosexuals rights means that you support their rights as well as your own


Dr. Greenthumb
That is simply not the case. The rights given you by your government do not include the right to interfere with the civil liberties of others: that is specifically and clearly prohibited.

Homosexual marriage is not a civil liberty. If it was, it would have been legal for awhile.

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
Homosexual marriage is not a civil liberty. If it was, it would have been legal for awhile.

By that argument, interracial marriages and votes for women are not civil liberties. They were not considered such until declared legal either.

You cannot justify denying someone a civil liberty on the grounds that they do not already have it. That's just absurd.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Homosexual marriage is not a civil liberty. If it was, it would have been legal for awhile.

The definition of civil liberty

rights or freedoms given to the people by the First Amendment to the Constitution, by common law, or legislation, allowing the individual to be free to speak, think, assemble, organize, worship, or petition without government (or even private) interference or restraints. These liberties are protective in nature, while civil rights form a broader concept and include positive elements such as the right to use facilities, the right to an equal education, or the right to participate in government.

By this definition, should homosexual marriage be legal or illegal?


Veteran Member
pride, slothfulness, gluttony, dishonesty and even gossip mongering can and do affect other people in a negative way by imposing an undue sense of self importance over others (not to mention the obvious) ... which would seem that these things are what most christians would be more concerned about other then homosexuality which doesn't affect other people by imposing any type of false sense of importance over anyone.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality is a bigger issue, because of Marriage issue. Take that away and there wouldn't be so much talk on it. But everyone not in the church (including so called catholics who push for homosexuality) want to attack the church and marriage.

Which is of course why Pat Robertson, Ronald Regan, Falwell, Dobson, and their ill begotten cursed ilk proclaimed AIDS to be god's punishment on them damn dirty **** 20 years before same sex marriage was legalized anywhere in the world.

My problem with the RCC is the fact that a bunch of voluntarily celibate men seek to dictate what is and is not acceptable sexual behavior for the rest of the world. That and their institutional enabling of child rapists, and if the news articles recently are to be believed, child trafficking.


And she will still be welcome at any church, even if she has no intention of giving up her gluttony. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. It is also something that most certainly can cause a person harm.
I've seen "skinny" people be gluttons so let us not assume that only "fat" people are gluttons. I've also seen fat people barely eat anything and still be fat. I think this argument doesn't hold up. IMO. :facepalm:


There seems to be no clear concensus on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. But even if it is, it's just one in a long list of sins. So why, pray tell, does homosexuality get all the attention? Why aren't some of these other sins the subject of hot debate? Here's your chance to give them the equal time they deserve.

For example, slothfulness. Why does nobody picket our soldier's funerals with signs that say "God hates lazy people"?

Or gluttony. Can an over-eater really be a Christian if he/she doesn't repent from being a glutton? In terms of sin, what makes MacDonald's any different than a gay bath-house? Except for the whole drive-through part, I mean...

And why should narcissists and arrogant people have the right to get married? Don't tell me those guys don't have an agenda! If we let them have their way, pretty soon everyone will be stuck-up. When your kids start getting arrogant and thinking only of themselves, don't come crying to me.

And what about lying? That one's a biggie; it even has it's own commandment. Remember, many Christmases ago, when you told your grandma you loved the sweater she knitted for you, even though you actually hated it? Well...good luck in hell. At least you won't be alone there; everyone who's ever held a political office will be there with you. Except for those nice Tea Party folks. They can't tell lies....they're conservatives.

So this thread is dedicated to all of you who ever wanted to voice your disgust at some of those lesser mentioned sins. A prideful person doesn't have the "ick" factor that some gay guy might, but at least his sin is actually mentioned in scripture.

So, to all you prideful, slothful, arrogant, conceited, gluttonous, dishonest gossip-mongers, read this thread at your own risk....the butt that gets handed to you might be your own.

And to those of you who have a beef with the above....release the hounds.
Sin is sin to God. You can label it and categorize it all you like, but at the end of the day it is still SIN. The Bible DOES make it clear that homosexuality is a sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 speaks plain on it. So what do you do with that? I tend to think homosexuality gets attention the way it does because it is always in the news. It is hard to ignore it. IMO.


Christians do not have to accept it. They merely have to keep out of the way and allow it to happen, as the law and justice require, since there is no valid legal objection to it. Your church does not have to perform such marriages, but neither should it stand in the way of churches which wish to.
So in other words you silence us??? You strip us of our rights to speak out against something that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for?? Not even!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, we sure are sticking it to those other sins now, eh?

Exactly. Homosexuality is the one unforgivable sin in modern christianity. As I have said before:
Well, obviously, because the right wingers find gay sex to be both oddly compelling and completely icky.

I mean really, the right wingers spend more time railing against (and more money fighting against) gays, gay sex, gay marriage, gay adoption and gay-ole-paree than the gays spend having gay sex. Seriously, the right wingers spend more time thinking about gay sex than gay men do, its no wonder that it is considered to be the one unforgivable sin in modern christianity. I could axe-murder an entire kindergarten class and a puppy, walk into a SBC church with the axe still dripping, claim that the debil made me do it, express my remorse, accept jesus as my savior and be assured that I would be going to heaven as a sinless saint (after my death-penalty execution attended and cheered by fellow congregants) but the gay couple that wants to file income taxes jointly, while running a soup kitchen, half-way house and foster parenting 5 special needs kids are hell bound without recourse, all of course because they love each other instead of pumping out more babies in a loveless marriage to a woman.