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Homosexuality not included.


Bring about world peace
There seems to be no clear concensus on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. But even if it is, it's just one in a long list of sins. So why, pray tell, does homosexuality get all the attention? Why aren't some of these other sins the subject of hot debate? Here's your chance to give them the equal time they deserve.

It's because it's a recent issue, every other major sin has already been dealt with to some degree.

For example, slothfulness. Why does nobody picket our soldier's funerals with signs that say "God hates lazy people"?

This is because slothfulness is not an action, it's an inaction, which makes it much harder to quantify and debate. Homosexuality is the act of doing something which people perceive to be wrong.

Or gluttony. Can an over-eater really be a Christian if he/she doesn't repent from being a glutton? In terms of sin, what makes MacDonald's any different than a gay bath-house? Except for the whole drive-through part, I mean...

The problem with places like McDonald's is that their sole aim is not to appease gluttons (though they certainly do that frequently). They are first and foremost a fast food restaurant. A gay bath house's only purpose is to allow people to bath together in a sexual context. Christianity would not approve of a straight, communal, unisex bathhouse either.

Nobody said that people who are homosexual can't be Christians, similarly to how nobody said that about gluttons. The differences is that homosexuality manifests more often as a lifestyle, which is essentially "living in sin", rather than just being gay which in and of itself is not frowned upon. It's when an individual acts on certain desires or compulsions that they have that it becomes a problem. Is this also often the case with people with eating-disorders? It certainly is and it's truthfully much more socially accepted to be obese with an eating-disorder and not try to overcome it.

And why should narcissists and arrogant people have the right to get married? Don't tell me those guys don't have an agenda! If we let them have their way, pretty soon everyone will be stuck-up. When your kids start getting arrogant and thinking only of themselves, don't come crying to me.

It's a huge problem, but similarly to being gay, rather than living a gay lifestyle, you can't condemn someone for undesirable character traits. Now, if that person acts out in arrogance or narcissism, the result will be people shunning them from social gatherings and discussions. The presumption with any negative quality that someone brings is that they are trying to overcome it, when that is not the case, it will always cause friction. That's why gay couples are frowned upon, because marriage is looked at as "until death do us part". If someone has made the decision to "be a sinner", till death do us part, that doesn't make it seem like something they are trying to overcome and thus, it makes other Christians look upon it in a different way.

And what about lying? That one's a biggie; it even has it's own commandment. Remember, many Christmases ago, when you told your grandma you loved the sweater she knitted for you, even though you actually hated it? Well...good luck in hell. At least you won't be alone there; everyone who's ever held a political office will be there with you. Except for those nice Tea Party folks. They can't tell lies....they're conservatives.

Lying is not and never has been accepted in any social circle. In many cases lying is even illegal (see any form of contract), and even verbal agreements in business are legally binding. Lying by nature is hard to detect, because it is someone telling a false truth. I don't see how you can possibly compare overt sin to covert sin, it's fairly pointless. Nobody wants to be friends or spend time with people who constantly lie, it's just harder to tell the difference. Also, whether or not you like a sweater is a subjective opinion, meaning, the actual truth of the statement is for you to decide. If you dislike the sweater but honor (another commandment) and love your grandmother enough to overlook that, it's not quite the same as saying you did or did not perform an action. I do not believe that withholding a mean opinion in order to protect a loved-one's feelings is the kind of "false-hood" that the commandment refers to.

So this thread is dedicated to all of you who ever wanted to voice your disgust at some of those lesser mentioned sins. A prideful person doesn't have the "ick" factor that some gay guy might, but at least his sin is actually mentioned in scripture.

So, to all you prideful, slothful, arrogant, conceited, gluttonous, dishonest gossip-mongers, read this thread at your own risk....the butt that gets handed to you might be your own.

True Christians strive to not be any of the above things, we just all have our own short comings. The thing that makes homosexuality slightly more black and white is when the individuals affected by it make the (ideally permanent) decision to marry one another; because it shows a resignation to remain in a state contradictory to what Christianity holds to be morally acceptable.

And to those of you who have a beef with the above....release the hounds.


Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Interesting enough the way the food and drug administration is a huge abuse in society and the way our foods are poisened and drugs are pushed like candy on tv is more of a typical isseu for me in society.The lawyers come in right behind them with their commercials to sue from the harmful effects of the drugs.If only a few people die from alternative medicines they pull it from the shelves and shut it down yet it takes years for them to deal with conventional medicines that are harmful to thousands of people.
I have issues with the gay rights movement because toleration is not enough.There are countless lawsuits going on because of Christians who are being kicked out of schools or businesses being sued because not a lack of tolerance but not embracing it as an affirmative.Being tolerant of others points of view is one thing but trying to force a point of view on someone is another.They are asking for a Holy war.

I understand people being fired or sued for intolerance and direct hate crimes, but I wasn't aware that it was actually happening to people simply because they didn't positively affirm it. In fact, I've never even heard of such cases...

I don't know that they're asking for a holy war. What does that even mean? Are gays flying airplanes into buildings these days? Are they walking into fundamentalist churches and shooting people? This is all news to me.


Dr. Greenthumb
You mean the Christian hypocrites that molest children?
Only a few bad priest have done such. Same can be said about teachers and protestant pastors. Therefore it is not celibacy at fault, but the persons perverted ways. Such that goes past any borders of culture or religion or race.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Do not twist it to suit your fancy. Bl. John Paul II, coming from Poland, spoke out against communism to.

I wasn't twisting. There's not much of a strong pull for communism in the West here so I didn't think it was necessary to expand his criticism more than what was needed. I'm not even in favor of communism my self. I don't agree with either and I think we can do better than thinking those are our only two methods for an economy.


Bring about world peace
I understand people being fired or sued for intolerance and direct hate crimes, but I wasn't aware that it was actually happening to people simply because they didn't positively affirm it. In fact, I've never even heard of such cases...
Actually this has happened. Many companies and unions force middle management to hold "diversity meetings", which is basically forced acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.

I wasn't twisting. There's not much of a strong pull for communism in the West here so I didn't think it was necessary to expand his criticism more than what was needed. I'm not even in favor of communism my self. I don't agree with either and I think we can do better than thinking those are our only two methods for an economy.

There's actually an extremely "strong pull", for communism in America at the moment. What do you think "occupy Wall Street" is? Many communist front groups are distributing propaganda in D.C. at this very moment, I was walking over by the reflecting pool the other day and was handed a radical pamphlet.
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A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
Actually this has happened. Many companies and unions force middle management to hold "diversity meetings", which is basically forced acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.

You mean "forcing people to not discriminate against others based on their sexuality".
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Dr. Greenthumb
As broad as saying all homosexuals need to remain celibate to be sinless.
Not even close. It would make more logic to say telling homosexuals to remain celibate to be sinless is the same as telling a pedophile to not touch kids and remain celibate. But for some reason, I do not think logic or even intelligence is your strong point. Considering your childish arguments and trolling.


Bring about world peace
You mean "forced people to not discriminate against people based on their sexuality".

No, That's not what I meant. I meant what I said and I said what I meant, and an elephant is... you get the point.

Discrimination is when someone takes action against another because of prejudice. These meetings are telling people they cannot even hold a contrary opinion in the work place. It is no longer even permissible to disagree with the gay agenda even verbally.


Dr. Greenthumb
I wasn't twisting. There's not much of a strong pull for communism in the West here so I didn't think it was necessary to expand his criticism more than what was needed. I'm not even in favor of communism my self. I don't agree with either and I think we can do better than thinking those are our only two methods for an economy.
Ill agree there has to be something better.

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
No, That's not what I meant. I meant what I said and I said what I meant, and an elephant is... you get the point.

Discrimination is when someone takes action against another because of prejudice. These meetings are telling people they cannot even hold a contrary opinion in the work place. It is no longer even permissible to disagree with the gay agenda even verbally.

I was being facetious, because the point you were making was so obviously false. Verbally disagreeing with the "gay agenda" is discriminating, because there isn't a "gay agenda". There are just gay people, who are entitled to the same services as everyone else, and people like you, who are determined to see that they don't get them.

You're trying to make a situation where the majority is oppressing a minority into one where the minority is overwhelming the majority, and that's patently ludicrous.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Actually this has happened. Many companies and unions force middle management to hold "diversity meetings", which is basically forced acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.

There's actually an extremely "strong pull", for communism in America at the moment. What do you think "occupy Wall Street" is? Many communist front groups are distributing propaganda in D.C. at this very moment, I was walking over by the reflecting pool the other day and was handed a radical pamphlet.

The only reason employees or management need to be approached about this topic is if they're actually spreading messages of hate or intolerance, whether through direct harassment or inappropriate jokes or slang, like saying "***". In these cases, it's a direct disruption of concentration at the workplace because how can gay people or anybody focus when they feel that their co-workers are bullying them all the time? This should be equal across the board for all types of people.

I don't really believe in these sensitivity meetings, although I recognize that they're not just about homosexuality but gender discrimination and racism as well. They're mostly there, though, to make the companies look good. The actual content of these meetings is pretty bogus. Some of it just reinforces stereotypes, like "men talk about sports but woman like to talk about shopping". It's just a way for corporate to cover it's ***.

I think a better approach is insensitivity training haha. Learn how to not let the ignorance of others bother you as much. You don't need everyone's positive affirmation to justify how you live your life. Of course, this has certain limitations and breaking points such as described in the first paragraph where people are actively discriminating against you in which case it's a harmful distraction.
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A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
These meetings are telling people they cannot even hold a contrary opinion in the work place.

I should also point out: the work place is not somewhere where you should be expressing a contrary opinion. It's where you work. You do your job, and if you don't like it, you quit. If your job involves providing services to people whose lifestyle you disapprove of, then you keep your opinion to yourself. You're not getting paid to express an opinion.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
There's actually an extremely "strong pull", for communism in America at the moment. What do you think "occupy Wall Street" is? Many communist front groups are distributing propaganda in D.C. at this very moment, I was walking over by the reflecting pool the other day and was handed a radical pamphlet.

I wasn't aware that most Occupy Wall Street protesters were pro-Communism by default. I guess I don't pay as much attention to the news these days since it's mostly meant to incite fear and anxiety. I don't have time for that ****. Personally I tend to support libertarian socialist philosophies, but that sounds like an oxymoron to most people in the U.S. since our political spectrum is skewed.