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Homosexuality not included.


Bring about world peace
I was being facetious, because the point you were making was so obviously false. Verbally disagreeing with the "gay agenda" is discriminating, because there isn't a "gay agenda". There are just gay people, who are entitled to the same services as everyone else, and people like you, who are determined to see that they don't get them.

You're trying to make a situation where the majority is oppressing a minority into one where the minority is overwhelming the majority, and that's patently ludicrous.

I havn't taken a single action, even in voting, to prevent gays from anything. I'm not determined to see that they don't get anything, I don't even think it's possible at this point to prevent, but I still think it's immoral and have every right to hold that stance. You probably shouldn't talk about this issue since clearly it is too much of an emotional point for pleasant discussion.

I am not "making a situation", either, but the Gay Agenda, is very much real. I've never heard anyone make that argument before to be completely honest, it's a little baffling that you could say that.

The only reason employees or management need to be approached about this topic is if they're actually spreading messages of hate or intolerance, whether through direct harassment or inappropriate jokes or slang, like saying "***". In these cases, it's a direct disruption of concentration at the workplace because how can gay people or anybody focus when they feel that their co-workers are bullying them all the time? This should be equal across the board for all types of people.
Simply not the case. Many companies do this without any provocation or reason other than trying to stuff their opinions down your throat. If I can't wear a necklace with a cross on it or tell someone what religion I belong to, why can a man wear a skirt to work and outwardly express his personal lifestyle choices? This is neither equal treatment, nor even tolerance in the case of the religious person.

I should also point out: the work place is not somewhere where you should be expressing a contrary opinion. It's where you work. You do you job, and if you don't like it, you quit. If your job involves providing services to people whose lifestyle you disapprove of, then you keep your opinion to yourself. You're not getting paid to express an opinion.
The places with the majority of these kinds of meetings and boards are government offices, and let's be honest here, how many government employees are actually working from 9-5? A lot of small talk and fraternization happens in offices, opinions contrary to my own are constantly expressed, I can express my own as well. I don't hate gay people, which I know is shocking and unbelievable to you. One of my favorite managers is gay, however, he comes to work in slacks and doesn't talk about a husband or try to shove his worldview in anyone's face. It's people who are dramatic and obnoxious about every little thing and protected in doing so that are annoying.

If an Evangelical Christian came up to you to prosthelytize to you at work, wouldn't you find that extremely inappropriate?

I wasn't aware that most Occupy Wall Street protesters were pro-Communism by default. I guess I don't pay as much attention to the news these days since it's mostly meant to incite fear and anxiety. I don't have time for that ****. Personally I tend to support libertarian socialist philosophies, but that sounds like an oxymoron to most people in the U.S. since our political spectrum is skewed.

Go to D.C. (or probably any of the other major cities, but that's where I live) and see how long it takes you to find a communist handing out propaganda.


Admiral Obvious
No, your all pretty much wrong. Its from the verse in Matthew 5
[27] You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. [28] But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

You cant masturbate without lusting
What a load of Bull ****.
I find it most interesting how people make this claim for everyone simply because they are unable to do it.


Admiral Obvious
Homosexuality is a bigger issue, because of Marriage issue. Take that away and there wouldn't be so much talk on it. But everyone not in the church (including so called catholics who push for homosexuality) want to attack the church and marriage.

I do not understand what you are saying here.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Any kind of socialism seems to be considered equivalent to communism in the US nowadays. Actually, scratch "nowadays". I'm pretty sure it's been like that for a long time.

Libertarian socialism isn't really communism at all. I hate how narrow minded people in the US see things. It's either liberal or conservative, capitalist or communist, Christian or Satanist... these people are insane!


Admiral Obvious
And Mcdonalds can not be considered gluttony in its self. Its the person who chooses food as a comfort and overeats alot. Without Mcdonalds many will still suffer from such.
And McDonald's was not the point.
The assumption of over eating was the point.
Now since there are people who believe that gluttony is a sin, it should be illegal for any one over weight to eat at McDonald's.

Care to try again?

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
I havn't taken a single action, even in voting, to prevent gays from anything. I'm not determined to see that they don't get anything, I don't even think it's possible at this point to prevent, but I still think it's immoral and have every right to hold that stance.

You're correct, you do have the right to hold that stance. You do not, however, have the right to make people listen to it, and neither does anyone else.

I am not "making a situation", either, but the Gay Agenda, is very much real. I've never heard anyone make that argument before to be completely honest, it's a little baffling that you could say that.

Why? There simply isn't a gay agenda. If you believe that there is, please describe it. BTW: being accepted as equal members of society does not count as an "agenda", unless you think there's also a "black agenda".

The places with the majority of these kinds of meetings and boards are government offices, and let's be honest here, how many government employees are actually working from 9-5? A lot of small talk and fraternization happens in offices, opinions contrary to my own are constantly expressed, I can express my own as well.

And you're free to do so, as is everyone else, provided that such opinions do not offend any of your co-workers or go against the policies of the organisation for which you work. You do not have the right to offend people in your workplace, because it's not a public forum, it's a workplace.

I don't hate gay people, which I know is shocking and unbelievable to you. One of my favorite managers is gay, however, he comes to work in slacks and doesn't talk about a husband or try to shove his worldview in anyone's face. It's people who are dramatic and obnoxious about every little thing and protected in doing so that are annoying.

It's only as annoying as the fact that your right to believe that gay people are immoral is equally well defended.

If an Evangelical Christian came up to you to prosthelytize to you at work, wouldn't you find that extremely inappropriate?

Of course I would, but I very much doubt that you have to endure having gay people coming up to you telling you to be gay. If you do, you're being sexually harassed and there are protections in place for that.


Admiral Obvious

The definition of marriage used to be "one man and one woman". The gays have gotten that definition changed...at least in most on-line dictionaries.....

....but not in most minds.

Mine included.
And before your preferred definition of marriage, marriage was defined simply as a legal contract between two people.


Bring about world peace
Libertarian socialism isn't really communism at all. I hate how narrow minded people in the US see things. It's either liberal or conservative, capitalist or communist, Christian or Satanist... these people are insane!

The problem is, they havn't declared themselves officially as anything except "anti-capitalists". However, the people within their groups that certainly appeared to be active and declared on their position (when I took a little visit to their camp grounds in D.C.) were the communists running around like decapitated chickens spewing their drivel. I havn't heard anyone describe themselves as a libertarian anything to be quite frank with you. I also havn't heard any of them (publicly) suggest a solution to capitalism, which of course leads one to believe they want a drastic, communist-like redistribution of wealth.

If you have more concise information about their exact motivations, please link it, I would love to read it.

What a load of Bull ****.
I find it most interesting how people make this claim for everyone simply because they are unable to do it.

Well generally, Christians who are against masturbation use that quote as foundation. Also the one about spilling the seed upon the ground and angering the lord.


I do not understand what you are saying here.

He's saying the Church would more or less not care if gays just wanted to be gay. The problem arises with their demand for legal marriage.

Btw you are still my favorite troll.


Admiral Obvious
Well generally, Christians who are against masturbation use that quote as foundation. Also the one about spilling the seed upon the ground and angering the lord.
And they are still merely attributing their own inability to masturbate without lusting onto everyone else.

Yes, the Onan story does show a serious lack of reading comprehension by those who want it to mean "No Masturbating".

He's saying the Church would more or less not care if gays just wanted to be gay. The problem arises with their demand for legal marriage.
As if religion has any hold/ownership/copyright on marriage, legal or otherwise.
They tried the same thing over inter-racial marriage.
Even using the exact same bull **** "reasons".

Perhaps one day they will be able to present a legitimate legal reason to ban same sex marriage.
But I am not holding my breathe.

Btw you are still my favorite troll.
Thank you.
I think...


Agnostic Theist
Its lusting.

In my life, I have never once heard of such a thing. Masterbate without lust? Impossible, and you know it. There must be some kind of sexual thought which stimulates everything to get "going".

As to, with an image of their wife? Yes that is a lusting after her.
There does not need to be a sexual thought.

And lusting isn't a sin. You're taking what Jesus said out of context. He says if you lust over a woman, you are committing adultery in your heart. If I lust over my wife, I'm not committing adultery. She is my wife.


Bring about world peace
You're correct, you do have the right to hold that stance. You do not, however, have the right to make people listen to it, and neither does anyone else.
I don't go around telling everyone I don't believe in gay rights, but preemptively having my company tell me it's mandatory that I do believe in them is absurd.

Why? There simply isn't a gay agenda. If you believe that there is, please describe it. BTW: being accepted as equal members of society does not count as an "agenda", unless you think there's also a "black agenda".
a list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon, etc.: "The chairman says we have a lengthy agenda this afternoon."
(Agenda | Define Agenda at Dictionary.com)

There was a Black Agenda, I just don't have a problem with that. There is also a Catholic Agenda. All it means is "plan", though it generally suggests more organization.

And you're free to do so, as is everyone else, provided that such opinions do not offend any of your co-workers or go against the policies of the organisation for which you work. You do not have the right to offend people in your workplace, because it's not a public forum, it's a workplace.

Freedom of speech offends a lot of people, it is never my goal to do so, but when did it become illegal? Getting fired from a job is offensive, they seem to apply the golden rule in that instance don't they?

It's only as annoying as the fact that your right to believe that gay people are immoral is equally well defended.

No one has rights or the lack there of to believe anything, only to express their beliefs; believing in and of itself is still an intangible, cognitive process (though thought scans may not be far off!). That being said, my ability to express my beliefs is actually not well protected at all, and thus, I keep them to myself outside of these forums and my circle of friends.

Of course I would, but I very much doubt that you have to endure having gay people coming up to you telling you to be gay. If you do, you're being sexually harassed and there are protections in place for that.

Gay guys tend to make passes at anything with a male genitalia, I have had this happen before and sexual harassment reports filed by men are rarely taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
There seems to be no clear concensus on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. But even if it is, it's just one in a long list of sins. So why, pray tell, does homosexuality get all the attention? Why aren't some of these other sins the subject of hot debate? Here's your chance to give them the equal time they deserve.

For example, slothfulness. Why does nobody picket our soldier's funerals with signs that say "God hates lazy people"?

Or gluttony. Can an over-eater really be a Christian if he/she doesn't repent from being a glutton? In terms of sin, what makes MacDonald's any different than a gay bath-house? Except for the whole drive-through part, I mean...

And why should narcissists and arrogant people have the right to get married? Don't tell me those guys don't have an agenda! If we let them have their way, pretty soon everyone will be stuck-up. When your kids start getting arrogant and thinking only of themselves, don't come crying to me.

And what about lying? That one's a biggie; it even has it's own commandment. Remember, many Christmases ago, when you told your grandma you loved the sweater she knitted for you, even though you actually hated it? Well...good luck in hell. At least you won't be alone there; everyone who's ever held a political office will be there with you. Except for those nice Tea Party folks. They can't tell lies....they're conservatives.

So this thread is dedicated to all of you who ever wanted to voice your disgust at some of those lesser mentioned sins. A prideful person doesn't have the "ick" factor that some gay guy might, but at least his sin is actually mentioned in scripture.

So, to all you prideful, slothful, arrogant, conceited, gluttonous, dishonest gossip-mongers, read this thread at your own risk....the butt that gets handed to you might be your own.

And to those of you who have a beef with the above....release the hounds.

Homosexuallity in the Bible pertains to the holiness and purity laws of the Jews.

Uncleanness is not sins, as anyone can read about in the scriptures if they LOOK.

Sins are western Christianities laws. If yer a Christian follow YOUR Christian laws as Jews follow THEIR Jewish Laws.


Agnostic Theist
Sitting there and telling homosexuals they have to live a loveless celibate life if they want to be Christians is beyond hypocrisy. How many people that advocate such follow Paul's edict of it is better not to be married at all and remain celibate?
However, Paul also says that if you must marry, marry. It may be better to remain celibate, but not necessary. So it is different.

I think it is better just for people to realize that Paul is not always a good guide for moral and ethics. He was writing in a different time and place.


Admiral Obvious
Its lusting.

In my life, I have never once heard of such a thing. Masterbate without lust? Impossible, and you know it. There must be some kind of sexual thought which stimulates everything to get "going".

As to, with an image of their wife? Yes that is a lusting after her.
Thus far all you have done is reinforced the fact that you are unable to masturbate without having inappropriate thoughts of others.

Or perhaps you are looking for choir members?


Agnostic Theist
You mean the Christian hypocrites that molest children?
This is a problem. Yes, some priest molest children. Those priests deserve that heat and backlash that they get. It simply is not defendable what they did.

However, the vast majority of priests had nothing to do with such things. To lump them all together simply is foolish, and a major injustice. Especially considering that there are some very good priests out there.