If i want to become a member of a country club, i have to abide by their rules and regulations.
If I want to deposit my money in a bank, I have to accept their fee structure.
If I want to become a doctor, I have to pass the same exams as everyone else.
Im sorry that the standards found in the bible are not to your liking, but we are all bound by the same standards and laws and no one is forcing anyone to abide by them. Everyone has the choice and if its not your cup of tea then you dont have to drink it. The door swings both ways...in and out.
Well, the problem being that your co-religionist jerks ARE trying to force everyone to live by YOUR standards. To use your analogy, your co-religionists are trying to require lawyers, economists, football players and construction workers to pass the same exams as doctors by legislating that everyone must be a doctor, even if their job is to pour concrete.