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Homosexuality Research: Can or Can't Change


New Member
My question is that why does the past and current lifestyle of most gay people constitute of heavy drinking, drug abuse and in some cases the men actually are well known womanizers before they move on to men for pleasure. Could it be de-sensitization with women? teamed with a liberal overdose of the normal phenomenon and increasing exposure to newer ideas of satisfaction , no matter where they led to?

As for women, there is a strong tendency for leaning towards the same sex AFTER they have been not treated well, abused, hurt repeatedly by their male boyfriends or have suffered being battered by their abusive parents/ elder siblings (brothers mostly) and husbands. Is it that women find women 'safer' for relationships after they have been hurt too much by men?
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Ninja Master
My question is that why does the past and current lifestyle of most gay people constitute of heavy drinking, drug abuse and in some cases the men actually are well known womanizers before they move on to men for pleasure. Could it be de-sensitization with women? teamed with a liberal overdose of the normal phenomenon and increasing exposure to newer ideas of satisfaction , no matter where they led to?

I know one gay guy for whom this was the pattern. He had sexual relationships with women in high school, and then moved to homosexuality later. He now claims he was always homosexual, which I don't really have grounds to dispute.

On the other hand, my brother told us he was gay, but told us that didn't mean he would abandon his values, because he still believed extra-marital sex, alcohol, etc. were wrong. He gradually dropped each of these beliefs until today he lives with a dude, drinks, etc.

I think it would be terrific to sit down with hundreds of gay guys and record their experience and compare the data, but I don't think it would be terrific to assume that all gay men are like each gay man.

As for women, there is a strong tendency for leaning towards the same sex AFTER they have been not treated well, abused, hurt repeatedly by their male boyfriends or have suffered being battered by their abusive parents/ elder siblings (brothers mostly). Is it that women find women 'safer' for relationships after they have been hurt too much by men?

From what I've read, this is the theory among many psychologists regarding lesbianism.


Intentionally Blank
My question is that why does the past and current lifestyle of most gay people constitute of heavy drinking, drug abuse and in some cases the men actually are well known womanizers before they move on to men for pleasure. Could it be de-sensitization with women? teamed with a liberal overdose of the normal phenomenon and increasing exposure to newer ideas of satisfaction , no matter where they led to?

As for women, there is a strong tendency for leaning towards the same sex AFTER they have been not treated well, abused, hurt repeatedly by their male boyfriends or have suffered being battered by their abusive parents/ elder siblings (brothers mostly). Is it that women find women 'safer' for relationships after they have been hurt too much by men?


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
First of all, I doubt there is much work available on this topic for study, and second of all, I'm heterosexual, and I don't feel it's impossible for me to be gay. If I wanted to, I believe I could have sexual experiences with men, and if I did so regularly, or fantasized regularly about it, it might become my preference. So the claim is different. I know there is initial disgust among heterosexual guys at the thought of being gay (I still don't like the idea of it) but based on experiences I've had, I think I could get past that if it was somehow emotionally satisfying to me.

You may want to consider the possibility that you're a repressed homosexual.


New Member
I know one gay guy for whom this was the pattern. He had sexual relationships with women in high school, and then moved to homosexuality later. He now claims he was always homosexual, which I don't really have grounds to dispute.

On the other hand, my brother told us he was gay, but told us that didn't mean he would abandon his values, because he still believed extra-marital sex, alcohol, etc. were wrong. He gradually dropped each of these beliefs until today he lives with a dude, drinks, etc.
Forgot to mention , that most gay men have lacked a powerful, inspiring and affectionate male figure in their lives ( a missing father or a highly unpleasant one etc). Offcorse , different people have different stories.

AND the aspect of psychology which deals with ' reinforcement of negative behaviours as acceptable by some communities' hereby dictating a said , unusual pattern of seeking satisfaction where it is unexplored before, out of sheer curiosity.

Pornograhpy highly playing the defining role of influencing people's personal sexual preferences . Most people refer to 'newer ways of sexual activity' (homosexuality) out of sheer curiosity, becoming addicted to it later on as is the pattern with all said 'religiously or cuturally prohibited behaviours and substances'.

Sex addiction, and homosexuality have been observed to have arisen from the same roots, both hint massively at the sexual nature of these behaviours than anything else, and (most cases) are highly linked to pyschological disorders, (of some sorts) why is that so?


Ninja Master
Forgot to mention , that most gay men have lacked a powerful, inspiring and affectionate male figure in their lives ( a missing father or a highly unpleasant one etc). Offcorse , different people have different stories.

AND the aspect of psychology which deals with ' reinforcement of negative behaviours as acceptable by some communities' hereby dictating a said , unusual pattern of seeking satisfaction where it is unexplored before, out of sheer curiosity.

Pornograhpy highly playing the defining role of influencing people's personal sexual preferences . Most people refer to 'newer ways of sexual activity' (homosexuality) out of sheer curiosity, becoming addicted to it later on as is the pattern with all said 'religiously or cuturally prohibited behaviours and substances'.

Sex addiction, and homosexuality have been observed to have arisen from the same roots, both hint massively at the sexual nature of these behaviours than anything else, and (most cases) are highly linked to pyschological disorders, (of some sorts) why is that so?

I am interested in sources for these claims.

The only one repeated in the things I've read so far is the theory that an emotionally distant father is a common thread among gay men in their childhood. My brother fits this category, but then, so do I. Our father is not very emotionally expressive or affectionate, and was frequently away from the home for work and other activities.


Ninja Master
Welp. Since I haven't gotten the kind of response I've been looking for here, I'll be doing a full research paper on the subject citing academic sources for my English class. When I'm done I should have sufficient experience and understanding to bring balance to any discussion on the subject.


Veteran Member
Welp. Since I haven't gotten the kind of response I've been looking for here, I'll be doing a full research paper on the subject citing academic sources for my English class. When I'm done I should have sufficient experience and understanding to bring balance to any discussion on the subject.
Just remember to remain objective. Good luck.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
AND the aspect of psychology which deals with ' reinforcement of negative behaviours as acceptable by some communities' hereby dictating a said , unusual pattern of seeking satisfaction where it is unexplored before, out of sheer curiosity.
Before you continue, you are debating a psych major. I'll only say that your post couldn't be further from the truth. Plenty of gay men have/had a strong and positive male role model influence. Actually the APA has stated that it really doesn't matter what gender your parents are, two men, two women, or one man one woman, it doesn't make a difference. Although a recent study did show that children of lesbian parents are less likely to have behavioral problems.
And porn doesn't define your sexuality. Generally you tend to look for porn that fits the sexuality that you know you are, or to look if you are curious. I know one girl who loves giving fellatio, but she doesn't like watching porn videos of it.
And sex and/or porn addiction is another issue. It has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'll be doing a full research paper on the subject citing academic sources for my English class.
Wish I could help, but you are most likely going to have to pay for any academic sources online. Or if you have a friend who is in college that has a database for it's students to use you could find stuff that way. If not then a library is going to be your best bet.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Better yet. What's your email and I can email you the few pages one of my text books mentions about the development of sexual orientation and the citation for it (APA format). You will need a program to zoom in on the pages though.
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Ninja Master
Wish I could help, but you are most likely going to have to pay for any academic sources online. Or if you have a friend who is in college that has a database for it's students to use you could find stuff that way. If not then a library is going to be your best bet.

No worries. I'm in college. I have access to said databases.


What's your point?
Forgot to mention , that most gay men have lacked a powerful, inspiring and affectionate male figure in their lives ( a missing father or a highly unpleasant one etc). Offcorse , different people have different stories.

AND the aspect of psychology which deals with ' reinforcement of negative behaviours as acceptable by some communities' hereby dictating a said , unusual pattern of seeking satisfaction where it is unexplored before, out of sheer curiosity.

Pornograhpy highly playing the defining role of influencing people's personal sexual preferences . Most people refer to 'newer ways of sexual activity' (homosexuality) out of sheer curiosity, becoming addicted to it later on as is the pattern with all said 'religiously or cuturally prohibited behaviours and substances'.

Sex addiction, and homosexuality have been observed to have arisen from the same roots, both hint massively at the sexual nature of these behaviours than anything else, and (most cases) are highly linked to pyschological disorders, (of some sorts) why is that so?

I cannot agree with you on this point. I know some gay men and they have excellent role models for fathers. Both loving and affectionate. Example, I have a 2 gay cousins. Their fathers were great role models. One of them came from a family of 6, 3 boys and 3 girls and only one of the boys is gay. The other 2 boys, 2 girls and only one of the boys is gay. In fact, he and his partner have been together for almost 40 years now. My cousin, was a highly respected member in the educational field and recived countless awards. He mentored hundreds of students, who are now highly successful in their own field.

Do Heterosexual people make a choice to be heterosexual? I am not inclined to be gay, I am heterosexual and its not a choice, its my basic biological function.

Just as someone who is gay, they are programmed that way they can't change who they are.

Being gay is not a disease, it can't be cured. Its not a disorder of any kind.

To say so, then being heterosexual is a disorder as well.
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