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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Intentionally Blank
Right I mean if you think about it hard..it completely makes sense why it woud be "forbidden"..or a "perversion"..Because to their knowledge at the time..homosexuality was not a "natural" occurence or state of sexual orientation that you were born with.Therefore if you engaged in homosexual acts it had to be rebellion by a heterosexual and "against" God..Because there was no such thing as "a homosexual"..only "homosexual acts".




Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
That totally sounds like the writer thought these were not natural for these people, assuming that everyone is heterosexual.

There are some modern Christians who assert this, that no one is born gay, everyone is naturally heterosexual, so homosexuality is unnatural. Maybe this is what people mean when they unthinkingly call homosexuality unnatural? Anyway I think that bad man, James Dobson, takes this position.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
the bigot is back. actually i never left. just wanted to see who'd bite the bullet. and you two did.:yes:

i wonder how many other theists besides killer whale are itching to get in on this. but practice self-restraint, knowing they wont get anywhere.

oh, and by the way, the BIBLE still condemns HOMOSEXUALITY. :faint:

you can try to vaguely define the word "love" as including homosexuality(which includes lesbianism by the way, since the word homosexual has nothing do do with any specific gender) but at the end of the day, any homo-christian knows deep down in his/her heart that are wasting their time, because if the christian god really exists, he will send them to hell either way.

so really, i fail to see the logic of proud practicing homosexual christians. its kind of like a duck joining a group of geese thinking if he spends enough time around them, he will eventually turn into a goose.
You're not gay, you're not Christian... really, why the hell do you care?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Call me a masochist, but I have to ask: why? Who is it hurting (assuming all parties are consenting adults)?

As to the OP.. No one is beign hurt ..as long as they arent hurting each other.Except for the fact that other people will try and hurt them ..that hate them even though they arent hurting each other.(or anybody else)




Intentionally Blank
oh, and by the way, the BIBLE still condemns HOMOSEXUALITY. :faint:
This is an assertion, and for you to support.

you can try to vaguely define the word "love" as including homosexuality
Of course "love" includes same-sex love, by definition.
(which includes lesbianism by the way, since the word homosexual has nothing do do with any specific gender)
The word "homosexual" doesn't appear in the Bible, chris. Think about it, the Bible was written in ancient Hebrew, Koine Greek, and Aramaic, none of which have a word for homosexual.
but at the end of the day, any homo-christian knows deep down in his/her heart that are wasting their time, because if the christian god really exists, he will send them to hell either way.
The thousands of gay Christians would disagree with you.

so really, i fail to see the logic of proud practicing homosexual christians. its kind of like a duck joining a group of geese thinking if he spends enough time around them, he will eventually turn into a goose.
Well, remember that the word "Christian" encompasses several different religions.


Depends Upon My Mood..
There are some modern Christians who assert this, that no one is born gay, everyone is naturally heterosexual, so homosexuality is unnatural. Maybe this is what people mean when they unthinkingly call homosexuality unnatural? Anyway I think that bad man, James Dobson, takes this position.

This has been disproven (everyone is born hetero).Experts do not dispute it.(some of them Christian).

To hang on to that "belief" for what purpose I do not know why.It makes no sense to me for people to keep fighing aganst it..fighting against a truth which frees people from "bondage" and suffering is certaintly not Christ like.


allright guys, here let me make a claim.

I AM A SATANIST CHRISTIAN. now, going by your logic that would make sense because love encompasses everyhting,

even the love for satan is a type of love.........

and therefore SATANIST CHRISTIANS are legitimate, especially in GOD'S eyes...........


..because,,,, ammm amm well, god is love and love includes all types of love and so everything goes.

very good logic indeed.


Well-Known Member
the bigot is back. actually i never left. just wanted to see who'd bite the bullet. and you two did.:yes:

i wonder how many other theists besides killer whale are itching to get in on this. but practice self-restraint, knowing they wont get anywhere.

oh, and by the way, the BIBLE still condemns HOMOSEXUALITY. :faint:

you can try to vaguely define the word "love" as including homosexuality(which includes lesbianism by the way, since the word homosexual has nothing do do with any specific gender) but at the end of the day, any homo-christian knows deep down in his/her heart that are wasting their time, because if the christian god really exists, he will send them to hell either way.

so really, i fail to see the logic of proud practicing homosexual christians. its kind of like a duck joining a group of geese thinking if he spends enough time around them, he will eventually turn into a goose.
ALL Christians pick and choose from the Bible, Cris. Why can't you see that? How many Christian wives are submitting to their husbands like in Ephesians? How many Christians have given away everything they own? How many even tithe? Just because they do not take a Fundamentalist approach does not mean they are not Christians. There are many kinds of Christians.


Depends Upon My Mood..
the bigot is back. actually i never left. just wanted to see who'd bite the bullet. and you two did.:yes:

i wonder how many other theists besides killer whale are itching to get in on this. but practice self-restraint, knowing they wont get anywhere.

oh, and by the way, the BIBLE still condemns HOMOSEXUALITY. :faint:

you can try to vaguely define the word "love" as including homosexuality(which includes lesbianism by the way, since the word homosexual has nothing do do with any specific gender) but at the end of the day, any homo-christian knows deep down in his/her heart that are wasting their time, because if the christian god really exists, he will send them to hell either way.

so really, i fail to see the logic of proud practicing homosexual christians. its kind of like a duck joining a group of geese thinking if he spends enough time around them, he will eventually turn into a goose.

I think you are a sad angry person.Who has no one to love you.You seem to take delight in being very hateful.You are seeking attention.You couldnt be more obvious "brother/or /sister".

So ..I love you..whether you want me to or not..You need to take a deep breath..(IMHO) and relax a bit.Otherwise ..you are going to burn an ulcer in your stomach..or have a stroke.




Depends Upon My Mood..
allright guys, here let me make a claim.

I AM A SATANIST CHRISTIAN. now, going by your logic that would make sense because love encompasses everyhting,

even the love for satan is a type of love.........

and therefore SATANIST CHRISTIANS are legitimate, especially in GOD'S eyes...........


..because,,,, ammm amm well, god is love and love includes all types of love and so everything goes.

very good logic indeed.

Satan is a metaphor (IMHO) for hate..

And you are correct..You could possibly "love to hate"..Seems as if you do.

In order to be a Christian..you "avoid " hate.So if you love hate?? I dont know what to tell you.It certaintly isnt a Christian virtue.

But homosexuals are not "hate" they are people.Loving them is not loving hate.Therefore they arent equivelent to loving satan.So you cant compare the two.And its quite sick that you did.


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Depends Upon My Mood..
i wonder how many other theists besides killer whale are itching to get in on this. but practice self-restraint, knowing they wont get anywhere.

Good..they need to stay in the shadows..Where they belong..Loving satan.And I wouldnt deem it "self restraint" either..that is a positive virtue.I would deem it cowardness..But either way..its good they slink in the shadows knowing they won't "get anywhere".Satan ye get behind me..


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Intentionally Blank
allright guys, here let me make a claim.

I AM A SATANIST CHRISTIAN. now, going by your logic that would make sense because love encompasses everyhting,

even the love for satan is a type of love.........

and therefore SATANIST CHRISTIANS are legitimate, especially in GOD'S eyes...........


..because,,,, ammm amm well, god is love and love includes all types of love and so everything goes.

very good logic indeed.

cris: before embarking on new arguments, manners and prudence suggest that you respond to many valid rebuttals to your existing arguments. Several people have pointed out flaws in your argument, such as for example, that you cite Leviticus, but Christians do not follow Leviticus, and have a Biblical argument for why they don't.

Or, to use me as an example, I have pointed out that lesbianism is not in fact prohibited in the Bible. Your only response to that argument, that the word "homosexual" includes lesbians, made no sense, since the word "homosexual" doesn't appear in the Bible. Unless you're trying to say that in the Bible, the word "man" includes women, so that women are regarded as equals to men?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
allright guys, here let me make a claim.

I AM A SATANIST CHRISTIAN. now, going by your logic that would make sense because love encompasses everyhting,

even the love for satan is a type of love.........

and therefore SATANIST CHRISTIANS are legitimate, especially in GOD'S eyes...........


..because,,,, ammm amm well, god is love and love includes all types of love and so everything goes.

very good logic indeed.

I have to say that, in all honesty, your posts have all of the impact of a third grader that has just found a new word that they think is "dirty".

... without the polish of a third graders intellect.
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