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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Do heteros flaunt their sexuality? :p Some OBNOXIOUS people, maybe.... but then again... I think anyone who flaunts themselves for something so pointless is pretty stupid. :)
No, my point more was that, on the whole, we don't do anything differently than straight people do in public, i.e. hold hands, kiss, hug, talk about our loved one... but when we do it we're accused of "flaunting" our sexuality in the faces of straight people. It was the double standard I was trying to point out.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
oh, but she can think and believe what she wants. its all fine by me
Apparently it isn't, as evidenced by you going on for several pages about how her beliefs bother you.

im just pointing out that by approving of homosexuality she is not true god fearing, bible loving christian.

she can make herself believe she is, but it still wont change reality.
Not all Christians are Sola Scriptura, literalist, Biblical inerrantists. In fact, very few of them are. And you certainly don't have to be one to be a Christian. In fact, you ignore the actual beliefs of the majority of Christians in the world when you do so. You've based your argument on a caricature of Christianity.

lol. if god, left it at that broad description, then fine, i would not object.
Ah... So now, not only do you know that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, you know how God interprets it? Some agnostic.

but god, through the bible CLEARLY condemns homosexuality saying it is an abomination!
All right... Since you think it's so clear, tell me: who is the "you" in that Leviticus passage? Is it just Temple priests? Is it the people of Israel? Is it everyone? The passage was written with a particular audience in mind - it's directed right to that audience, in fact... But who is the intended audience, and why do you think this?

And as a bonus question, if the passage condemning male homosexuality is not part of the "written code" and the "old law" that was nullified by Christ's sacrifice according to Rom. 7 and Col. 2, exactly what was included, and why does this not include your passage?

show me where god approves of homo/bi sexuality..... SHOW ME!. i have brought forth my evidence"verse" you have yet to disprove it. simply give me a verse that contradicts my verse, and well call it a tie. give me two, and you win. till then. have a good one
I already did. If you can't understand it, I don't know what more I can do to help you, besides doing a refresher on what you should've learned about sets in grade school math.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm sure Killer Whale sincerely believes in the narrowness of the path and the exclusivity of Heaven. That's the nature of religion, particularly those of the Abrahamic tradition. Each considers its own, particular doctrine and holy writings correct, and any others, necessarily, incorrect.
Calling someone a bigot for honestly expressing his/her views is not going to accomplish anything. A person attacked hardens his views and digs in his heels, and no productive exchange occurrs.


Guardian of Asgaard
I'm sure Killer Whale sincerely believes in the narrowness of the path and the exclusivity of Heaven. That's the nature of religion, particularly those of the Abrahamic tradition. Each considers its own, particular doctrine and holy writings correct, and any others, necessarily, incorrect.
Calling someone a bigot for honestly expressing his/her views is not going to accomplish anything. A person attacked hardens his views and digs in his heels, and no productive exchange occurrs.

Perhaps we should all go burn down a church? Sure it won't stop narrow-mindedness but it will give the emergency services some work..... :angel2: Then after that we can go let some lab monkeys out of a cage and tick off all those atheists?


Veteran Member
I'm sure Killer Whale sincerely believes in the narrowness of the path and the exclusivity of Heaven. That's the nature of religion, particularly those of the Abrahamic tradition. Each considers its own, particular doctrine and holy writings correct, and any others, necessarily, incorrect.
Calling someone a bigot for honestly expressing his/her views is not going to accomplish anything. A person attacked hardens his views and digs in his heels, and no productive exchange occurrs.
I see nothing wrong with expressing my views regarding someone's bigotry. I'm not thinking KillerWhale is interested in a productive exchange or I wouldn't have said what I said. If his subsequent posts become a bit kinder, I'll be the first to shake his hand.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
if that were true, then why jesus? whats the point?
Exactly, cris. What is the point? As an agnostic, I am openly stating that I don't "get it". As a self proclaimed agnostic, you are admitting that you don't "get it".

The fact that we are on the outside looking in precludes us from having any say (whatsoever) in how people that do embrace Christianity label, view, comport, and define themselves.

If (when) any of the Christians on this site decide to tell all of us what agnostics or atheists believe, we jump all over them - as we should. They do not define us - we do.

It isn't up to you to tell others what their belief system is or says.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Personally, I find homosexuals sick, and do my best to avoid them, I'm even uncomfortable with them with a TV screen in between.

Normally, I find intolerant, proseletyzing conversation to be a bore, but somehow, I feel certain that you will be the one person that will elevate it to a more palatable level.

Then again, maybe not.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
You know, you never see cris and killer together at the same time........

LOL - one bigot leaves the room (after being banned), and a new one walks in the front door - in the same thread, no less!

What do you want to bet that they share the same pair of tights on their superhero uniform?

I'm surprised that he didn't reincarnate himself as "joetheseeker".


Depends Upon My Mood..
clearly she is pro homo/bi sexuality.

I prefer to call myself anti-hatred against peoples that just want the freedom to love whom they choose "naturally" same as I have.)p.s Im sure that will damn me to hell.


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Intentionally Blank
so let me get this straight. you guys actually believe that christianity and the bible approves and supports homosexuality?

It's not what I believe. The fact is that a book of several thousand pages, containing hundreds of commandments, commandments about what not to eat, what not to wear, and many commandments about exactly whom not to have sex with, does not anywhere prohibit lesbian sex. That's just the facts, not my opinion. In the entire Bible, both testaments, lesbian sex is mentioned once, by Paul, in a story about how God punished some disbelievers (by making them engage in it.) That's it.

As for male homosexuality, what I really think? It's not very clear. There are serious translation problems, and problems about comparing one culture to another. I don't think anyone knows for sure. Leviticus seems to be prohibiting something, but the literal words are something like "man sex man woman bed not abomination," so we can't be sure exactly what is prohibited there, it may or not mean gay sex. That doesn't matter, though, because no Christians follow Leviticus, so we can disregard that. In other places, the word is "arsenekoi" (koine Greek) and the experts tell me that what is probably meant is ritual male temple prostitution. That makes sense to me as the kind of thing the Hebrews would want to prohibit, as they were all about distinguishing themselves from the surrounding religions. It certainly doesn't seem to have been a concern for Jesus, who never mentioned it.

Ancient Judaism was very concerned with purity taboos, and distinguishing Jews from non-Jews. The possible prohibition against male homosexuality was an example of this. Christianity is not concerned with that, and so discarded those taboos, including that one. Modern Christians who insist on it are distorting their Bible and doctrine, IMO.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
so let me get this straight. you guys actually believe that christianity and the bible approves and supports homosexuality?

Christianity supports love.

To fight against and try to restrict/prohibit a persons loving nature is anti-Christian.




Intentionally Blank
First post here:

Okay, the thing i hate most about forums are ones you enter when they're already 5+ pages long (in this case 33). I'll just say this before I continue reading:
What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be mislead. Neither fornicators, not idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. - The first of the Corinthians, chapter six, verses nine and ten. (Bible)
What about women?

Why should non-Christians be concerned with Christian doctrine? What does it have to do with us?

Personally, I find homosexuals sick, and do my best to avoid them, I'm even uncomfortable with them with a TV screen in between.
Don't worry about it, we feel the same way about you.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Why should non-Christians be concerned with Christian doctrine? What does it have to do with us?
As long as Christian doctrine forms a part of supposedly secular laws and public policy, it has a fair bit to do with everyone... though not in the way that Killer Whale is implying.


Depends Upon My Mood..
im just pointing out her hypocrisy of supporing homosexuality and being a christian at the same time.

What would make me a hypocrite is condemning others only for wanting what I have been given and enjoy myself.


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Depends Upon My Mood..
im just pointing out that by approving of homosexuality she is not true god fearing, bible loving christian.

she can make herself believe she is, but it still wont change reality.

Its not about "approval".Its about recognizing the truth.And I am of the belief that God created homosexuals just the way they are.That they are His beloved children equally as I am. With the same capacity for love. The God given need to give and recieve it.And your right..I dont "love the Bible"..The Bible is a book with words in it that Im trying to gleen lessons out of not follow like a rule book letter by letter like a check list of chores to be done.And Jesus is my example.Its His spirit I try and follow.And no I dont "fear" God not in the sense He's going to punish me if Im bad or wrong about something.I fear that if I dont listen..I might hurt myself or someone else and that is what He wants me to avoid.And I know one thing for sure..God did not seat me at His right hand..to approve or dissprove of his creations.All I can try and do is "discern" as best I can.And here we are talking about my fellow brothers and sisters..who are only asking to love ..and to be who God created them.They are begging people to stop hating them and judging them..and slamming the door in their faces simply for being who they are ..Over some rule written in the Bible 2,000 years ago before homosexualtiy by nature was even recognized..

Its not about a "rule"..its about the spirit of Christ's love and God's grace for us.That I am supposed to try and understand ..and then mimic as closely as possible with all my faults and imperfections and ignorance working against me.What I fear is myself not God.And that is what I need to pay attention to and work on.And one of the things I can do..is love others..and treat them how I want to be treated.Which isnt always easy. And which I have often failed at.But not in the case of homosexuals(in general) as I sit here today.Today that is easy.


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