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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Admiral Obvious
Who made up the rule that Christianity has to be based on the Bible? Who made up the rule that Christians have to believe the Bible? Christians are very diverse -- though not sufficiently accepting of diversity to make Christianity worth my time.
Furthermore, who made up the rule that cristheseeker's opinions of what the Bible says is the way that Christians have to interpret it?
I grew up christian and have two different translations of the book. (as well as numerous other religious works.)

I let Christians define what being a christian is... not those who claim to have moral superiority over them and know their faith better than they do.

You might give it a try... you find Christians to be a varied and interesting bunch... even if you don't agree with them.


the definition of christianity, judaism, islam is not up to christians,jews, muslims to figure out or interpret as they wish. it is entirely up to the god they worship. and that definition is found in the holy books(inspired by those certain gods).

im not speaking for any god, im speaking based on the holy books of those certain religions. i simply point out facts/teachings as they appear in those books. im not saying they are right, or wrong. in fact, i dont give a ratt's behind.

but when a christian speaks out AGAINST one of the teachings IN THEIR OWN HOLYBOOK. i point out the hypocrisy.....i point out that they are not true christians.

a gay christian is not a true christian.

its like a lilly white man claiming to be 100% african american.

now, please, stop the insults, im crying my eyes out:sad4:

why are you so mean to me? baaaaaah baaaaaah.tissue please.:rolleyes:
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Veteran Member

I'm a bit confused because you claim to hold the definition of a true Christian yet your religion is listed as agnostic. What's that all about?

I'm a bit confused because you claim to hold the definition of a true Christian yet your religion is listed as agnostic. What's that all about?

one does not have to be of a certain religion to understand the basic principles of that religion, especially when they are clearly listed clear as day in the holy book that certain religion is based on.

one does not have to be a medical doctor to diagnose a broken leg.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
homosexuality has nothing to do with anyones, but god's point of view.
That's the same god who you aren't sure exists, right?

if you are a christian you accept god's teachings. you dont pick and choose.
Of course you pick and choose. You're doing it right now by deciding that Leviticus supercedes Romans 7, Romans 8, Colossians 2, 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4:16... and that's just the bits that come immediately to mind.

i have heared numerous christians define sin as " ANYTHING AGAINST THE WILL OF GOD". so whatever god says is moral. whatever he condemns is immoral. if god says "go kill your kids" a true christian has no choice but to obey, because if he does not, it is considered immoral and a SIN
Sheesh... so, not only have you come up with the definitive definition of what Christians must believe for them to be "true" Christians, you've also decreed that the Euthyphro Dilemma is solved.

a christian can not believe that homosexuality is a legitimate expression of love in god's "eyes" from the second god declared it an abomination. DUH!
And then set aside the law in which it was declared an abomination.

Isn't the key defining characteristic of a Christian that he or she has accepted the sacrifice of Christ? Well, according to the Bible, certain things go with accepting that sacrifice... being dead to the Old Law, for one.


Admiral Obvious
so you found a gay christian site and thats supposed to override the christian bible? what a strong argument. :)
With as often you jump to conclusions and the distance you have to go to to make your jumps, I suspect you don't have to exercise much.


Admiral Obvious
No kidding. Somethings never change. Which is exactly why I generally just play in the fluffy threads these days. :D
I haven't taken anything cristheseeker has posted in this thread for anything more than flamebait.

However, he rather ticked me off when he attacked Dallasapple by claiming to know her beliefs better than she did.


Done here.
one does not have to be of a certain religion to understand the basic principles of that religion
No, one doesn't. But one does have to actually understand, and a religion is what its adherents believe and do, not what you believe they must believe and do to be consistent.

especially when they are clearly listed clear as day in the holy book that certain religion is based on.
The notion that Christianity is based on the Bible is a particularly stupid notion, notwithstanding the fact that it's affirmed by a number of Christian sects representing a relatively small percentage of Christians.


Guardian of Asgaard
I haven't taken anything cristheseeker has posted in this thread for anything more than flamebait.

However, he rather ticked me off when he attacked Dallasapple by claiming to know her beliefs better than she did.

Perhaps he thinks all Christians are like those idiots who run around with signs saying god hates ****? Maybe he's seen what happens to Gays in Iran?

One thing is true though, a common conception of scripture is that Homosexuality is frowned upon in Christianity.
That's the same god who you aren't sure exists, right?..

correct, im agnostic. thanks for pointing that out a 5th time sherlock.

self proclaimed christians like dallas however do believe with absolute certainty that their god exists. and yet, somehow dallas thinks that her omniscient god wont notice her stance on homosexuality.

Of course you pick and choose. You're doing it right now by deciding that Leviticus supercedes Romans 7, Romans 8, Colossians 2, 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4:16... and that's just the bits that come immediately to mind..

show me where god personally approves of homosexuality anywhere in the bible. and ill admit defeat. heck, ill even appologize

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
you can say im trolling.
I've not only said it, I've reported it. I strongly urge the others in this thread to do the same.

still doesnt take away the fact that the bible IS AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY.
You have no moral authority on homosexuality, or any other issue.

now please, call me some more names, maybe, just maybe that will somehow change the words in the bible.
Still can't read, huh?
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