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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
so let me get this straight. you guys actually believe that christianity and the bible approves and supports homosexuality?

Some of us don't care what the Bible says (atheists, agnostics), some of us don't sit in judgement of others (some Christians, among other religions), and like you, some deem themselves as morally superior and competent to judge.

Those (like you) that judge will find little comfort for your bigotry and ignorance on this board.


Admiral Obvious
I'm just curious, cris. How is it that, as an agnostic, you feel that you have the authority to speak for the Christian God?
Careful, when I asked a question along these lines I was accused of spamming....:yes:

Ah... I see: you're making a straw man of what you think Christian belief should be, then criticizing her when she fails to meet the false standard you've set. Gotcha.
You give him more credit than do I.

so let me get this straight. you guys actually believe that christianity and the bible approves and supports homosexuality?
I am not trying to speak for the Biblical deity.
You have tried it more than once.

Something for you to ponder:
Depends on your point of view, I think...

homosexuality has nothing to do with anyones, but god's point of view. if you are a christian you accept god's teachings. you dont pick and choose. i have heared numerous christians define sin as " ANYTHING AGAINST THE WILL OF GOD". so whatever god says is moral. whatever he condemns is immoral. if god says "go kill your kids" a true christian has no choice but to obey, because if he does not, it is considered immoral and a SIN

The Bible certainly approves and supports love, so if you believe that homosexuality is one expression of love, I don't see why many Christians would have a problem with it..

a christian can not believe that homosexuality is a legitimate expression of love in god's "eyes" from the second god declared it an abomination. DUH!
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
Exactly! FINALLY! It's good to find someone who will not go against what the Bible says just because it may not fit with modern "liberal" morality. So many people try to have it both ways. They want to follow the parts of the Bible they like and ignore the commands they don't. Frubals to you, cristheseeker, for not being two-faced. (two-souled? :))

As you know, the Bible is crystal clear about how God feels about gay people and what the faithful are to do about it.
Leviticus 20:13
13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
The Bible says it is the duty of every follower of God to kill homosexuals. Some may feel guilty about this, but God is clear that "their blood will be on their own heads." God does not want these creatures to live and he has chosen Christians as the instrument of their destruction. Cris, I know you've sent a few of these homosexuals to the grave (and then to HELL!). Please, tell everyone how it feels to put one of them out of our misery. Tell them what it is like to truly follow God's commandments.
Cris claims to be agnostic. He's just claiming autority over Dallas' and all other Christians' beliefs.


Admiral Obvious
Cris claims to be agnostic. He's just claiming autority over Dallas' and all other Christians' beliefs.
Whatever you do, do not ask him how he is able to speak for the Biblical God.
Because doing so is spamming.:yes:


Admiral Obvious
then why do you speak of it? if you dont care, why do you quote and provide your own interpretation of it? all while giving me crap for quoting it? very hypocritical
You are rather fond of that word, hypocrite.

Wonder if you can see the hypocrisy in an agnostic claiming to speak for the Biblical deity....
lol, i could care less about authority, im just pointing out hypocrisy. and yes, i am a non-theist agnostic. maybe if i read the koran, in your ignorance and self righteousness youll accuse me of being muslim.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
More likely, you'd take it on yourself to tell Muslims what they're allowed to believe.
It's great to know that you have the one true definition of what at "true Christian" *(tm) is.


if you actually read the bible yourself, you would also know the true definition of christian.

its simple, if you accept the teachings of the bible (especially new testament) fully, you are a christian, if you choose to cherry pick and interpret whatever you feel is comfortable or convenient for you, you are not a christian.

if you are gay, as far as the christian god is concerned you might as well worship satan.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
lol, i could care less about authority, im just pointing out hypocrisy. and yes, i am a non-theist agnostic. maybe if i read the koran, in your ignorance and self righteousness youll accuse me of being muslim.
Ah, there is nothing quite like the hypocrite pointing out the hypocrisy of others.
And to accuse others of self-righteous ignorance too boot... It's like icing on the cake.


The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
then why do you speak of it? if you dont care, why do you quote and provide your own interpretation of it? all while giving me crap for quoting it myself? very hypocritical

You need to learn to read, cris. I don't quote the Bible. I don't go into threads that address the Bible's teachings, or interpretations. I am an avowed agnostic.

And unlike you, I don't presume to speak for a God in whom I do not believe.

I am beginning to think that you are nothing more than the troll that has been trying for the last few months to worm his way into this site.

Your posts are (without exception that I can discern) intended merely to provoke a hostile response. I can see no other reason that a true agnostic would presume to admonish a self proclaimed Christian on the application of their canon to their lifestyle.

Tell me I'm wrong, cris. Show me that you have a valid reason for this entire line of argument.

Tell me you aren't a troll, that has simply evolved into wearing a better sheepskin.


Admiral Obvious
if you actually read the bible yourself, you would also know the true definition of christian.

its simple, if you accept the teachings of the bible (especially new testament) fully, you are a christian, if you choose to cherry pick and interpret whatever you feel is comfortable or convenient for you, you are not a christian.

if you are gay, as far as the christian god is concerned you might as well worship satan.
And once again you not only show off your ignorance, but you again claim to speak for the Biblical deity.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
if you actually read the bible yourself, you would also know the true definition of christian.
I grew up christian and have two different translations of the book. (as well as numerous other religious works.)

I let Christians define what being a christian is... not those who claim to have moral superiority over them and know their faith better than they do.

You might give it a try... you find Christians to be a varied and interesting bunch... even if you don't agree with them.



Done here.
you can not be a christian and homo/bi sexual at the same time. read the bible(word of god) if you are a homosexual you would be wasting your time being christian.
And if you're heterosexual, too. However, I'm pretty sure that nobody died and made you god, and if there were a god you might be just as likely to go to hell as anybody -- for your hubris and your overweening presumption in judging others. I believe the Gospel according to John says that prerogative is reserved to Christ.


Done here.
its simple, if you accept the teachings of the bible (especially new testament) fully, you are a christian, if you choose to cherry pick and interpret whatever you feel is comfortable or convenient for you, you are not a christian.
Who made up the rule that Christianity has to be based on the Bible? Who made up the rule that Christians have to believe the Bible? Christians are very diverse -- though not sufficiently accepting of diversity to make Christianity worth my time.
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