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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Depends Upon My Mood..
You seem to be suffering under the misapprehension that being gay is about sex. It isn't, any more than marriage is.

This is the problem.Two homesexuals that are in a relationship ...the totality of that relationship is reduced in peoples minds to having sex together.

If Im engaged to a man..and I say ..here is my future husband...would someone say..OH ..so ya'll just want to have all kinds of sex together all the time..I see.So who is going to be on top?Or are ya'll going to take turns?

If I say Im "heterosexual"..sure that indicates that I have a sexual "preference" for the opposite sex..But would someone reply..So you have relationships with men so you can have sex with them...you just want to have sex with men?Why flaunt it?Why go around telling everybody you like sex with men.That isnt love..relationships are more than that.Why dont you keep your sexual life to your self.


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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Anybody who thinks that homosexual sex, specifically, is disgusting, apparently has never sat down in a public place and thought about the various heterosexual couples they see having sex.

Making love may be a beautiful thing between two people, but it is exceedingly rare for it to be anything close to beautiful to anybody else - homo or hetero.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Love is not infatuation or sex. Love is commitment, trust and respect.

Here again Bob..I dont understand how this is related to the topic.The question of this thread was not.."Is infatuation and sex the same thing as love and If not what is love".

Why are you eluding to and generalizing homosexual relationships as infatuation and sex..void of commitment trust and respect?




ThrUU the Looking Glass
Anybody who thinks that homosexual sex, specifically, is disgusting, apparently has never sat down in a public place and thought about the various heterosexual couples they see having sex.

Making love may be a beautiful thing between two people, but it is exceedingly rare for it to be anything close to beautiful to anybody else - homo or hetero.
I tend to agree, but the porn industry would belie it.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Anybody who thinks that homosexual sex, specifically, is disgusting, apparently has never sat down in a public place and thought about the various heterosexual couples they see having sex.

Making love may be a beautiful thing between two people, but it is exceedingly rare for it to be anything close to beautiful to anybody else - homo or hetero.

This is the truth.When I meet a couple(a man and a woman)..I dont start undressing them in my mind..and imagining them having sex together and thinking how fantasitcally beautiful they are together in my mind.

I dont imagine it in the first place..and if I did I would think I had a problem.




Depends Upon My Mood..
giving it a second thought, maybe i was a little harsh on homosexuality. theres actually some good to it. homosexuality actually does the human species a service. population control.

First of all..homosexuals have children too..2nd of all..even if they didnt?There aren't enough of them to solve the over population problem.Its the HETEROSEXUALS who are the majortiy that need to take responsiblity for that.After all..they are the ones that got us into this mess.Which is another topic.How can we not only stop increasing our population..But decrease it.I think the only way to do that is have less being born..than that are dying each year.Now how do you go about that?


First of all..homosexuals have children too..2nd of all..even if they didnt?There aren't enough of them to solve the over population problem.Its the HETEROSEXUALS who are the majortiy that need to take responsiblity for that.After all..they are the ones that got us into this mess.Which is another topic.How can we not only stop increasing our population..But decrease it.I think the only way to do that is have less being born..than that are dying each year.Now how do you go about that?



boy oh boy i dont have time for this ignorance, but let me take 90 seconds and then im out.

first off, if you actually took the time to read the rest of my post, and not just the first sentence you could have kept the above comment to yourself.

second, i think you are confused, because you can not be a christian and homo/bi sexual at the same time. read the bible(word of god) if you are a homosexual you would be wasting your time being christian. even if you were strong in faith and loved god with all your heart the christian god would still send you to hell. and so would the muslim god for that matter.

so if you really are gay or bi, or just pro homo/bi sexuality, which i assume from your posts, then you might as well be a satanist, because thats where god will send you either way.

and if you consider yourself to be a "liberal" christian, youve got another thing coming because no such thing exists, whatever goes against the bible is anti christian. wake up
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Admiral Obvious
boy oh boy i dont have time for this ignorance, but let me take 90 seconds and then im out.

first off, if you actually took the time to read the rest of my post, and not just the first sentence you could have kept the above comment to yourself.

second, i think you are confused, because you can not be a christian and homo/bi sexual at the same time. read the bible(word of god) if you are a homosexual you would be wasting your time being christian. even if you were strong in faith and loved god with all your heart the christian god would still send you to hell. and so would the muslim god for that matter.

so if you really are gay or bi, which i assume from your posts, then you might as well be a satanist, because thats where god will send you either way.

and if you consider yourself to be a "liberal" christian, youve got another thing coming because no such thing exists, whatever goes against the bible is anti christian. wake up
What exactly are your credentials?
You know, the ones that let you think that you speak for the God of the Bible?
i based my above comment on the bible, which is considered the word of god. since dallasapple considers himself to be christian, the bible applies to him personally.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
i based my above comment on the bible, which is considered the word of god. since dallasapple considers himself to be christian, the bible applies to him personally.
Dallas Apple is a (straight) woman, and you hardly have credibility, here.
Dallas Apple is a (straight) woman, and you hardly have credibility, here.

clearly she is pro homo/bi sexuality. which goes against the will/word of god as stated in the bible. dont make me pull up verses.

im just pointing out her hypocrisy of supporing homosexuality and being a christian at the same time.
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Admiral Obvious
i based my above comment on the bible, which is considered the word of god. since dallasapple considers himself to be christian, the bible applies to him personally.
Thats it?
That is the extent of your credentials?

Tell me, have you actually read the Bible for yourself, or are you merely parroting someone else's opinions?


Admiral Obvious
clearly she is pro homo/bi sexuality. which goes against the will/word of god as stated in the bible. dont make me pull up verses.

im just pointing out her hipocricy of supporing homosexuality and being a christian at the same time.


We are all scared that you might copy/paste some verses from a website..:help:


Polly wanna cracker?
Thats it?
That is the extent of your credentials?

Tell me, have you actually read the Bible for yourself, or are you merely parroting someone else's opinions?

1. yes, ive read the bible for myself cover to cover, have you?

2. what kind of "other" credentials would your highness require when speaking of the christian god?


Admiral Obvious
2. what kind of "other" credentials would your highness require when speaking of the christian god?
One would think that you should know what you are talking about before you speak for a deity you do not even believe in....

But perhaps that is just me...


We are all scared that you might copy/paste some verses from a website..:help:


Polly wanna cracker?

if you dont consider yourself a christian like dallasapple does, you shouldnt be scared. in fact, it would be silly of you to be scared.

dallasapple is, or says she is, a christian. im merely pointing out that with her current view on homosexuality, she is a christian in VAIN. might as well be a satanist.


Glass half Panda'd
Of course, but we're expected to "keep in the closet". :rolleyes: No one ever says anything about heteros "flaunting" their sexuality....
Do heteros flaunt their sexuality? :p Some OBNOXIOUS people, maybe.... but then again... I think anyone who flaunts themselves for something so pointless is pretty stupid. :)
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