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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'm still confused as to what a 'mating center' is....:confused:
Wait... so you don't have mating centres? Where exactly do your women do their mating displays? And where do you expect men to do their ritualized combat to fight for mates? Out on the public streets? That's barbaric!


Premium Member
That is ridiculous.

Ok, I don't want to hear about your wife or that your brother got married last weekend, or who your friend is dating either. Keep your sexual preferences to yourself, thanks. And *** is a mating center? :confused:

That is so stereotypical it's sad and shows a glaring lack of knowledge of glbt people and how we are as different as straight people are. And I hope what you're explaining to children of what you don't want them to be is a bigot who makes assumptions about other people based solely on how they look.

Again, completely ridiculous. Do you level the same criticism against straight people who cannot or do not want to have children?

Wrong. Love is what is it all about.

You will never here me talk about my sexual relations they are private. I do not like sexual jokes or sexual sterotypes.

I do not make opionion on how people look at all. But some homosexuals announce to the world and dress to show it off to the world. Also I had my family in NY on the gay pride parade day which I did not know was going on.

Straight people still incourage others to participate in the spread of the human race.

Love is not infatuation or sex. Love is commitment, trust and respect. In other words love is learned built on. Very few couples have true love when they are married but after years and conflicts the learn how much love they have.

Also love is about learning to love all not just one. I love all people but have problems with a lot.

I support homosexual causes. Just because I am offended by what they do doesn't mean I want them eliminated from the world. I am entitled to my beliefs as they are entitled to theirs. If they want me to accept there beliefs they need to make me see there point. Critizing and insulting me is not going to work.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
So what is a "mating center" anyway?
And why is a quick kiss on the lips so icky, it's not like we are making out or trying to tag tonsils?



where can i find a mating centre? is it like a job centre? can i just pull in, like when i want a new tyre fitted on my car?

I see a franchise opportunity!

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I do not make opionion on how people look at all. But some homosexuals announce to the world and dress to show it off to the world.
Those two sentences are contradictory. Try again. You obviously do have a problem with queer people being who we are. Are you telling me we should conform to how you think straight people act and look in order to be acceptable?

Straight people still incourage others to participate in the spread of the human race.
Spread the human race? Where are you intending to spread the human race on this earth that humans are not already?

BTW, I have two wonderful children, and I'm gay. GLBTQ people can and do have children.

Love is not infatuation or sex. Love is commitment, trust and respect.
Uh huh.... guess what, queer people love too, we don't just have sex, as you seem to believe.

Just because I am offended by what they do doesn't mean I want them eliminated from the world.
You're offended that I love another woman? Your problem not mine.

Critizing and insulting me is not going to work.
Yet you criticize and insult queer people and expect us to accept it.... hmmm.


Depends Upon My Mood..
A Letter to Louise

If they want me to accept there beliefs they need to make me see there point. Critizing and insulting me is not going to work.

Bob Hikes..Seriously read this..Click on "read letter" at the bottom.You will need a bit of time its about 30 pages long.It could contribute to helping you "see the point"..




Intentionally Blank
there is a clear distinction here, being homosexual is not the same as being left handed, having a certain skin/hair tone/color etc.
In what way?
it is not unnatural to look a certain way. (red hair, skin color etc.)
And it's not unnatural to be homosexual, as has been clearly shown in this thread.

something unnatural/abnormal, is defined as "unnatural/abnormal " because it is something that a vast majority of humans/animals are not.
Right, like being left-handed or red-headed. Do you see how you're contradicting yourself or do I need to put it in the form of a simple syllogism for you? This may give you a clue that there's something wrong with your argument.

dwarfs are unnatural/abnormal. someone born with authism or any other mental/psychological or even physical "disease" , or physical abnormality such as missing/or having extra limbs is unnatural/abnormal, a homosexual is also considered unnatural/abnormal because he/she was born with an "abnormality, or imbalance" in hormones (or however it can be biologically explained) a vast majority of us are not subject to any of these conditions, and so we consider them unnatural/abnormalities. but if we were, then we would consider them normal/natural, just like we consider a variety of skin/hair colors natural.
Tell us more about the hormonal imbalance that homosexuals are born with. Please cite your sources.

and by the way, while i do believe that many homosexuals were born that way, i also believe that a majority of homosexuals choose/chose the lifestyle. so lets not jump on the "oh, those poor homosexuals, they have no choice in the matter, they were just born that way, just like i was born black/white/brown/yellow etc. bandwagon
Why would we be interested in your beliefs? You've already shown yourself to be woefully misinformed and ignorant. Oh, and you're contradicting yourself again.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I do not make opionion on how people look at all. But some homosexuals announce to the world and dress to show it off to the world. Also I had my family in NY on the gay pride parade day which I did not know was going on.

I dont understand how this is making any point ..at least not a point specific to homosexuals.Heterosexuals (some) "announce to the world and show off to the world" as well.Why even distinquish that type display as homosexual or heterosexual.The fact of the matter is some "people" period flaunt their sexuality and or thier relationships.Look at the covers of all the Hollywwod gossip magazines.Just about every issue is a famous couple spouting how IN LOVE they are.Remember Tom Cruise and the media attention over his behavior when he was interviewed by Oprah..He was litterally jumping up and down on the couch talking about how IN LOVE he was with Katie on national T.V..Then they are back on their talking about the BREAK UP!..Its not a behavior restricted to homosexuals.



Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I dont understand how this is making any point ..at least not a point specific to homosexuals.Heterosexuals (some) "announce to the world and show off to the world" as well.Why even distinquish that type display as homosexual or heterosexual.The fact of the matter is some "people" period flaunt their sexuality and or thier relationships.Look at the covers of all the Hollywwod gossip magazines.Just about every issue is a famous couple spouting how IN LOVE they are.Remember Tom Cruise and the media attention over his behavior when he was interviewed by Oprah..He was litterally jumping up and down on the couch talking about how IN LOVE he was with Katie on national T.V..Then they are back on their talking about the BREAK UP!..Its not a behavior restricted to homosexuals.



I have a feeling he would like to see all of these folks thrown in "mating centers" as well. :D


Intentionally Blank
something unnatural/abnormal is neither bad nor good. im not saying homosexuals are better or worse than heterosexuals, im just saying they are abnormal/unnatural human beings simply because of statistics(concepts people agree/disagree on)

if a majority of people were born homosexual, then heterosexual human beings would be considered unnatural/abnormal.

if a majority of us were dwarfs, then that would be considered natural/normal.

but that is just not the reality we live in.

take any word for example. the primary definition of that word is one that a majority of people agree with. now that definition might be accurate, it might be inaccurate, but it is accepted as "truth" or "accurate" in the society/reality in which it was defined.

so the title of this thread is "Homosexuality "Sick?" my answer was, maybe yes, maybe no, but one thing is for sure, it is unnatural/abnormal in the reality we live in.

And I hope you agree that you were wrong, and homosexuality is perfectly natural, as has been shown in this thread. Now you say that it's "abnormal," meaning that only a minority of people are homosexual. However, under your definition of "abnormal," it's irrelevant, as many perfectly natural variations, such as blue eyes, meet your definition of abnormal.

An no, your answer wasn't "maybe yes, maybe no," it was:
forget about religion, and forget about our ever changing morality. homosexuality is simply not natural. you dont see two alfa males of any species taking it in the you know what. sorry for that visual. but you get my point.

reproduction is only possible with masculine and feminine interaction(in a vast majority of cases in nature)

so if youre non religious, forget about god, just go with mother nature.


Intentionally Blank
You are right. I did not clearly express what I wanted to say. So I'll compare homosexuality (when seen as a problem) to alcoholism. It is something some people are born with and decide how to handle it. There are also many other non-heterosexual "serious hang-ups" that do damage others and have to be restrained as much as possible.
I'll quote something interesting from the Gnostic Gospels. Jesus said, "Male must become female and female must become male."
Puzzling isn't it?

So you're asserting that being homosexual damages other people? Who, and how?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I dont understand how this is making any point ..at least not a point specific to homosexuals.Heterosexuals (some) "announce to the world and show off to the world" as well.Why even distinquish that type display as homosexual or heterosexual.The fact of the matter is some "people" period flaunt their sexuality and or thier relationships.Look at the covers of all the Hollywwod gossip magazines.Just about every issue is a famous couple spouting how IN LOVE they are.Remember Tom Cruise and the media attention over his behavior when he was interviewed by Oprah..He was litterally jumping up and down on the couch talking about how IN LOVE he was with Katie on national T.V..Then they are back on their talking about the BREAK UP!..Its not a behavior restricted to homosexuals.


Of course, but we're expected to "keep in the closet". :rolleyes: No one ever says anything about heteros "flaunting" their sexuality....


Intentionally Blank
ive already said, in my above post that something unnatural/abnormal is neither good nor bad, it is simply that, unnatural.
Let's try this, Chris: Define "unnatural." Because you obviously don't mean either something not found in nature or something artificial, so what do you mean?

for me, and other people like me who were not born gay, yes, the only thing stopping us is our consciousness. but our consciousness is also defined by our physical bodies(hormones etc.)
I don't know whether you noticed that you're contradicting yourself? Not that that seems to bother you much, but we usually take that as a red flag that there's something wrong with your argument.


Intentionally Blank
look, i think my point is not understood because you are looking too hard into it, getting lost in all the details.

my point is a general one, not specific, applying to anything and everything. it applies to general concepts and ideas.

since this is a religious talk forum. lets take religion as an example.

non-theism is unnatural. why? because a vast majority of humanity is theistic in one way or another.
now i can be a wise guy, list all religions separately and say that, "aha, so going by this logic, all these religions ive listed are considered unnatural."

but that misses the point all together, because all the religions i have listed separately, in a silly attempt to prove they, just like non-theism are minorities, are actually part of the majority group of humanity (believers/theists), where as the initial non-theistic minority isnt part of anything, but itself.

so you have to look at the big picture and not get lost in details.

So agnosticism is a sickness?


Depends Upon My Mood..
and by the way, while i do believe that many homosexuals were born that way, i also believe that a majority of homosexuals choose/chose the lifestyle. so lets not jump on the "oh, those poor homosexuals, they have no choice in the matter, they were just born that way, just like i was born black/white/brown/yellow etc. bandwagon

The difference is if you are born black/white/brown/yellow etc..You are not "expected" to choose a life void of expressing who you are..you are not expected or encouraged to forfiet love and intimacy of the romantic kind for your ENTIRE life.You are not considered "sick" or deviant for being who you are ..for living to your full potential the way God created you.

Thats the "bandwagon" that people have jumped on.The "poor" homosexuals are poor indeed.Because they are in the midst of a society that offers them hatred and disgust of who they are.A person who is homosexual by nature is dehuminized and reduced to nothing but a sexual act by many.Thats the SICK part.Its reverse.Its the SICK minds of heterosexuals who cant keep their minds out of the gutter when standing in front of another HUMAN BEING.

If I introduce my husband to someone..I would hope the only thought in their mind wasnt how often we have sex..and if we do it doggie style..or if we give each other oral sex etc..I would also hope that the person wouldnt be so "disgusted" with us and come back later blow our heads off with a shot gun over how SICK they were at the thought of us having sex.




Intentionally Blank
again, you are looking at the tiny details. look at the big picture.

yes, all humans are individually different (with dna, fingerprints etc.) but in the end they all follow the same general descriptions. the same general measurements and so on.

the genearl normality of humans is defined by an average majority. so if your physical description or measurements fall within a certain range, you are considered "normal" if you are half as tall as the average human your age, then you are considered abnormal, if you are 5'6" tall and weigh 379 lbs you are abnormal. if your intelligence falls way below a certain limit, you are abnormal.
if you are born with 3 legs and 1 arm, you are abnormal. if you have a 6lbs brain, you are abnormal.

If you are over 6 feet or under 5 feet tall, you are abnormal. If you have blonde hair and blue eyes, you are abnormal. If your IQ is above 125, you are abnormal. If you are left-handed, you are abnormal. Did you have a point here?

Yes, by that definition, not a very useful one, being homosexual is abnormal, but it's not sick or unnatural, so what relevance does it have to this discussion? Because you wouldn't then try to slide that definition over and use it to mean "unnatural" or "sick", would you? Because that wouldn't really be honest or accurate, would it?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Actually he did. He said he didn't like public displays of sexuality by anyone, sexuality included kissing on the lips. I think the term for this is prude.
That's not what I understood. I took him to mean he doesn't like to see gay men acting effeminate, drawing attention to what their sexual orientation is.
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