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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Depends Upon My Mood..
Actually he did. He said he didn't like public displays of sexuality by anyone, sexuality included kissing on the lips. I think the term for this is prude.

O.K well then that isnt even the topic here.Because I could have told you that.I have met women who were disgusted with sex period.Any kind of sex.The thought of it make them "sick".

And again though.Why has homesexuality been reduced to sexual acts?In that link I posted?..It talks about what you might find a lesbien doing inside her home?He said..preparing dinner to feed her family.




Intentionally Blank
im abnormal in many ways as well.

you view the word "abnormal" as something bad. i dont. it can go either way.

if you are gay and proud of it, fine, but you are still abnormal in the reality you live in though.

O.K., Now what does this have to do with the subject of this thread?


Active Member
The difference is if you are born black/white/brown/yellow etc..You are not "expected" to choose a life void of expressing who you are..you are not expected or encouraged to forfiet love and intimacy of the romantic kind for your ENTIRE life.You are not considered "sick" or deviant for being who you are ..for living to your full potential the way God created you.

Thats the "bandwagon" that people have jumped on.The "poor" homosexuals are poor indeed.Because they are in the midst of a society that offers them hatred and disgust of who they are.A person who is homosexual by nature is dehuminized and reduced to nothing but a sexual act by many.Thats the SICK part.Its reverse.Its the SICK minds of heterosexuals who cant keep their minds out of the gutter when standing in front of another HUMAN BEING.

If I introduce my husband to someone..I would hope the only thought in their mind wasnt how often we have sex..and if we do it doggie style..or if we give each other oral sex etc..I would also hope that the person wouldnt be so "disgusted" with us and come back later blow our heads off with a shot gun over how SICK they were at the thought of us having sex.


I think this is shockingly accurate. I mean, somehow it feels inappropriate to think of people like that, but how often do people immediately connect a person's sexuality to sex?

Perhaps we need to change the word, from sexuality to, I don't know, "relationality" or something else that doesn't include naughty words, like "sex" or "holding hands". Sexuality is so much more than reproduction, especially with us humans; it's time this information gets to the trailer parks.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I think there was an emphasis on that but he did state that it was for all types of sexual displays.
Well, I actually agree on the sexual displays. I don't want to see anyone doing it in public. Kissing and mild PDA is ok with me though. I can understand someone not wanting to see that. I was more put off by bob's seeming aversion to seeing queer people who look like stereotypical queer people. I took him to mean that he thinks we should all "act straight" in public.


Intentionally Blank
i never agrued that homosexuality is sickness or a disease, i only argued that it is an abnormality.
And unnatural. You were wrong. It doesn't hurt, just admit that you were uninformed and stand educated. Go for it--it feels great. As for your point that it's "abnormal," in the context of this thread it's vacuous, obvious, and irrelevant. Did you think that we don't know that only a minority of people are gay? Here in America, we don't consider mere minority status to be significant.


Depends Upon My Mood..
That's not what I understood. I took him to mean he doesn't like to see gay men acting effeminate, drawing attention to what their sexual orientation is.

But see you cant see it as "drawing attention to sexual orientation"..He is just being himself.

If I act "femenine"..Am I simply drawing attention to my sexual orientation?Or am I just being who I am.

I mean I can see..where we "assume" most men are hetero because they are.And if you see a man with affemenite traits you might wonder if they are gay.Then so what?..Or if you know they are gay and they act affemenite(not all gay guys are femenine acting) so what?How is it any different then me acting feminine.He's being HIMSELF same as me.Am I flaunting my sexual orientaton?




Premium Member
I dont understand how this is making any point ..at least not a point specific to homosexuals.Heterosexuals (some) "announce to the world and show off to the world" as well.Why even distinquish that type display as homosexual or heterosexual.The fact of the matter is some "people" period flaunt their sexuality and or thier relationships.Look at the covers of all the Hollywwod gossip magazines.Just about every issue is a famous couple spouting how IN LOVE they are.Remember Tom Cruise and the media attention over his behavior when he was interviewed by Oprah..He was litterally jumping up and down on the couch talking about how IN LOVE he was with Katie on national T.V..Then they are back on their talking about the BREAK UP!..Its not a behavior restricted to homosexuals.



I saw prude displayed for me and I agree with it. I think sex is to much in front of us everywhere. I cringe when I hear the term sex sells. Why can't you make something that sells with having to use sex.

I hate the fact that we allow under 18 year olds show off there body just because we want to sell something. I also think the legal age should be 21 not 18.

I do not understand why it is important for any tv show to have a bedroom scene.

Yes I am stuck in the 20's and wish everyone was.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I saw prude displayed for me and I agree with it. I think sex is to much in front of us everywhere. I cringe when I hear the term sex sells. Why can't you make something that sells with having to use sex.

I hate the fact that we allow under 18 year olds show off there body just because we want to sell something. I also think the legal age should be 21 not 18.

I do not understand why it is important for any tv show to have a bedroom scene.

Yes I am stuck in the 20's and wish everyone was.
The 20s weren't all that prudish. You're stuck in the fifties. :D


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I don't have a problem with you being a prude, Bob (my previous post was intended as gentle teasing, and I hope that's how it was received).

I do have a problem with you stereotyping gay men as flamers. Queers are as varied as everyone else.


Intentionally Blank
this thread is a great example actually. it looks like no one so far agrees with my logic and reasoning, and so i(my way of thinking) would be considered abnormal, since it does not fall within the reasoning of most anyone here. now just like homosexuality, it still doesnt mean my logic is actually wrong or right, but because most of the people in this thread perceive it to be wrong, it is wrong in the reality i live in (this thread).
The issue isn't whether your reasoning is normal or abnormal, the issue is whether it's correct. It isn't. It wouldn't matter if everyone here thought you were wrong, if you were right. But I'm sure you'll agree that when your argument contradicts itself, it couldn't be right, right?

so wether something is wrong or right is up to the interpretation of the majority.
Really? Is that your position? So when the majority thought slavery was right, it was? When the majority thought the earth was flat, it was?
seeing as how homosexuality almost always has a bad connotation/meaning in current society. yes, it is wrong. but only in the reality homosexuals live in. if they go to a gay club, it might be considered right, and yet still it is wrong because the gay club is located within the civilization that considers it to be wrong..

yousee :)
If you're referring to the U.S. of A., you're factually mistaken. The majority of Americans do not consider homosexuality to be wrong. According to a recent Galup poll, only about 57% of Americans belive that homosexuality is an acceptable way of life.


Intentionally Blank
I think my clubbing days are over at this point, though I wasn't ever really that into the club scene to begin with. Even when I was in school, I was always happier to go over to the Silver Spur for beers and country karaoke. Nobody would hassle you, nobody would start a fight, everyone was either friendly or kept to themselves.

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the Spur was a gay bar. A country-themed gay bar. :D

Tip for women: When you want to have a drink with a female friend and not be bothered, try a gay male bar.


Intentionally Blank
They are hurting me not by what they do but by how they act.
I feel the same way about you.

Sexual preferences should stay in the bedroom and at mating centers. I do not need to see kissing at work. Male or Female. I do not need to see sex on tv.
What does this have to do with homosexuality?
I do not have to watch it march down the street at me in a parade. I definately don't want to see signs that say I'm proud I ate my _____ out last night.
You seem to be suffering under the misapprehension that being gay is about sex. It isn't, any more than marriage is.

Woman don't have as much problems as men because it is not annouced as much. Men wear it in there dress on there face how they walk. You have to face the thing you don't want to see. And explain to children what you don't want them to be.
I see. It bothers you to see the people you're prejudiced against, and that you want your children be prejudiced against, being open and existing like that, so you want them to hide and lie so you can be more comfortable. I tell you what, bob, let's start with you, since you're in favor of lying and hiding. Let's you keep your private life private, not tell anyone whether you're married, in fact, not have the right to get married, not disclose to anyone whether you're dating or have a boy or girlfriend, and so forth. After you practice that for a few years we'll talk about you being able to impose it on others.

Lastly unless they are geniuses or alturistic they don't furture the human race.
(1) I'm a lesbian with 3 kids. Correct your ignorance. (2) So everyone who doesn't reproduce is selfish? Reproduction is selfless altruism? A lot of people think it's reproduction that's selfish.
It is a very selfish act. Sex is more important than society, then humans, then helping others. Sex is what it is all about.
No, bob, you're wrong. Love is what it's all about. I'm in favor of it, you're not. I'm not going to stop loving, or lie about loving, to accomodate your anti-love bigotry.


Intentionally Blank
I'm still confused as to what a 'mating center' is....:confused:
It sounds like something out of Brave New World, doesn't it?



New Member
People are afraid of what they do not want to understand. It is easier to label the action or belief and file it away rather than learn and apply acceptance.
But just as you cannot force a person to accept anothers religion or lack of it you cannot force someone to accept a particular lifestyle, only hope they figure it out one day.


Intentionally Blank
You will never here me talk about my sexual relations they are private. I do not like sexual jokes or sexual sterotypes.
And you would never, for example, get married, or invite people to your wedding, or wear a wedding ring, or invite your wife to a social event and let people know that you're married, or in any way flaunt your heterosexuality, right? Because you might offend someone.

Straight people still incourage others to participate in the spread of the human race.
And that's what the world needs, more overpopulation; that's the important thing.

Love is not infatuation or sex. Love is commitment, trust and respect. In other words love is learned built on. Very few couples have true love when they are married but after years and conflicts the learn how much love they have.
Exactly. I know, because I have it. With a woman. And I want the same respect for that as anyone else.

I support homosexual causes. Just because I am offended by what they do doesn't mean I want them eliminated from the world. I am entitled to my beliefs as they are entitled to theirs. If they want me to accept there beliefs they need to make me see there point. Critizing and insulting me is not going to work.
Yes, you're entitled to be wrong, but why would you want to? You're entitled to be a bigot, but do you really want to?
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