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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Resident Liberal Hippie
Buttons, I think the point here is that, Yes, biases can be "wrong"
If a white person was raised to believe that blacks were inferior, then came to the realization all men are actually created equal, but still had a twist in his gut when he sees a black person approach him.
Well then his internal bias is wrong.
You can change your reactions to match your thought, with a little effort.

Edit: Unless what you profess, and your thought are not the same?


Glass half Panda'd
Buttons, I think the point here is that, Yes, biases can be "wrong"
So what if I had the bias that all homosexuals are better than anyone else... is that not still a bias? What makes a good one from a bad one? If I don't think any differently about anyone who is different - including their equality, their rights, and their happiness, why is it still wrong if I have a gut instinct?

Is it just as wrong for all people to have instinctual feelings? I don't think so.

If a white person was raised to believe that blacks were inferior, then came to the realization all men are actually created equal, but still had a twist in his gut when he sees a black person approach him.
Not necessarily true. Have you ever been there? Have you ever experienced it? It's not a feeling of hate, just discomfort.

Well then his internal bias is wrong.
You can change your reactions to match your thought, with a little effort.
No, you cant. I've tried - and it won't go away. Making the realization that everyone is equal is easy, believing it and living it, even easier. Making my instincts change? That's a completely different animal. And it's not hateful nor makes them any less than me. That's just something that happens.

What if a homosexual person got sick at the sight of two heterosexual people making out? It's happened... is this ok because they aren't straight? Maybe. I'm sure many people here would argue it. The problem isn't that it makes me sick. I don't feel physically ill at the sight of two people enjoying each other. It's a gut flinch. There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion especially since it has no affect on my actions or judgements towards the people who envoke that feeling in me.

Edit: Unless what you profess, and your thought are not the same?
This is the case. :)


See the previous line
It's no more an illness than having blue or green eyes. Nothing's wrong with it. I wasn't born with it, but I'm not going to judge people who were. It's just another trait that they have. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The Bible condemns homosexual acts.—Romans 1:26, 27. The scripture in Romans just cited is not the only place in the Bible where God clearly states his view of such conduct.
Sodom and Gomorrah stand as warning examples of 'ones [that] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use' by being destroyed by God (Jude 7)
The Bible shows homosexuals can and have changed their thinking and behavior. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Thereafter, they can have God's approval.
Despite the permissive attitudes toward homosexual acts common today, the true God's position is unmistakable and non-negotiable.



Depends Upon My Mood..
Maybe the only reason you are somewhat comfortable with straight people kissing is because you have seen it so much in all types of media around you. This conditions you to get used to the idea. I didnt' grow up around a lot of people who were homosexual and kissed.

I think this is an interesting point.I was an adult before I ever saw 2 men or 2 women depicting or displaying "romantic" affection.In contrast I had probably by that point seen thousands of times a man and a woman depicting or displaying affection.Or just in general men and women "coupled"..even things like dancing.


The Bible condemns homosexual acts.—Romans 1:26, 27. The scripture in Romans just cited is not the only place in the Bible where God clearly states his view of such conduct.
Sodom and Gomorrah stand as warning examples of 'ones [that] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use' by being destroyed by God (Jude 7)
The Bible shows homosexuals can and have changed their thinking and behavior. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Thereafter, they can have God's approval.
Despite the permissive attitudes toward homosexual acts common today, the true God's position is unmistakable and non-negotiable.

I'm only wondering, and please tell me if I'm going out of bounds here, but... is there any reason to condemn homosexual acts besides because it's in the bible? Just asking because not all of us are Christians; I'd be curious to know if there were an argument without the bible.



See the previous line
I'm only wondering, and please tell me if I'm going out of bounds here, but... is there any reason to condemn homosexual acts besides because it's in the bible? Just asking because not all of us are Christians; I'd be curious to know if there were an argument without the bible.

After reading all of the "Prop 8" and "Gay marriage" threads, I have yet to hear a good argument.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
All perfectly normal and harmless. Just an ordinary physiological varient.

What's surprising is that, with all the serious problems in the world, anyone would concern themselves with something so trivial.


Active Member
I'm only wondering, and please tell me if I'm going out of bounds here, but... is there any reason to condemn homosexual acts besides because it's in the bible? Just asking because not all of us are Christians; I'd be curious to know if there were an argument without the bible.


Here is my take on it: I believe in reincarnation which includes karma. When people partake in some activity they are reincarnated with the same "problem" and so it goes on and increases. Just like any thing that is obviously wrong like killing or raping etc. it would be condemned by any worthwhile religion. If any thinking person was to start a "spiritual guideline" for an unknowing people they would naturally forbid all the negative things. That includes homosexuality in my opinion. If you don't believe in any kind of existence beyond the physical and we are thinking animals you could say anything goes but even then it would be smart to direct people to a natural way of living that would be beneficial to all. Restraint and control is needed by just about everyone individually for the betterment of all. imo.
Here is my take on it: I believe in reincarnation which includes karma. When people partake in some activity they are reincarnated with the same "problem" and so it goes on and increases. Just like any thing that is obviously wrong like killing or raping etc. it would be condemned by any worthwhile religion. If any thinking person was to start a "spiritual guideline" for an unknowing people they would naturally forbid all the negative things. That includes homosexuality in my opinion. If you don't believe in any kind of existence beyond the physical and we are thinking animals you could say anything goes but even then it would be smart to direct people to a natural way of living that would be beneficial to all. Restraint and control is needed by just about everyone individually for the betterment of all. imo.

Thanks for the response. I agree, self-restraint is a good thing. Self-denial, however, is not. It's not healthy at all.

I have a hard time reconciling people insisting on a "natural" way of living when they most likely have gotten vaccinations and have ridden in a car and used a computer. What is "natural," exactly?

Since I do believe we are thinking animals that evolve not only biologically but intellectually, we don't have to make a guideline today which should serve humanity for the rest of our existence on earth, like people think the bible does. We can say that if 10% of the population were unwilling to procreate we would still perpetuate the species just fine. The dangers to our species do not include underpopulation as first priority.

Heterosexual partners can still produce homosexual children; it's happened a lot! And homosexuals can still be parents through artificial insemination/IVF. Who can say, if in the future underpopulation is a problem, whether it will be more or less common for heteros to be impregnated in this way? Maybe that will become necessary due to the effects of genetically modified food or all the hormones and pesticides we ingest; maybe that will be the "natural" way in the future.


Our whole society is sick.

It is infected with countless indoctrinations
that life and people are "supposed to" go/be a "certain" way.
It's no wonder people are generally uncomfortable with what is "different" (to them).

After all "things" are SUPPOSED to be a "certain" way. Right?
It's what we've been taught both directly and indirectly since birth.
It is a discomfort when others contradict & challange that notion.

I will say though from personal experience,
that it is completely possible to wipe out all previous indoctrinations
from one's psyche. It takes a WHOLE lot of dedication though.

I call it "Smashing Taboos".
I spent 3 years doing it.
Now I finally know who I REALLY am.

The true me would have made my OWN Self very uncomfortable
just a handfull of years back. ;)
(which is why I repressed who I was for so very long...
till I almost died completely)

Turns out I was never afraid of anything but superstition.
(and my own shadow. :D )
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Depends Upon My Mood..
Heterosexual partners can still produce homosexual children; it's happened a lot! And homosexuals can still be parents through artificial insemination/IVF. Who can say, if in the future underpopulation is a problem, whether it will be more or less common for heteros to be impregnated in this way? Maybe that will become necessary due to the effects of genetically modified food or all the hormones and pesticides we ingest; maybe that will be the "natural" way in the future.

This is what makes my "gut" flinch.Why are our children starting puberty as ealry as age 7?Is that "natural"?..I think not.This is what is concering me.Not If Joe and Tom are in love with each other.




Active Member
I think it's a case that somehow straight people might be influenced to suddenly become gay and the world will come to an end.....I couldn't care less about homosexuality, but I do get a quiver in my stomach when I see guys kissing.....and what's with all the mincing about? Just me......
Imagine being gay, seeing all those straight people. And what about all the heterosexual propaganda?
forget about religion, and forget about our ever changing morality. homosexuality is simply not natural. you dont see two alfa males of any species taking it in the you know what. sorry for that visual. but you get my point.
reproduction is only possible with masculine and feminine interaction(in a vast majority of cases in nature)
so if youre non religious, forget about god, just go with mother nature.
oh, forgot to mention, but i sure dont mind watching two pretty ladies make out.... i know, im a hypocrit, but only because in my masculinity id rather see a second pretty woman take the place of the dude doing the kissing.
Mother Nature in flora as well as fauna fabulously established homosexuality. I'm not too proud to admit my glitch in the reproduction system, but homosexuality is no stranger to other animal species. Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Be gone, you and your inaccurate argument!
It has always been my belief that sex is between the people doing it. I also believe that if a person is doing something another person does not approve of, they should try to remember that even if it is wrong, it is still the person's decision and no one else can make it for him or her. In other words- mind your own business and let other mind theirs.
Homosexuality is not a choice. YouTube - Gay Education
The Bible condemns homosexual acts.—Romans 1:26, 27. The scripture in Romans just cited is not the only place in the Bible where God clearly states his view of such conduct.
Sodom and Gomorrah stand as warning examples of 'ones [that] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use' by being destroyed by God (Jude 7)
The Bible shows homosexuals can and have changed their thinking and behavior. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Thereafter, they can have God's approval.
Despite the permissive attitudes toward homosexual acts common today, the true God's position is unmistakable and non-negotiable.
Unfortunately God is the mistake here. Verify these scriptures of "God" before you present them as evidence. Besides, the same book tells people they can't eat shellfish and that naughty children should be stoned to death. Some moral guidance.
Here is my take on it: I believe in reincarnation which includes karma. When people partake in some activity they are reincarnated with the same "problem" and so it goes on and increases. Just like any thing that is obviously wrong like killing or raping etc. it would be condemned by any worthwhile religion. If any thinking person was to start a "spiritual guideline" for an unknowing people they would naturally forbid all the negative things. That includes homosexuality in my opinion. If you don't believe in any kind of existence beyond the physical and we are thinking animals you could say anything goes but even then it would be smart to direct people to a natural way of living that would be beneficial to all. Restraint and control is needed by just about everyone individually for the betterment of all. imo.
Fortunately there is no need to restrain homosexuality, because it is not a negative. It is a positive aspect of this natural world because homosexuals are generally very nice, very artistic, fashionable and caring. Their sexuality doesn't harm anyone (unless second parties think negatively of it) and all in all homosexuals are a fabulous addition to the natural diversity of life on our planet.

You don't have to attend gay churches, have to engage in gay romance let alone get married to someone of the same sex. All that you need to do as a heterosexual, is let us have a ball (or two) just like you can. You don't have to prove you're straight by being anti-gay. Just sayin'.
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
Here is my take on it: I believe in reincarnation which includes karma. When people partake in some activity they are reincarnated with the same "problem" and so it goes on and increases. Just like any thing that is obviously wrong like killing or raping etc. it would be condemned by any worthwhile religion. If any thinking person was to start a "spiritual guideline" for an unknowing people they would naturally forbid all the negative things. That includes homosexuality in my opinion. If you don't believe in any kind of existence beyond the physical and we are thinking animals you could say anything goes but even then it would be smart to direct people to a natural way of living that would be beneficial to all. Restraint and control is needed by just about everyone individually for the betterment of all. imo.
But it's NOT obviously wrong, like killing and raping, so how do you justify lumping it in with them?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
But it's NOT obviously wrong, like killing and raping, so how do you justify lumping it in with them?

In fact, most karmic religions that "condemn" (which isn't even a very accurate word to describe the belief) homosexuality also tend to be proponents of complete chastity.

So it's not exclusively homosexuality that is advised against in those religions; it's sex altogether. (The Dhammapada is rather passionate about the necessity to be chaste in order to achieve nirvana)


ThrUU the Looking Glass
In fact, most karmic religions that "condemn" (which isn't even a very accurate word to describe the belief) homosexuality also tend to be proponents of complete chastity.

So it's not exclusively homosexuality that is advised against in those religions; it's sex altogether. (The Dhammapada is rather passionate about the necessity to be chaste in order to achieve nirvana)
Well, that's quite a bit different from lumping it in with murder and rape.


Active Member
Can I just say that I find people that carelessly "lump it in" with all sorts of evils ("sins") quite pathetic? I mean, even ignoring the inherent fallacy of scripture, there is nothing wrong with homosexuals, like there is with murderers, rapists, paedophiles, capitalists, thieves and abusive people. So saying homosexuality is "just unnatural" and "wrong" is like saying spaghetti is the only living God: it makes NO SENSE - let alone being proof of poor taste. People who "don't hate homosexuals" but "just think it's a sin" are ignorant of scientific facts concerning everything about homosexuality, and most likely ignorant of what their religious book is really saying or would be intended to say (read this).

So to everyone that thinks homosexuality is a negative factor in this world: F you! (Not really.) Learn the facts, see the fallacies and try to be less of a sheep by showing some support for individualism, you F-ing xenophobic idiot.

If you don't like homosexuality, then don't engage in it. Just give the gay folk a break.
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Well-Known Member
Here is my take on it: I believe in reincarnation which includes karma.
I have some questions about reincarnation. When one is reincarnated, what links them to their former lives? Do they have knowledge of their former lives or are they like a completely new person?
When people partake in some activity they are reincarnated with the same "problem" and so it goes on and increases. Just like any thing that is obviously wrong like killing or raping etc. it would be condemned by any worthwhile religion. If any thinking person was to start a "spiritual guideline" for an unknowing people they would naturally forbid all the negative things. That includes homosexuality in my opinion.
What are the negative aspects of homesexuality?
If you don't believe in any kind of existence beyond the physical and we are thinking animals you could say anything goes but even then it would be smart to direct people to a natural way of living that would be beneficial to all.
Homosexuality occurs in nature. Why is it bad?
Restraint and control is needed by just about everyone individually for the betterment of all. imo.
Again, why must humans restrain themselves from homosexuality? Where is the harm?
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