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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Just like any thing that is obviously wrong like killing or raping etc.

What a ridicilous comparison. Killing and raping are obviously wrong because they victimize innocent people. Homosexuality does not. It's a relationship between consenting adults and brings harm to no one else.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Homosexuality is as "sick" to heterosexuals as heterosexuality is to homosexuals. I know MANY homosexuals who think heterosexuality is gross beyond belief. It's all how you look at it :D

Get it? No side is able to "get" the attraction of one to another because THEY ARENT ATTRACTED TO WHAT YOU ARE. It's simple enough.
If that were really true, wouldn't straight men consider straight women to be "sick", and vice versa?

Personally, I'm not attracted to men and I don't understand the appeal of golf... but that doesn't mean I think homosexual guys or golfers are "sick".

That probably has more to do with the fact that it's not what, biologically, most people are built for.
Biologically, a fourteen-year-old is "built for" parenthood.

The Bible condemns homosexual acts.—Romans 1:26, 27. The scripture in Romans just cited is not the only place in the Bible where God clearly states his view of such conduct.
Sodom and Gomorrah stand as warning examples of 'ones [that] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use' by being destroyed by God (Jude 7)
I think it's a fundamentally messed up view to suggest that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexuality and not attempted gang-rape.

Actually I could back it up..All I could say Biblically is...

1 Corinthians
Chapter 13
I like 1 John 4:16 as well:

"God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The Bible condemns homosexual acts.—Romans 1:26, 27. The scripture in Romans just cited is not the only place in the Bible where God clearly states his view of such conduct.
Sodom and Gomorrah stand as warning examples of 'ones [that] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use' by being destroyed by God (Jude 7)
The Bible shows homosexuals can and have changed their thinking and behavior. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) Thereafter, they can have God's approval.
Despite the permissive attitudes toward homosexual acts common today, the true God's position is unmistakable and non-negotiable.

The Bible is a record of cultures from 2000+ years ago. Not really something I want to base how I live my life today. After all, the Bible approves of such heinous acts like slavery and the killing of children.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Biologically, a fourteen-year-old is "built for" parenthood.

That is true..Im living proof..I gave birth and became a mother at 14.But I certaintly wasnt ready to be a parent in many ways.Maybe in another "time" or place I might of..But not in 1982 in Plano Texas.




Premium Member
Homosexual or heterosexual couple I would rather you aren't going to make out in front of me. But when it comes to the general coupliness thing I have no problems. If anything seeing a homosexual couple in public makes me admire them for having the courage to be who they really are in a society that still does not fully tolerate them.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I think it's a fundamentally messed up view to suggest that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexuality and not attempted gang-rape.

Again I agree..if you look at the "big picture"..it never implicates "homosexuals" in these acts.In fact if you look closely..Homosexualtiy "by nature" is never acknowledged to exist.All of the crimes therefore have to have been committed by heterosexuals.Since God doesnt create homosexuals..every homosexual act would have to have been by deviant heteros.Heteros that went against the nature in which God created them.



Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I think it's a fundamentally messed up view to suggest that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexuality and not attempted gang-rape.

And the funny thing about that is that Lot offered his own daughters to the rapists in place of the angels, thus making Lot an evil scumbag despite being favored by God. And if the angels were truly beings embodying the highest of benevolence and goodness, they would've offered themselves in place of the innocent girls.


Depends Upon My Mood..
And the funny thing about that is that Lot offered his own daughters to the rapists in place of the angels, thus making Lot an evil scumbag despite being favored by God. And if the angels were truly beings embodying the highest of benevolence and goodness, they would've offered themselves in place of the innocent girls.

Here is how that goes..NO ONE said Lot was right in doing that.The girls were not raped either..

There is a bigger picture ..a message..


in nature how often do you see two males or two females of any species start a "family" or "raise offspring"? (and im not just referring to the physical impossibility, im talking about the actual raising, and the male/female's role in this affair)......a vast majority of the time its always a male and a female, and the male is almost always the "protector/provider/boss etc." while the female is submissive and stays behind with the little ones.

how often do you see a female court a female, or male court a male in nature?

how often do you see the female be the "protector/provider/alpha-female" of the family/offspring. while the male is the submissive one?

there is a reason why the term alpha-male is so common in nature.

and again, there are always exceptions to the rule, just like there are exceptions in human society (homosexuals). but at the end of the day the basic male/female couple concept is an overwhelming majority in nature. its just how we are naturally built.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
in nature how often do you see two males or two females of any species start a "family" or "raise offspring"? (and im not just referring to the physical impossibility, im talking about the actual raising, and the male/female's role in this affair)......a vast majority of the time its always a male and a female, and the male is almost always the "protector/provider/boss etc." while the female is submissive and stays behind with the little ones.

how often do you see a female court a female, or male court a male in nature?

how often do you see the female be the "protector/provider/alpha-female" of the family/offspring. while the male is the submissive one?

there is a reason why the term alpha-male is so common in nature.

and again, there are always exceptions to the rule, just like there are exceptions in human society (homosexuals). but at the end of the day the basic male/female couple concept is an overwhelming majority in nature. its just how we are naturally built.

Appeal to numbers?

That's what got left-handers and redheads viewed as witches for centuries.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
you can blame that on superstitious religious fools, not nature.

Hair variations and dominant limb variations appear in nature, but when people are ostracized for this, it is due to superstitious religious fools.

Homosexuality appears in nature, but when people are ostracized for this, it is due to it being unnatural.

Just so you know:

Homosexuality is slightly less common than left-handedness among humans, and slightly more common than redheadedness. Therefore, your appeal to numbers is even less relevant, unless you want to include all genetic variations within the same numerical range as being equally "wrong".


Mother Heathen
That probably has more to do with the fact that it's not what, biologically, most people are built for. I feel strange sensations when I see someone who is physically incapable of walking, for instance, but I don't have a problem with handicaps. I don't go out of my way to hurt anyone different than me, but I also can't stop that gut reaction.

Are straight people bad because we have these gut reactions? (Assuming I'm not the only person who experiences this sort of sensation.) Is it any worse than you loving who you love simply because it's instinct for you? Personally, it does make me feel a little weird when I look at two people of the same sex making out, but it's none of my business, and if they're happy, that's awesome.

I don't call the sensation "sick" but it does make me feel weird. I'm sorry I can't help that. *shrug* I have a feeling I'm going to get the verbal **** beat out of me on this forum for being honest.

I have a hunch you speak for a lot of people, here, Buttons.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I wince when I see people eating liver (seriously, it's a far more extreme gut reaction than being exposed to two guys kissing), but I don't consider it a moral issue so much as it is a matter of personal taste.


Intentionally Blank
forget about religion, and forget about our ever changing morality. homosexuality is simply not natural. you dont see two alfa males of any species taking it in the you know what. sorry for that visual. but you get my point.
Wrong. Homosexuality has been observed in many mammalian species.

reproduction is only possible with masculine and feminine interaction(in a vast majority of cases in nature)
And your point?

so if youre non religious, forget about god, just go with mother nature.
Sounds good to me--be what mother nature made you.

i know, im a hypocrit,
(emphasis added) Yup, a hypocrite, ignorant of the facts, and unable to punctuate properly.
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