Hi SkepticThinker. Good afternoon. It may sound harsh but the reality of the situation is that unrepentant sinners, regardless what that sin is, should be avoided lest we also be consumed in their sin. This is the lesson of Sodom and Gommorah. Lot and his two daughters had to separate themselves from that wicked people in order to save their lives. 1 Corinthians 15:44 says "If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body." Just as we nourish our physical body with food and rest, and take action to protect it from ailments and illnesses, so we must do so with our spiritual body.
I'm not a heartless person. Yahweh and Yahshua are not heartless people. They are very loving. They however understand that separation and actually sanctification is an integral part of the worship of Yahweh. Hebrews 12:14 says "Follow after peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no man shall see Yahweh:" We will never come to love Yahweh unless we remain separated from the world. 1 John 2:15 says: "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them." We must remain separate if we are to ensure our salvation.
A few months ago I heard another song on the radio at work by an individual called Lil Nas X and it was one of the most vile songs I have ever heard in my life. Although many people liked the tune, I wonder if they had paid close attention to the lyrics. He turned out to be a homosexual. Now I'm not saying that all homosexuals produce vile songs, but I am saying that unrepentant sinners, regardless what that sin is will produce evil fruit which if you partake of will perish with them. Can you live off a diet of rotten fruit? I don't think you'd live very long by doing so.
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 7:16-18 - American Standard Version
In terms of slavery, as long as slave owners follow the law to love our neighbors as ourselves, slavery can be advantageous. Having a roof over your head, bread to eat and work to accomplish is a blessing so long as one isn't mistreated. The reason why slavery has a bad name is because of the abuse of its subjects.
Finally you mention thought crimes but I don't just refer to thought crimes exclusively. Even so, we know from even the ten commandments that thinking about evil is a sin. The 10th commandment proves this, which regulates our thoughts. Our savior Yahshua the Messiah also spoke of sinning in thought in scriptures such as
Matthew 5:28 and
Matthew 15:19. Or haven't you read the account of Noah, that it tells us that "Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5), thoughts therefore matter and in fact, thoughts usually come before actions. They determine what we do so it is vitally important that we control our thoughts and not be as the wicked people of Noah's time who spent their time doing everything but meditating on the Law.