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Depends Upon My Mood..
I still just cant get people who will insist that the "main" purpose for having sex is for reproduction.Its actually insulting not just to same sex (sex)..it completely reduces the "purpose" of males and females who are infertile..or who dont want children...or who have children and the woman went through the change etc..to a "less than" purpose as compared to people who are having sex to try and get pregnant.

Why are the eventually "acknowledged" other reasons to have sex by these people who claim this reduced to secondary reasons when over a lifetime of a married heterosexual couple they may spend half or more than half even the entire marriage having sex with no possiblilty of concieving?

Take my mother for example.She had 3 children with my bio father and he died suddenly when she was 28.She remarried at 30 to my step father.They had my little sister within the first year and due to complications from the birth she ended up having to have a complete hysterectomy.

They have been married for 35 years and 33 of them there was absolutely no reasosn for them to have sex for the purpose of reproduction.

The problem with the "main reason" for having sex is for reproduction is that you are implying people like my parents are having sex for less important reasons or or less meaning than others who can concieve for basically their entire marriage. ETA: and obviously this is what you are implying with homosexuals...I was hoping if you could see that what you're impying if you apply that to heterosexuals like my parents how ridiculous and hurtful and insulting it is to go aroudn spouting that.


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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I don't think all that many people would be out to deny homosexuals their rights if it were not for the fact that denying homosexuals their rights is condoned and encouraged by their religion.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Yeah I've determined its the mens ego.99% of "against homosexualtiy " Is because MEN cant stand the thought of two men together or God forbid a man might look at them and think about having sex with them.(which in most cases woudl make them highly concieted).Also men are so terrified of being raped and TBH the most likely way they woud be raped is not from a woman.

MEN are terrified of other men..and if the other man is gay?

Thats why most "homophobes" are at the same time TURNED on by two women together.I havent met ONE man yet that talks the same way about two women together as two men and EVEN then its on a different "level"..

What it boils down to is men are very protective of their butt holes.They dont care that its "nice for them" to ya know ..put their element in a womans area that is NO different than a mans.Then they "claim" the woman LOVES it.

Actually if you think about it it ALL boils down to having sex in a non female area.But its their butt they are protecting.




Well-Known Member
Yeah I've determined its the mens ego.99% of "against homosexualtiy " Is because MEN cant stand the thought of two men together or God forbid a man might look at them and think about having sex with them.(which in most cases woudl make them highly concieted).Also men are so terrified of being raped and TBH the most likely way they woud be raped is not from a woman.

MEN are terrified of other men..and if the other man is gay?
This reminds me of something. My mother once told me about this form of meeting, don´t know the right word in English, but it was a lot of people who met and discussed things. The topic was AIDS, if I remember correctly. Anyway, this gay guy went up and talked about it. When we was done a preist rose up and asked:
"How do I know you sit there and are not attracted to me?"
So, we have this thing about a serious issue, and a guy rise up and comment on that :areyoucra...

Of course it didn´t go unnoticed, a girl rose up and answered:
"That was a giant ego. WHy would he be attracted to you."


Depends Upon My Mood..
This reminds me of something. My mother once told me about this form of meeting, don´t know the right word in English, but it was a lot of people who met and discussed things. The topic was AIDS, if I remember correctly. Anyway, this gay guy went up and talked about it. When we was done a preist rose up and asked:
"How do I know you sit there and are not attracted to me?"
So, we have this thing about a serious issue, and a guy rise up and comment on that :areyoucra...

Of course it didn´t go unnoticed, a girl rose up and answered:
"That was a giant ego. WHy would he be attracted to you."

Well in English I would call that a "gathering"

And as to what the priest said I would call that "paranoia".




Active Member
It is when you are sensuously using that spoon to feed your partner
the whipped cream you have smeared all over her tits.
get real this is not sex but arousel, before sex occurs.

When your partner has tied you to that tree naked,
so she can play "nymph" with you? ... it's sex baby.
Again this is arousel!

That rather depends on WHAT you are constructing.;)
And who you are constructing it with. :flirt:
easy there ultraviolet :redcard:

If kissing your children causes sexual arousal in you...
I'm thinkin' counseling is in order.
your the one with the four kids and said kissing is sex.

yes. and for your wife's sake I'd say grow up.
Broaden your sexual horizons.
(and find her g spot. really.)
do you know what a G-spot is? would you like me to explain it to you? the point is there is a difference between sex and sexual arousal.


Active Member
I've found that the vast majority of people who have a problem with homosexuality are religious people, and it's nearly all religions that like to exercise an unhealthy obsession with other peoples' sex lives.
hey you ask why we have a problem with it we tell you. you don't see hetros publicising there coming out in the open. why does the public need to know if your gay.


Active Member
yes it is.
I mean the lengths you go to in order to miss the point are just...well.....silly.
then tell me what is the point? in plain english. what is the point of having sperm? what is the point of having ovaries? How to procreation get accompished?


Done here.
The problem with the "main reason" for having sex is for reproduction is that you are implying people like my parents are having sex for less important reasons or or less meaning than others who can concieve for basically their entire marriage. ETA: and obviously this is what you are implying with homosexuals...I was hoping if you could see that what you're impying if you apply that to heterosexuals like my parents how ridiculous and hurtful and insulting it is to go aroudn spouting that.
I love you more every day. :)

Of course the arguments used to discriminate against gay people are equally degrading to and disrespectful of straight people. But it's relatively rare for a straight person to see that and say so.


Done here.
you don't see hetros publicising there coming out in the open. why does the public need to know if your gay.
I wonder where you live, that you have never seen a newspaper with engagement and wedding announcements, never heard of a wedding shower, never been to a wedding, never heard people mention their boyfriends or their girlfriends. It is fascinating that somebody can live so completely isolated from society that they are unaware of the many ways in which heterosexuals publicize their sexuality and their relationships, and even more interesting that a person living in such complete isolation and such complete ignorance of human society nevertheless manages to have access to the Internet.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
then tell me what is the point? in plain english. what is the point of having sperm? what is the point of having ovaries? How to procreation get accompished?

So of course, you must be against infertile couples or couples who don't want to have children, right? You know, to avoid having double standards?

Edit: Oh and contraceptives...and other goodies :).


Can't brain. Has dumb.
then tell me what is the point? in plain english. what is the point of having sperm? what is the point of having ovaries? How to procreation get accompished?
I'm pretty sure the question should be "what's the point of having sex?"

hey you ask why we have a problem with it we tell you. you don't see hetros publicising there coming out in the open. why does the public need to know if your gay.

Because people don't "come out" as hetero. People are in the closet gay (the closet being the false hetero mask) because of the stigma, the judgement, the views that people have about gay people. Coming out isn't necessarily about being gay, but about coming out as being who you really are. And that is ALWAYS something to celebrate. It's got alot less to do with letting everyone know your gay, than it does with celebrating self-acceptance. It's also a fantastic opportunity to see if your friends really are friends or if they're going to run from you or try to "convert" you back to hetero.

People assume you are hetero until they have reason to believe otherwise. Either by the way *some* gay people dress (and these are the more obvious ones) or by you telling them (most often the case). That's why people need to know. They need to know you - not some false idea of you. The same way people need to know what job you do - i.e. if people believed you were a plumber, you would correct them and say that no, you're a librarian (or w/e).

Coming out parties generally don't involve the general public though - mostly it's about friends and families so that they can finally see you for you. It's not like this will result in you telling everyone you meet that you're gay (e.g. the "only gay in the village" from Little Britain). It's a big thing to do, and requires alot of courage to be able to tell the ones you love that you aren't who they've always believed you to be. That's why the celebration. That's why the big deal. That's why the telling to friends and family.

If you've forever been taught that straight is normal and good, and that gay is bad and something to be mocked, it's hard to be able to accept yourself. The gay jokes at school (especially amongst guys who see gay as being less masculine, and generally just being less of a bloke) do take a toll - even if they aren't meant to be put-downs.


Admiral Obvious
then tell me what is the point? in plain english. what is the point of having sperm? what is the point of having ovaries? How to procreation get accompished?
Again, you avoid the actual point with yet another tangent.

The point of having sperm and eggs is to distinguish between male and female.

so now that I answered you irrelevant tangent are you going to actually address the point, or are you, like madhatter, going to continue to ignore that which proves you are full of ****?


Depends Upon My Mood..
I wonder where you live, that you have never seen a newspaper with engagement and wedding announcements, never heard of a wedding shower, never been to a wedding, never heard people mention their boyfriends or their girlfriends. It is fascinating that somebody can live so completely isolated from society that they are unaware of the many ways in which heterosexuals publicize their sexuality and their relationships, and even more interesting that a person living in such complete isolation and such complete ignorance of human society nevertheless manages to have access to the Internet.

I love you too brother..:)

Also what about wedding rings and engagement rings that people wear everyday wherever they go?They may not "specifically" be announcing their sexual orientation but its well understood by others that they are 'displaying' (in public)the fact they are in a committed romantic relationship.

What about the men you see piling in to all the strip bars..arent they publically "displaying' they have an interest in drooling over naked women?

Should heterosexuals not only NOT make "public" they are in to the opposite sex..but should they be expected to go to extremes to avoid letting anyone "know" so as to be equal with the expectations some have for gay people?

Should I introduce my husband to people as "this is my friend Andy"?What about the fact we have children together?Arent people going to "know" we had sex together at some point?

Speaking of "reproducing" women have to walk around pregnant.CLEARLY demonstrating they had SEX (most likely LOL) with the opposite sex.

I rememeber my not so tactful dentist said to me when I brought one of the kids in and I was humongous pregnant and he smirked and said something like "I can see what you've been up to".. :eek: ETA: should I have hid in a "closet" during my pregnancy(ies plural) so as not to make "public" I had (possibly) had heterosexual sex?


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Depends Upon My Mood..
You know what I want to add..I can "relate" on some levels to gays and the "shame"..On my point above about displaying making "public" you are not only (most likely LOL) HETERO when you are a pregnant female but you have definately been having sex if your are pregnant.

I got pregnant when I was 14..My mother was there for me but her "shame" (of me not the baby) was crushing at times.

I remember specifically one time a friend of hers came over..At first she told me to "go upstairs" then she said ..or just sit on that side of the table(we had a giant lazy Susan style table) and just "dont stand up".

Later she said she was just "trying to protect me".

Im not saying its exactly the same.I dont think anyone gay straight or in between or whatever would "advise" a 14 year old to get pregnant and have a baby.Im just saying I know how it feels to be the subject of shame over loving someone including sexually period.Because I loved him..the father of my now 26 year old son.Long story short we are married now.And have been for 21 years.

But I know the "walk of shame".My aunt..ironically unbeknownst to me at the time had had a baby (in the late 50's in ALABAMA) and was hidden away and the baby put up for adoption.She is the only one that seemed to treat me like I wasnt a slutted reject.




Active Member
I'm pretty sure the question should be "what's the point of having sex?"
yes! the main purpose to having sex is to procreate. not saying there aren't other reasons people have sex

Because people don't "come out" as hetero. People are in the closet gay (the closet being the false hetero mask) because of the stigma, the judgement, the views that people have about gay people. Coming out isn't necessarily about being gay, but about coming out as being who you really are. And that is ALWAYS something to celebrate. It's got alot less to do with letting everyone know your gay, than it does with celebrating self-acceptance. It's also a fantastic opportunity to see if your friends really are friends or if they're going to run from you or try to "convert" you back to hetero.

People assume you are hetero until they have reason to believe otherwise. Either by the way *some* gay people dress (and these are the more obvious ones) or by you telling them (most often the case). That's why people need to know. They need to know you - not some false idea of you. The same way people need to know what job you do - i.e. if people believed you were a plumber, you would correct them and say that no, you're a librarian (or w/e).

Coming out parties generally don't involve the general public though - mostly it's about friends and families so that they can finally see you for you. It's not like this will result in you telling everyone you meet that you're gay (e.g. the "only gay in the village" from Little Britain). It's a big thing to do, and requires alot of courage to be able to tell the ones you love that you aren't who they've always believed you to be. That's why the celebration. That's why the big deal. That's why the telling to friends and family.

If you've forever been taught that straight is normal and good, and that gay is bad and something to be mocked, it's hard to be able to accept yourself. The gay jokes at school (especially amongst guys who see gay as being less masculine, and generally just being less of a bloke) do take a toll - even if they aren't meant to be put-downs.
Thanks for explaining this.