The bottom line is this: This father didn't use the resources available to him. He failed his daughter and will have to live with that guilt the rest of his life.
I have faith in God. That doesn't mean that I get to act stupidly and then shake my fist in God's face when He doesn't "protect" me from my own stupid decisions.
"Hmmm, I am a Christian and I have faith that God will protect me. I'm going to smoke in bed. Why shouldn't I? Hey, while I'm at it, I think I'll leave all my doors unlocked every night. In fact, I'm going to leave my car doors unlocked too, with the keys in the ignition and my purse and cell phone laying in the passenger seat while I run in and return these DVDs - after all, God will protect me and my property! Hey, this is fun! I think I'll leave pennies laying around all over the floor when my baby learns to crawl - after all, God will protect me and mine! You know what - I'm going to start drinking a bottle of wine a night - who's afraid of liver damage? GOD WILL PROTECT ME! Kids, go run out in the street to play...God will protect you..."
Or how 'bout this (to follow your line of "reasoning"):
"I put my trust in the government to protect my rights. This means I don't have to vote, don't have to keep abreast of current events, don't have to take any sort of stand on political issues. After all, my government will protect me, right? If my human rights are encroached on or trampled by my government, it's not my fault - I trusted my government leaders to protect me."
Hmmm, how bout this one:
"I put my trust in my husband - I trust him to be faithful. This means I can get as fat and unattractive as I want to get. After all, I trust him. In fact, I can be as *****y as I like - because I trust him unconditionally. I can treat him like crap every day for the next 30 years - because I trust him. In fact, if he cheats on me or leaves me, he's letting ME down. IT'S HIS FAULT, not mine! Bring on the chocolate!"