alright richard enough is enough. Every single institution that man has ever created since the beginning of recorded history has had its share of adherents abuse it towards clearly terrible/evil consequences and its fair share of idiots do something completely stupid in the name of that institution.
And before we start here let me make it clear that i am speaking about the three major religions of the world.
The institution of family allowed for the creation of "vendetta." therefore family is evil.
Only those families that allowed for the vendetta
the institution of capitalism allowed for the creation of predatory credit practices, therefore capitalism is evil.
Yes i would agree with that.
Government allowed for genocides of numerous sorts to occur, therefore government is evil.
Most certainly.
Science prompted genocide through social darwinism and eugenics practices, therefore science is evil.
No, enough good has come out of science to counter any evils it may have done, religion on the other hand has done nothing to advance the species.
The larger the institution the more likely it is that some person of questionable character is going to try and use that institution towards harmful and/or extremely selfish ends. Religion, government, family, money, etc all have been responsible for atrocities of countless number; singling one out over the others is a fallacy unless you can clearly show how religion differs from the others and how that difference specifically leads to greater harm done.
The difference is, only good is suppose to come from religion, there is no wiggle room here, only good is expected. A caring loving god that looks down and protects his creations, there is no room for evil here.
In the absence of religion almost all the great works of art from dark ages through the renaissance would not have existed.
Silly statement, people will create regardless of religion. Being a creative person i know i can create beauty without a god belief and many of the creative people i know can do the same. They simply would have been inspired in other ways.
The church patronized a large majority of the artists, sculptors, architects, and thinkers of the time.
Many of the composers and artist worked for the church, how successful do you think any of them would have been if they where know non-believers. You know----don't bite the hand that feeds you!!!
Care to take a stab at answering the question?