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How are these Great Beings explained?


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
So what is the Baha'i interpretation of the "7 year" tribulation period?

The seven year tribulation period is based on Christians misunderstanding Daniel 9:24-27. It is based on the final seven. An alternative exegesis of these verses:

24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

How long is seventy weeks in biblical terms?

490 Years

What is the Holy City?


What does “Finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity” refer to?

Daniel 9 begins with Daniel praying to God on behalf of His people. At the time the Hebrews had been exiled and this was a direct consequence of their failure to adhere to the Eternal Covenant God made with Moses, Noah, and Abraham.

‘To bring everlasting righteousness’. What does this mean and how could it happen?

Jesus would partially fulfil this prophecy by bringing a New Covenant (Jerimiah 31:31). The Returned Christ will completely fulfil it Jeremiah 31:31-34)

‘To seal up vision and prophecy’ and ‘anoint the most Holy’– What does this mean?

Jesus would fulfil this prophecy in Daniel and that is part of what He eluded to on the Mount of Olives. Jesus was anointed in the lead up to His Crucifixion.

25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

What is this commandment to restore and build Jerusalem?

It was the command issued by Artaxerxes 457 B.C as unlike the previous 2 decrees this was the one that was acted on. The decree in regards to the wall and gate was not the one as the rebuildin gof Jerusalem was well advanced at that stage.

And the Messiah the Prince?

Jesus the Christ

Does this refer to the same time period as above and if so why the division into distinct periods?

It refers to the same period but is divided up to emphasize the importance of the first seven weeks (49 years) with the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the last week when Christ was Manifested.

Where is the missing week?

Daniel 9:27

“the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.” Why refer to these aspects?

The completeness of reconstruction of Jerusalem which will have important symbolic significance eg book of Revelation.

26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

When is ‘after threescore and two weeks’?

The last week where Christ is manifested.

‘The Messiah shall be cut off’ ‘but not for himself’ What does this mean?

He will sacrifice Himself for the Salvation of humanity.

‘and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary’ ? Meaning?

The Jews who have put to death their Messiah, in turn have their temple and Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans.

‘and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined’? Meaning?

Life is going to become very difficult for God's chosen people

27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Is this the missing week?


What is the Covenant? What other Covenants are there in the bible?

The New Covenant prophesised in Jeremiah 31:31 symbolised at the last supper.

‘Shall cause sacrifice and oblation to cease’ Meaning?

Sacrifice at the temple ends with the destruction the temple. Jesus is the new focal point of worship.

‘And for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate’ Meaning?

The Jews will experience many abominations that result in desolation of a long period of time.

‘even until the consummation ’ Meaning?

The Return of Christ ends this for the Jews (Bridal symbolism - Matthew 25 and book of Revelation)

‘and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.’ Meaning?

The Returned Christ's love will be poured upon the Jews. They will be the first as a Nation to recognise the Returned Christ.

The 3 Woes comes toward the end of it and right before the second coming?

Each Woe is a consequence of humanities failure to recognise the return of the Messiah.

But the 3 Woes are supposed to be Muhammad, The Bab and Baha'u'llah? So how can the 3 Woes, all kinds of bad things, and, since the Woes come right before the second coming, also be the manifestations?

While it is true that the state of religion and the morals of the community have reached a low point when the Manifestation comes, the woes largely come after the Manifestation of God, not before. Think of the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD (as Jesus had warned) and the plight of the Jewish people thereafter. Consider the flood that came after Noah's warning.


Premium Member
Religious scholar or evangelical Christian fundamentalist or both!

John Ankerberg photos - Google Search:

The first part, (as is usual with these types of papers) seemed spot on as a description. It agreed with almost everything I've learned from you guys. But you're right, at the end it always tries to show how one's own faith is far superiour. It seems the common tactic, and was used in Memnon's (sp?)paper on Hinduism and Baha'i'.

Still tough to find any more neutral papers, but that's most likely the academics have larger fish to fry than Baha'i'.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
That is what was offered, Goodnight Now :)

Regards Tony

When people come together at world nations they discuss what we need to Do to implement world peace.

Do you want humanity to be involved in deciding what world peace and solution means to us as a whole or not?

Is humanity's decisions involved in greater world peace?

You have to be direct in your answers. I did my best to shorten my questions that I hope would be answered.

good morning. Off to work.
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Active Member
Certainly not all Hindus believe all paths lead to the same God. I don't. Within Hinduism, sure.
they do , after recycling all x's pass thru y z to be abc if the goal is abc. so long as the role of x element is justified it stays x, when its time for y it goes y.
the entire cosmos is cyclic so is the play of maya /manifested . you may call that god or source. or you maybe at a point where you find no need for god / source/ deny it or seek a ticket in heavenly planet for that life.


Veteran Member
Still, IT, even if that is true, he was raised in a Muslim country and was certainly influenced by Islam.

Can you critique this piece for accuracy?

I was raised in Iran, so, it is true if someone lives in a Muslim country, can be influenced by Islam, but not to the extend to make him much greater in knowledge than the scholars of the time, and to convince Muslim Scholars that a new revelation has come after Muhammad, the seal of prophets. Religion has a lot more details to be able to pick them up simply by being among Muslims. Moreover, knowledge of Bahaullah or Abdulbaha was not just limited to Islamic theology or even Shia. From their Writings it is obvious They showed knowledge of other religions, specially the Abrahamics, such as Christianity. For one, I know, it is very little to pick up about Christianity in a Muslim country. Specially in those days, there was no internet. Bahaullah and Abdulbaha were in prison and exile most of their lives. The Bab was raised as a Merchant, and was only 25 years old, when He convinced the scholars of His time that He has a new revelation. There has never been a person among Muslims who ever had convinced Muslims or probably even successfully proclaim to Muslims such a claim that another Faith has come after Muhammad, the Messenger of God.
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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
How do we explain these Great Beings: Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Christ, Zoroaster, Muhammad, the Bab & Bahaullah? They are somewhat unique and unparalleled in human history and were clearly not ordinary people.

There are famous people in history, famous artists, musicians and scientists but none can compare to the influence of the Educator, Teacher, Messiah or Prophet.

But Who were they? And why were they and still are so influential throughout history? Why did they inspire civilizations? Why have their scriptures become patterns of life followed daily by billions of people for thousands of years?

What gift did they possess to be able to be persecuted, oppressed, tortured, exiled and crucified by the most despotic and powerful leaders of their age with but a handful of followers and yet eventually triumph over adversity and establish Their Cause all over the world?

Statues, Churches, Temples, Pagodas, Mosques and Synagogues are built all over the world to pay tribute to these Great Souls.

Are they from another world? Did they pre exist? Without a special power how could they have accomplished what they did and who is their equal in influence?

And aren't we in dire need of another Great Spiritual Teacher to revive us spiritually?

Probably just a product of circumstance.
Lots of prophets, lots of messiahs.

Often people who wrote a hit song had no idea their song would be a hit. Folks who create religions/following likely have no idea how or why their words will become popular.

They just do. Just the right set of circumstances in the world for one belief, of all the others out their, to become popular.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
yes as soon as you officially say , all paths lead to the same god ..i will..but your people have said we are the only way to god about 200 pages ago.

All Paths do lead to the same God. The Face of God is seen in all the Great Beings.

It is Baha'u'llah that is the Face of God for this age. Thus not to turn towards this face in this day is turning away from God since time began.

To turn away from any Face of God, once we have been made aware this is so, is to turn away from God

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Still tough to find any more neutral papers, but that's most likely the academics have larger fish to fry than Baha'i'.

We can say with 100% Assurity, that it will not be long before they feel we are a fish worth frying. :) I personally long for those days, as it preceeds when we as humanity will find our unity.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
When people come together at world nations they discuss what we need to Do to implement world peace.

Do you want humanity to be involved in deciding what world peace and solution means to us as a whole or not?

Is humanity's decisions involved in greater world peace?

You have to be direct in your answers. I did my best to shorten my questions that I hope would be answered.

good morning. Off to work.

Now good morning to you from me.:)

Can I offer this has been the point of the entire discussion. To be involved one first must identify what needs to be done.

Thus a full circle has again been the result of the discussion.

It is Baha'ullah that has identified what mankind must do. Mankind will do this with or without knowing this to be so.

If they know, it will happen with more rapidity and less suffering, if they do not know or do nit want to know, it will happen after a lot more suffering.

One Document containing the direction mankind must head is 'The Promise of World Peace'. Given by the Universal House if Justice in 1985.

The Promise of World Peace—The Universal House of Justice

That being said It now starts with us as individuals.

So lets discuss. What is needed for World Peace? We can discuss One point at a time and see if we can find wisdom in that point.

Should we start with Disarmament?

Regards Tony


Premium Member
We can say with 100% Assurity, that it will not be long before they feel we are a fish worth frying. :) I personally long for those days, as it preceeds when we as humanity will find our unity.

Regards Tony

Most of the western scholars who write about Hinduism are downright anti-Hindu. It's because, by our nature, we're passive, and let things go. Only recently have Hindu scholars made rebuttals.

In the Baha'i' case, nearly all the scholars are Baha'i' although I question their scholarship. You should thank your lucky stars this is the case for now. In the future the vehement anti-Baha'i' attacks of will surely intensify. Are you longing for those days?


Premium Member
All Paths do lead to the same God. The Face of God is seen in all the Great Beings.

It is Baha'u'llah that is the Face of God for this age. Thus not to turn towards this face in this day is turning away from God since time began.

To turn away from any Face of God, once we have been made aware this is so, is to turn away from God

Regards Tony

Ahh .... all those poor adherents of non prophet religions. They are a totally lost cause, poor blokes. Off to hell we all go, lol.


Active Member
All Paths do lead to the same God. The Face of God is seen in all the Great Beings.

It is Baha'u'llah that is the Face of God for this age. Thus not to turn towards this face in this day is turning away from God since time began.

To turn away from any Face of God, once we have been made aware this is so, is to turn away from God

Regards Tony

Paths do lead to the same God. The Face of God is seen in all the Great Beings.- correction - all paths lead to the same god, as there is nothing outside the will that can occur.
The face of god is seen in all beings not just the great beings.

It is Baha'u'llah that is the Face of God for this age. Thus not to turn towards this face in this day is turning away from God since time began.
- wrong , bah'ullah is a regional prophet and he was just a prophet, manifestation of god speaks the language of krishna and gurunanak.
turning away from baha'ullah does nothing since he is a regional prophet..prophets are for land kingdom and game of thrones of this planet . turning away from krishna and saying that his teachings are invalid for this time is turing away from god.


Active Member
To turn away from any Face of God, once we have been made aware this is so, is to turn away from God

Regards Tony
this is the problem with you abrahamics , you poisoned the love for god with such pressures and fear tacts, this islamic way of threatening to fear and love god is the biggest problem of my life and it has spoiled my whole vibe so badly. This is the part which makes me angry.

You make god sound like a worship monger who uses scare tactics, and by these tacts you attract not true love or a relation with god , but you convert the people based on a known fact that people get scared .. you use fear to make them do what they wouldn't do naturally...

hinduism is about natural inclination and loving god in the true sense.. we don't use such ultimatums to lure in people. and whoever does is an idiot, since you spoil the attitude for god for your own greed of converts. GOD IS TIMELESS. he doesn't want to pressure people to love him.. he gives you multi lives to love him naturally.

this above line is the reason tony loves baha ullah, because he knows if he turns away he be missin the bus to planet bahubali. forget your tickets for hevean you pressure tact users , that is the most pathetic way to get converts.

you force pluck unripe fruits , who will confess that they loved god for the wrong reasons. and you should be held responsible for plucking unripe souls.
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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Ahh .... all those poor adherents of non prophet religions. They are a totally lost cause, poor blokes. Off to hell we all go, lol.

Ha ha....you know we have already said that is not how it is. :)

First we do what we can to make this a better world and leave our fate to what it will be.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
The face of god is seen in all beings not just the great beings.

It can be if the mirror of our Souls become pure. The Great Beings are the pure Mirrors refelcting the entire Sun, in turn considering how much we polish our mirrors, that we can then also reflect.

At best, we usually reflect but a ray or two of the sun and not the entire sun.

Regards Tony