Unveiled Artist
Veteran Member
As said the Laws Change and these Rituals are no longer practiced in an outward dispaly. Their inner meaning has been explained and we are asked to Meditate on all aspects of life to unlock our spiritual understanding
As you may know the Bahá'í faith has no clergy or sacraments and virtually no rituals, I could say there may be three Bahá'í rituals.
I can sèe that there may be at least two reasons why a Baha'i would avoid rituals;
- Obligatory daily prayers
- Reciting the prayer for the dead at a funeral
- The simple marriage cerimony
Rituals can easily degenerate and become meaningless, so that people carry them out for the sake of the ritual and forget the spiritual purpose behind them and Rituals can be a form of cultural imperialism, imposing the same rituals across different cultures and destroying their rich diversity
Shoghi Effendi wrote in 1949...
"Bahá'u'lláh has reduced all ritual and form to an absolute minimum in His Faith. The few forms that there are - like those associated with the two longer obligatory daily prayers - are only symbols of the inner attitude."
Prayers have been said for your Aunt. It may interest you that we believe you can still pray for her as she can and most likely pray for you. There needs to be no seperarion.
Staya happy, Regards Tony
Thank you. We're trying to get my cousin to go up and gather family to make decisions on arrangements etc. I havent really slept.
The Bahai rituals, Id call sacraments because they are rituals you use in conjuction with your belief. Like with the miracles, I dont see how there is a point in time where rituals stop being spiritual. I find that odd but no where near historical nor common.