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How can someone be a male and be a feminist at the same time?


So let me get this right Dust1n. You are going to discriminate against my thread and call it trolling, and then claim to be a feminist who stands for equality and equal rights. You do realize this is a general debate forum right? That is why I posted it here.

:biglaugh: Discriminate, lol.

Does feminism only deal with gender or does it focus on other issues beyond gender like sexual orientation, and sexual preference?

It focuses on other issues beyond gender like sexual orientation and sexual preference, amongst other things. Why do you ask? And I don't even get this next sentence, it totally doesn't follow!

Because there seems to be a massive cult following for people who think they deserve to be treated better when in reality they have the same amount of privileges everyone else has.

Huh? Who? What are you talking about? What makes you think feminists think they deserve to be treated better? Who has stated this? Where? In this thread? In a book?

And then it's another non sequitur again...

Women can handle their own issues and men can handle theirs. As in women can debate other women on topics that concern them just like men can. If there is to be some common ground between two subjects based on equality, then men shouldn’t interfere with the progress of women and women shouldn’t interfere with the progress of men.

I'm glad you think creating a giant barrier, all the way down the population, in 'issue handling' is healthy. Regardless, that has nothing to do with whether a man can a feminist or not, but whether a man should. What are you trying to debate here?

Feminism loses all credibility soon as someone brings up issues besides equal rights.

And yet this is claimed without ever having read any feminist writer. Any of them. From the huge selection of 150+ years of its history. And it perfectly shows when you think 150+ years of philosophy and literature is completely debunked just because you think it is, even though you've never read any.

What credibility do you have, to claim the incredible of 150+ years of literature you've never partaken in?

Because it gets into issues with how people should act and treat one another (men and women), in public, that they should have learned in first grade, on the playground or in their backyard. That is just the sad reality of it and to think some adults want to act like children disgusts me.

But I guess it's totally okay for you to get into issues as to how men and women should act separately, and never engage each others issues.

I'd so love it if you pulled up a quote, longer than four sentences, from any feminist text, talking about how people should act and treat one another and that this should be learned in first grade, on the playground or in their backyard. But it's a sad reality that I won't get a direct response to even one of points. Even then, what I get back as a post will be completely irrelevant to anything I said just now.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Either you missed the point or you didn't read what I posted. Maybe you did... who knows...

I did. Your words:

Women can handle their own issues and men can handle theirs. As in women can debate other women on topics that concern them just like men can. If there is to be some common ground between two subjects based on equality, then men shouldn’t interfere with the progress of women and women shouldn’t interfere with the progress of men.

I vehemently disagree with this stance.


Active Member
:biglaugh: Discriminate, lol.
If you don't think you are discriminating then that is totally subjective. I'm not going to take the blinders off of you. :D
It focuses on other issues beyond gender like sexual orientation and sexual preference, amongst other things. Why do you ask? And I don't even get this next sentence, it totally doesn't follow!
Because I’m not avoiding question and giving you a direct response.
Huh? Who? What are you talking about? What makes you think feminists think they deserve to be treated better? Who has stated this? Where? In this thread? In a book?

And then it's another non sequitur again...
I would take your word for it, but I haven’t been able to take your word for anything else. :areyoucra

I'm glad you think creating a giant barrier, all the way down the population, in 'issue handling' is healthy. Regardless, that has nothing to do with whether a man can a feminist or not, but whether a man should. What are you trying to debate here?
That is because you don't acknowledge gender barriers yet claim to be feminist. Quite pathetic if you ask me.
And yet this is claimed without ever having read any feminist writer. Any of them. From the huge selection of 150+ years of its history. And it perfectly shows when you think 150+ years of philosophy and literature is completely debunked just because you think it is, even though you've never read any.

What credibility do you have, to claim the incredible of 150+ years of literature you've never partaken in?
You are distorting the topic, typical antics of someone that chooses not to debate the subject.If I remember correctly, you said something similar did you not?

But I guess it's totally okay for you to get into issues as to how men and women should act separately, and never engage each others issues.
Again you don’t take anything I post at face value and give your own two sense.

I'd so love it if you pulled up a quote, longer than four sentences, from any feminist text, talking about how people should act and treat one another and that this should be learned in first grade, on the playground or in their backyard. But it's a sad reality that I won't get a direct response to even one of points. Even then, what I get back as a post will be completely irrelevant to anything I said just now.
Actually I would like for you to pull up a quote since you are defending feminism. Its on your bro. BTW: Happy Birthday.


Active Member
I did. Your words:

Women can handle their own issues and men can handle theirs. As in women can debate other women on topics that concern them just like men can. If there is to be some common ground between two subjects based on equality, then men shouldn’t interfere with the progress of women and women shouldn’t interfere with the progress of men.

I vehemently disagree with this stance.
Good then you don't agree on a cumulative argument or disagreement. So stick to bias and discrimination.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Good then you don't agree on a cumulative argument or disagreement. So stick to bias and discrimination.

Explain, because what I see in your statement is that women should keep to themselves on their issues, and men should keep to themselves on their issues, which is what sounds an awful lot like bias and discrimination to me.

But, as a feminist and therefore a proponent of gender equality, I am in favor of men and women talking about their respective issues with each other.

Would you call that unreasonable? If so, why?


Active Member
Explain, because what I see in your statement is that women should keep to themselves on their issues, and men should keep to themselves on their issues, which is what sounds an awful lot like bias and discrimination to me.
Quite the opposite. Men and women should be able to sort out their own differences and then find common ground.
But, as a feminist and therefore a proponent of gender equality, I am in favor of men and women talking about their respective issues with each other.
[FONT=&quot]Funny, because I don’t disagree with that. [/FONT]Yet, I don't need feminism to speak about equal rights with other men.
Would you call that unreasonable? If so, why?
No, why would I find it unreasonable for women to be women and men to be men when they are more than capable of living in a civilized society?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Quite the opposite. Men and women should be able to sort out their own differences and then find common ground.

Why not sort them out together?

Funny, because I don’t disagree with that.
Yet, I don't need feminism to speak about equal rights with other men.
Not sure I understand. Who said you did?

But if you don't disagree with me, then why do you turn around and say something that's indicative that you actually do:

No, why would I find it unreasonable for women to be women and men to be men when they are more than capable of living in a civilized society?
Because it's better if people are people. We're all people, men and women.

Sure, there are some differences between men and women, but as far as I'm concerned, they're negligible in the grand scheme of things.
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If you don't think you are discriminating then that is totally subjective. I'm not going to take the blinders off of you. :D

Point out exactly what I said that was 'discriminating' against you. Go ahead, please. Do one quote of where I do. Take the 'blinders' off of me.

Criticizing your argument, and substance of threads is not discriminating against you. I talk to you in plenty of other threads.

Because I’m not avoiding question and giving you a direct response.

You asked me question about whether feminism deals with stuff like homosexuality and gender identity. I answered and asked why you asked me. You reply is because you're not avoiding question and giving me a direct response

How is asking me that question suppose to demonstrate your not avoiding the question? A direct response? I don't know what you are talking about. A direct response to what?

I would take your word for it, but I haven’t been able to take your word for anything else. :areyoucra

You said, "there seems to be a massive cult following for people who think they deserve to be treated better when in reality they have the same amount of privileges everyone else has."

I ask you "Huh? Who? What are you talking about? What makes you think feminists think they deserve to be treated better? Who has stated this? Where? In this thread? In a book?"

I'm asking you here for a quote of someone in this thread so some feminist text that has demanded that women should have more privileges men?

Now look up back at your response just now.

How is that not avoiding the question. How is that not avoiding giving me a direct response. Instead of actually addressing any argument, you use an ad hominem against me instead of actually addressing what I say. That is exactly what a troll does.

That is because you don't acknowledge gender barriers yet claim to be feminist. Quite pathetic if you ask me.

Feminism is about breaking down gender barriers.
That's why I claim to be a feminist.

Again, are you trying to argue that I can't be/am not a feminist or that I should not be a feminist? Why won't you just answer the question?

You are distorting the topic, typical antics of someone that chooses not to debate the subject.If I remember correctly, you said something similar did you not?

I have debated the subjected. Earlier. I have already chosen to do it. You didn't even engage in my arguments, you just insisted that I wasn't a feminist, "bro."

But we know that the topic of feminism isn't going to get distorted when you talk about since, as I just said, "this is [all] claimed without ever having read any feminist writer. Any of them. From the huge selection of 150+ years of its history. And it perfectly shows when you think 150+ years of philosophy and literature is completely debunked just because you think it is, even though you've never read any.

What credibility do you have, to claim the incredible of 150+ years of literature you've never partaken in?"

Again you don’t take anything I post at face value and give your own two sense.

"Feminism loses all credibility soon as someone brings up issues besides equal rights. Because it gets into issues with how people should act and treat one another (men and women), in public, that they should have learned in first grade, on the playground or in their backyard. That is just the sad reality of it and to think some adults want to act like children disgusts me."

I took that for face value and pointed at the double standard that you have for feminism and yourself.

If something "loses all credibility because it gets into issues with how people should act"

Than why did you say "Women can handle their own issues and men can handle theirs. As in women can debate other women on topics that concern them just like men can. If there is to be some common ground between two subjects based on equality, then men shouldn’t interfere with the progress of women and women shouldn’t interfere with the progress of men."

'Feminism loses all credibility because it gets into issues with how people should act,' is what you claimed. That was right after you said "men shouldn't interfere with the progress of women."

That is called a double standard.

Actually I would like for you to pull up a quote since you are defending feminism. Its on your bro. BTW: Happy Birthday.

Thank you, but really, the greatest gift would be:

if you pulled up a quote, longer than four sentences, from any feminist text, talking about how people should act and treat one another and that this should be learned in first grade, on the playground or in their backyard.

Feminism loses all credibility soon as someone brings up issues besides equal rights. Because it gets into issues with how people should act and treat one another (men and women), in public, that they should have learned in first grade, on the playground or in their backyard. That is just the sad reality of it and to think some adults want to act like children disgusts me.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Because they should. Do you have a problem with that?

Yeah, kinda, because I fail to see why, and saying "because they should" simply repeats the argument rather than backing it up.

If people are people, and the biological differences between men and women are negligible (both of which we agree on) why can't men and women tackle their respective issues together? Why be segregated?


Active Member
Yeah, kinda, because I fail to see why, and saying "because they should" simply repeats the argument rather than backing it up.
Thats not my problem. I was very clear with my post and previous posts.
If people are people, and the biological differences between men and women are negligible (both of which we agree on) why can't men and women tackle their respective issues together? Why be segregated?
Who said they can't?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Thats not my problem. I was very clear with my post and previous posts.

We are the worst judges of our own work. Just 'cause you think you were clear doesn't mean you actually were.

Who said they can't?
Well, you are. You're saying that they SHOULD stay segregated until they've worked out their own gender-based issues. I question the necessity for that, and say that men and women can work out their gender-based issues with each other, that is, regardless of gender.

FTR, I'm not really reading your debate with Dustin.
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