The beliefs you have via your interpretation of the Bible are CLAIMS that are not verified by sufficient evidence. You can’t criticize others for being critical thinkers while you believe on faith.
I’m not criticizing you or others, yet I don’t consider you to be solely a critical thinker, nor are my beliefs based solely on faith without evidence. Evidence abounds which supports reasonable faith in a Creator and the biblical text; the universe, creation, historical, archaeological, and prophetic.
“… reason and evidence may legitimately point the direction for faith to go—and must do so. Indeed, faith must not violate evidence and reason or it would be irrational. Faith takes a step beyond reason but only in the direction that reason and evidence have pointed.
The idea of a “leap of faith” (that faith must be irrational) has been promoted by some schools of philosophy and religion. If that were true, however, there would be no basis other than feelings or intuition for what one believes. As a consequence, one could believe or have faith in any-thing.”
“One must have some evidence even to believe there is a God. Otherwise, how could the idea of God be sustained?
Thankfully, the evidence is all around us: “The heavens declare the glory of God. . . . For the invisible things of him [God] from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they [all mankind] are without excuse” (Psalm:19:1; Romans:1:20). One cannot learn very much of the incredible nature of the universe, from the beautiful simplicity of the atomic structure of the elements to the incomprehensible complexity of a living cell with ten thousand chemical reactions going on at once in perfect balance with one another, without realizing that it couldn’t have happened by chance.”
Our monthly feature excerpted from Dave Hunt's book of the same title. What Role Do Evidence and Reason Play? Question: I can see that it makes no sense and would be very dang