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How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Wow! Breaking the Ninth Commandment again. You have been given more than a decent explanation. Right now you unfortunately are definitely claiming that your God is a liar. It is a pity that you are too afraid to learn how you are doing that.
Unless you can back up your claim that I am "breaking the Ninth Commandment," and that my God is a liar, you are the liar and making wild claims again. Gorillas remain gorillas, monkeys remain monkeys, bacteria remain bacteria.


Veteran Member
Gorillas remain gorillas, monkeys remain monkeys, bacteria remain bacteria.
And again you repeat this.

It's been corrected every time you said it at least as far back as june 2021.
Why do you insist on being wrong and arguing strawmen?

And yes, you are breaking the ninth commandment since you are bearing false witness.
You KNOW that the quote above is a falsehood (misrepresentation / strawman) and you have known this for AT LEAST 3 years.

What is it that you hope to accomplish?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Unless you can back up your claim that I am "breaking the Ninth Commandment," and that my God is a liar, you are the liar and making wild claims again. Gorillas remain gorillas, monkeys remain monkeys, bacteria remain bacteria.
I have backed it up many times. I have offered to help you to learn so that you can understand how you do that.

And oh my! You just said the equivalent of "rotifers remain elephants" in the last line of your post. When you are terribly ignorant you will shoot yourself repeatedly in the foot at times.

You have to get over your fear and the dishonest reactions that it causes in you. You won't earnestly try to learn. You only try to find excuses.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You keep calling it "conjecture", but the truth of course is that you are willfully ignorant about the scientific theory.
This is one of my pet peeves with her. She does not seem to realize that such claims put a burden of proof upon her. She seems to think that repeating this falsehood is a refutation. Ooh! New idea on how to handle it.


Premium Member
Unless you can back up your claim that I am "breaking the Ninth Commandment," and that my God is a liar, you are the liar and making wild claims again. Gorillas remain gorillas, monkeys remain monkeys, bacteria remain bacteria.
You are breaking the "nineth commandment" with your intentional ignorance of science, based on an ancient tribal agenda without science,

God does not lie, but yes some humans believe ancient mythology is from God.

God does not Create contradictions in the physical nature of our existence.


Premium Member
So I can be as subjective as I like as long as I don't try to be subjective, when it is objective. I do know that.
Confusing and circular at best. Your giving up what possible potential Free Will you have if you have to try or not try to be objective, I believe have the potential have objective real thoughts.

You need to respond to the following problem,

Well, here is a text about existence.
Existence (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
It relates to your idea of physical existence. It turns out existence is not science, it is philosphy. So with that out of the way, what is physical? Can you explain that?
Existence is an accepted factual nature of our physical existence. In and of it self it is neither science or philosophy,

It does not need to be explained if you understand English and what is defined as science and philosophy.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have backed it up many times. I have offered to help you to learn so that you can understand how you do that.

And oh my! You just said the equivalent of "rotifers remain elephants" in the last line of your post. When you are terribly ignorant you will shoot yourself repeatedly in the foot at times.

You have to get over your fear and the dishonest reactions that it causes in you. You won't earnestly try to learn. You only try to find excuses.
There is nothing whatsoever to back up your claims of me lying and God lying. You just make those claims with no backup. also @shunyadragon You are proving your points about you both lying. You just call names with nothing beyond that.


My own religion
Confusing and circular at best. You need to respond tothefollowingproble,

Existence is an accepted factual nature of our physical existence. In and of it self it is neither science or philosophy,

It does not need to be explained if you understand English and what is defined as science and philosophy.

Well, words are maigical, right?!! A defnition of God as say the Creator of the universe means that it is a fact that God is Creator of the universe.

Well, no, that is not how words work, so if you have a defintion of existence, it doesn't mean that existence is a fact.
So you can define all you like, but that doesn't as such make it a fact. Now that is real. :D


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Science does not lie. Believers in ancient mythologies lie about science.
I have not told lies. Gorillas remain gorillas, unless of course you have proof they do not. And, as "science" may claim and you may agree with that -- there is no proof. So -- gorillas remain gorillas...no matter what you say there is nothing beyond that except, of course, conjecture.


Premium Member
Well, words are maigical, right?!!
Incomplete. Words may be descriptive of the Magical and beliefs can be magical and real thoughts, but not necessarily true. Not really the subject of our discussion.
A defnition of God as say the Creator of the universe means that it is a fact that God is Creator of the universe.
No, beliefs are real Mental entities and states are real, but not necessarily facts. It appears you did not read my references provided.
Well, no, that is not how words work, so if you have a defintion of existence, it doesn't mean that existence is a fact.
So you can define all you like, but that doesn't as such make it a fact. Now that is real. :D

More from the aesthetic monk living in a cave in the Himalayas. Your confusing circular thoughts are real, but, of course, not necessarily true.

At this point I have to conclude you are spouting nonsense, an intentional, lack of knowledge of the English language and failing to read and respond to specific posts

Again you need to respond coherently , , ,

Well, here is a text about existence.
Existence (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
It relates to your idea of physical existence. It turns out existence is not science, it is philosphy. So with that out of the way, what is physical? Can you explain that?
Existence is an accepted factual nature of our physical existence. In and of it self it is neither science or philosophy,

It does not need to be explained if you understand English and what is defined as science and philosophy.
Last edited:


My own religion
No, beliefs can be magical

That is a definition of a belief.

More from the aesthetic monk living in a cave in the Himalayas

At this point I have to conclude you are spouting nonsense, an intentional, lack of knowledge of the English language and failing to respond to specific posts

Again you need to respond coherently , , ,

Existence is an accepted factual nature of our physical existence. In and of it self it is neither science or philosophy,

It does not need to be explained if you understand English and what is defined as science and philosophy.

Well, you have to observe it for it to be objective as independent of the mind.
That also goes for existence not matter how many words you use.

So unless yiu can explain how you observe existence as existence and not just different objective experinces, I will hold that existence is not objective as it can't be observed.