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How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?


Premium Member
Say a person goes to a Doctor to get pain killers for their back. They may have genuine pain or they may be pretending, just to get pills. How do you know if their pain actually exists? Some doctors will give the medicine, and others will not. Does that make it virtual pain where it both exists and does not exist like Schrodinger's cat?

Theoretically, the only way to be fully objective, if this is real pain or fake pain, would be if you could crawl into the person's skin and experience what they experience. In this case, the outside observational methods of science, is stuck at subjective; different doctors and different results, whereas, a first person experience is the only objective way.

The philosophy of science limits itself to tangible material things, outside us, that can be addressed objectively, via the senses, and can also be seen the same way by others. Science is not designed, by its own philosophical limitations to address internal reality. What is objective to each person; pain level, will often be called subjective, by those using subjective methods that are not allowed by their own philosophy.

The term subjective can also become subjective; the proof of existence of pain being different due to different Doctors choosing differently. In this case, only the inside data of the patient is objective. It is Schrodinger's cat to the consensus of science, since they cannot feel that pain, from the outside. They can look at output; body language, and even try to read a poker face, but that is not objective science, to an objective phenomena, we all have experienced inside; pain does exist.

If I like steak, this is being objective to my own needs and wants. It may be called subjective, if the whole group does not like steak. But it is really the group being subjective; projection, since they cannot read my mind and heart and feel what I know; I am being objective and true to myself. Instead they will assume the herd is all different, and only they can be objective about me. Science has to no business here making bold claim about things it is not designed, by its own philosophy, to make.

I believe science has made reality quite tangible, with the current philosophy of science. With this platform in place, is time to widen the philosophy of science, to include internal data, that can only be objective to each person, but which is hard to investigate via the current philosophy without playing the, it is subjective, card. Psychology, Philosophy and Religion all attempt to address this internal data since it is part of our collective human internal experience that impacts us as much as outside tangible reality. The depressed person who sees a gray world is more under the spell of internal reality than to objective reality. They can be rational but that alone may not clear their minds. It is real to them in an objective way due the overlap of inner and outer.

Irony is the philosophy of science uses an internal filter to adder external reality. Science can tell the difference since each person has first hand experience of the data to avoid which is personal objective data, which others will find subjective to them. I had to expand the philosophy of science when I ran unconscious mind experiments on myself since I was the scientist; objective and the experiment; internal objective output. This all be needed for the final frontier of science; consciousness and all its outputs that get lumped into reality due to repression caused by the 1/2 baked philosophy of science
This post again, again, and again is too too wordy and hard to respond to. You emphasis far too much on the "philosophy of science," which is history after Popper's work established Methodological Naturalism, Let's talk the objective factual application of science to the real world.


Premium Member
If only there were video cameras when fish were said by scientists to be developing legs and then eventually evolved to apes. Ah, if only. Fossils don't really do the job of completely transmitting these little details.
The lack of knowledge of science and evolution in this case is intentional, based on ancient tribal mythology without science.


Premium Member
Many scientists believe the theory of natural selection by mutation and I understand that they do, but there simply is nothing to show in reality that is how fish evolved to get out of water and then become monkeys. Among other mutations.
Many??? Actually virtually all the scientists in the fields related to evolution (97%+) and ALL the major academic institutions of the world support the sciences of evolution.

Scientists overwhelmingly support the theory of evolution, which is a central principle of biology and biotechnology:
  • Pew Research Center
    In 2009, a Pew Research Center poll found that 97% of scientists believe humans and other living things have evolved over time, and 87% believe natural processes, like natural selection, are the cause. In 2019, another poll found that 98% of scientists affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science believe in evolution.
  • National Academies
    The National Academies say that evolution is a foundational scientific truth that has withstood rigorous scrutiny and is the basis for much of human knowledge and achievement.
  • National Science Teachers Association
    The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) says that evolution is a major unifying concept in science and should be emphasized in K–12 science education.



    Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia
    There is a notable difference between the opinion of scientists and that of the general public in the United States. A 2009 poll by Pew Research Center found that "Nearly all scientists (97%) say humans and other living things have evolved over time – 87% say evolution is due to natural processes, such as natural selection. The dominant position among scientists – that living things have evolved due to natural processes – is shared by only about a third (32%) of the public." Whereas a 2014 Pew poll found "65% of [U.S.] adults say that humans and other living things have evolved".

    National Academies

    The Intersection of Science and Religion - National Academies
    "We the undersigned, Christian clergy from many different traditions, believe that the timeless truths of the Bible and the discoveries of modern science may comfortably coexist. We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests. To reject this truth or to treat it as 'one theory among others' is to deliberately embrace scientific ignorance and transmit such ignorance to our children.

    National Center for Science Education

    Views on evolution among the public and scientists | National Center for Science Education
    Jul 9, 2009


    For Darwin Day, 6 facts about the evolution debate
    Feb 11, 2019 — Scientists overwhelmingly agree that humans evolved over time, and most Americans are aware that this is the case. Among scientists connected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 98% say they believe humans evolved over time.

    National Science Teachers Association

    The Teaching of Evolution | NSTA
    The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) strongly supports the position that evolution is a major unifying concept in science and should be emphasized in K–12 science education frameworks and curricula. Furthermore, if evolution is not taught, students will not achieve the level of scientific literacy needed to be well-informed citizens and prepared for college and STEM careers. This position is consistent with that of the National Academies, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and many other scientific and educational organizations.

    American Chemical Society

    Teaching of Evolution: Fact and Theory
    A central component of biology and biotechnology, modern evolutionary theory is also based on evidence derived from chemistry, physics, geology, and other disciplines. Because of the overwhelming evidence supporting evolution, it is recognized and endorsed as a key principle of science, on par with the atomic theory of matter, and as a central theme of science education by all major scientific societies.


Admiral Obvious
I am sure that those who believe in deities may or may not believe the theory of evolution. And some will be brave enough to say why they believe in a deity or God or deities. There are those here who are well educated but get really upset when asked why they believe in that unseen force called gods or God. Or who knows, maybe goddesses.
Nice little... whatever that was.
It certainly did not address the point that your favoured deity does not provide the same level of evidence you whine so excessively about concerning evolution.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
They remain like all ancient religions written fro an ancient cultural perspective and not remotely actual factual history.
Job 26:7 ESV…
“He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.”

This is from noancient cultural perspective.”

Back then, such an expressed view would have been considered ignorant, at the very least.

But today we know it’s scientifically accurate!


Veteran Member
Holy Frack .. umm yeah .. the onus is on you to define your terms when making a claim .. such as "I don't believe in God(s)"

When I talk about gods, I'm not making any claims as much as I am responding to claims about gods.
I'm not the one who starts that conversation.

Someone first needs to claim a god exists before I can disbelieve that claim.
So the onus is on them. Obviously. :shrug:

If there were no people claiming gods exist, I wouldn't even know about any gods to talk about.

or any other claim in an argument .. basic logic 101 my son .. heh heh..

"basic logic 101", ey?

Tell me, do you wake up in the morning saying out of the blue that you don't believe in gooblydockbloblo?
Or do you first require someone to claim there is such a thing as gooblydockbloblo BEFORE you can disbelieve such a thing exists?

So who's job is it to define what gooblydockbloblo is? Yours? Or the person who FIRST claims there is such a thing?
Without someone claiming there is such a thing, would you even bother talking about it or evaluating whether or not you believe it to be real?

and what definitions are on par with "Godly Powers" --- "Magic" as these have been defined as one in the same by the God Hating Claimant !

Already answer this.

Violation / suspension of natural law. Things that are impossible which happen anyway.
And no, a flying plane or helicopter is not impossible nor does it violate or suspend any natural law.

Additionally, I don't "hate" gods. I don't believe gods to be real. This is not the same thing.
I don't hate "dart vader" either. I might if I would believe him to be real though, but I don't. I don't see much sense in "hating" what I consider to be fictional / mythological characters.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You don't know that.
That was your response to, "some [fish] became amphibians." I do know that. You can, too, but you'll have to open a book on evolution and your mind.
There were no cameras tracking the mutations leading to fish becoming amphibians and then humans in the long run.
There were natural mechanisms taking and preserving "screen shots" of the past and leaving better records than photographs. Man has been discovering more and more of these clues over the decades and has pieced together the story of what happened in the main. A single ancestral cell population evolved into the tree of life we find today according to the application of natural selection to genetic variation across generations. That is settled science. It is correct beyond reasonable doubt. I've already explained that to you.

It doesn't matter to the scientific community that there is a population of faith-based thinkers uninterested in learning the science. It only keeps them in the dark, not others. Uninformed opinions coming from creationists are not statements about reality. They're the myriad defenses you've accumulated to try to defend a wrong idea from the evidence that it is wrong.
fossils don't tell the story either of those miniscule changes whatsoever from who knows how many fish, for example, to amphibians and then eventually humans.
They don't tell you the story, but once again, why would an uniformed opinion matter to those who know that you are incorrect?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Your post demonstrates that you do not understand the concept of evidence. What you are talking about are observations and observations are not necessarily evidence.

This is why you should try to understand what is and what is not evidence. An ad hoc argument has no evidence and mistakenly thinks that observations are evidence. To have evidence you first need a rational explanation. Observations will either support that explanation or refute it. And if you cannot think of a possible refutation of your argument it probably is not an explanation, it is just a worthless ad hoc argument.
Not everyone's concept of "evidence" is such that it proves the point. A person accused of murder or another crime can be wrongfully convicted because of the way the "evidence" is presented and thought of by the jury.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That was your response to, "some [fish] became amphibians." I do know that. You can, too, but you'll have to open a book on evolution and your mind.

There were natural mechanisms taking and preserving "screen shots" of the past and leaving better records than photographs. Man has been discovering more and more of these clues over the decades and has pieced together the story of what happened in the main. A single ancestral cell population evolved into the tree of life we find today according to the application of natural selection to genetic variation across generations. That is settled science. It is correct beyond reasonable doubt. I've already explained that to you.

It doesn't matter to the scientific community that there is a population of faith-based thinkers uninterested in learning the science. It only keeps them in the dark, not others. Uninformed opinions coming from creationists are not statements about reality. They're the myriad defenses you've accumulated to try to defend a wrong idea from the evidence that it is wrong.

They don't tell you the story, but once again, why would an uniformed opinion matter to those who know that you are incorrect?
Again, you really do not "know" that water dwelling fish evolved to be amphibians. You interpret certain fossils and possibly creatures that way, but that is all. There is nothing beyond that to show that fish "evolved" to become amphibians. It's like taking two old movies with similar story lines and then declaring without really knowing that they must have had the same director, even though no one really has the credentials. And even the credentials could be misleading. That is why in some court cases analysts are brought in to determine the truthfulness of what is brought forth as evidence. And sadly sometimes the analysts are wrong and people are wrongfully judged based on the evidence proposed by the lawyers.


Christian Evolutionist
For beginners in layman terms. Of course you are perpetually intentionally ignorant of science based on an ancient tribal agenda,

HomeMacroevolution through evograms → The origin of tetrapods

The origin of tetrapods​

The word “tetrapod” means “four feet” and includes all species alive today that have four feet — but this group also includes many animals that don’t have four feet. That’s because the group includes all the organisms (living and extinct) that descended from the last common ancestor of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. So, for example, the ichthyosaur, an extinct swimming reptile, is a tetrapod even though it did not use its limbs to walk on land. So is the snake, even though it has no limbs. And birds and humans are tetrapods even though they only walk on two legs. All these animals are tetrapods because they descend from the tetrapod ancestor described above, even if they have secondarily lost their “four feet.”
Tetrapod phylogeny from The Tangled Bank, used with permission of the author, Carl Zimmer, and publisher, Roberts & Company, Greenwood Village, Colorado.
Tetrapods evolved from a finned organism that lived in the water. However, this ancestor was not like most of the fish we are familiar with today. Most animals we call fishes today are ray-finned fishes, the group nearest the root of this evogram. Ray-finned fishes comprise some 25,000 living species, far more than all the other vertebrates combined. They have fin rays — that is, a system of often branching bony rays (called lepidotrichia) that emanate from the base of the fin.
In contrast, the other animals in the evogram — coelacanths, lungfishes, all the other extinct animals, plus tetrapods (represented by Charles Darwin) — have what we call “fleshy fins” or “lobe fins.” That is, their limbs are covered by muscle and skin. Some, such as coelacanths, retain lepidotrichia at the ends of these fleshy limbs, but in most fleshy-finned animals these have been lost.
The common ancestor of all those different organisms (ray-fins, coelacanths, lungfishes, tetrapods, etc.) was neither a lobe-fin nor a ray-fin. This ancient vertebrate lineage had fins (with lepidotrichia), scales, gills, and lived in the water. Yet they also had air bladders (air-filled sacs) connected to the back of their throats that could be used for breathing air (i.e., as lungs) or for buoyancy control. The air bladders of many ray-fins no longer connect to their throats, and so they are not able to breathe air. In these ray-fins, the air bladder is used mainly for buoyancy control and is known as a swim bladder. By contrast, tetrapods have taken an alternative route: they have lost the buoyancy control function of their air bladders, and instead this organ been elaborated to form the lungs that we all use to get around on land.
When we get past coelacanths and lungfishes on the evogram, we find a series of fossil forms that lived between about 390 and 360 million years ago during the Devonian Period. During this interval, this lineage of fleshy-finned organisms moved from the water to the land. Many parts of the skeleton changed as new innovations that permitted life on land evolved.
For example, the ancestors at the base of this evogram lived fully in the water and had skulls that were tall and narrow, with eyes facing sideways and forwards. This allowed them to look around in their watery environments for predators and prey. However, as ancestors of the first tetrapods began to live in shallower waters, their skulls evolved to be flatter, with eyes on the tops of their heads. This probably allowed them to look up to spot food. Then, as tetrapods finally moved fully onto land and away from the water, many lineages once again evolved skulls that were tall and narrow, with eyes facing sideways and forwards, allowing them to look around their terrestrial environments for predators and prey.
As lineages moved into shallower water and onto land, the vertebral column gradually evolved as well. You may have noticed that fishes have no necks. Their heads are simply connected to their shoulders, and their individual vertebrae look quite similar to one another, all the way down the body. Mobile necks allow land animals to look down to see the things on the ground that they might want to eat. In shallow water dwellers and land dwellers, the first neck vertebra evolved different shapes, which allowed the animals to move their heads up and down. Eventually, the second neck vertebra evolved as well, allowing them to move their heads left and right. Later tetrapods evolved necks with seven or more vertebrae, some long and some short, permitting even more mobility.

Read on, but I doubt you will . . .
It's almost like a tadpole forming into a human. The womb of life, evolutionary processes, macro, micro, and ongoing adaptations .... It's kinda cool, really. I mean, how can a fish or tadpole go from breathing water to air? I think it's weird ... Ohh, dragonflies go from nymphs to dragonflies from water to air like evolution suggests happened to humans.

Time is a valuable thing
watch it go by as the pendulum swings

How many pups do you think she's gonna have and how many different types, or is it all about the same?


Premium Member
Job 26:7 ESV…
Job 26 ESV
“He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.”

This is from noancient cultural perspective.”

Back then, such an expressed view would have been considered ignorant, at the very least.

But today we know it’s scientifically accurate!
Actually, this reference is not scientifically accurate and relatively meaningless in the context of the whole mythology of the Genesis Creation Narrative and the mythology of Noah's Flood, which are an ancient cultural perspective without science, Your neglecting the fact that Genesis Cosmology was a geocentric universe. It was not unusual for the view that the heavenly bodies are suspended by nothing including the earth as the center of the cosmos are suspended in the firmament as viewed in the heavens,

Please explain how Noah's Flood and and Creation in 7 days or 7,000 years is scientifically accurate.

The ancient Israelites envisaged the universe as a flat disc-shaped Earth floating on water, heaven above, underworld below.[6] Humans inhabited Earth during life and the underworld after death; there was no way that mortals could enter heaven, and the underworld was morally neutral;[7][8] only in Hellenistic times (after c. 330 BCE) did Jews begin to adopt the Greek idea that it would be a place of punishment for misdeeds, and that the righteous would enjoy an afterlife in heaven.[8] In this period too the older three-level cosmology in large measure gave way to the Greek concept of a spherical Earth suspended in space at the center of a number of concentric heavens.[9]

The opening words of the Genesis creation narrative (Genesis 1:1–26) sum up the biblical editors' view of how the cosmos originated: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"; Yahweh, the God of Israel, was solely responsible for creation and had no rivals, implying Israel's superiority over all other nations.[10] Later Jewish thinkers, adopting ideas from Greek philosophy, concluded that God's Wisdom, Word and Spirit penetrated all things and gave them unity.[11] Christianity in turn adopted these ideas and identified Jesus with the Logos (Word): "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1).[12] Interpreting and producing expositions of biblical cosmology was formalized into a genre of writing among Christians and Jews called the Hexaemal literature. The genre entered into vogue in the second half of the fourth century, after it was introduced into Christian circles by the Hexaemeron of Basil of Caesarea.

. . .

In the Old Testament the word shamayim represented both the sky/atmosphere, and the dwelling place of God.[35] The raqia or firmament – the visible sky – was a solid inverted bowl over the Earth, colored blue from the heavenly ocean above it.[36] Rain, snow, wind and hail were kept in storehouses outside the raqia, which had "windows" to allow them in – the waters for Noah's flood entered when the "windows of heaven" were opened.[37] Heaven extended down to and was coterminous with (i.e. it touched) the farthest edges of the Earth (e.g. Deuteronomy 4:32);[38] humans looking up from Earth saw the floor of heaven, which they saw also as God's throne, as made of clear blue lapis lazuli (Exodus 24:9–10), and (Ezekiel 1:26).[39] Below that was a layer of water, the source of rain, which was separated from us by an impenetrable barrier, the firmament (Genesis 1:6–8). The rain may also be stored in heavenly cisterns (Job: 38:37) or storehouses (Deut 28:12) alongside the storehouses for wind, hail and snow.[40]
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Veteran Member
Again, you really do not "know" that water dwelling fish evolved to be amphibians. You interpret certain fossils and possibly creatures that way, but that is all. There is nothing beyond that to show that fish "evolved" to become amphibians.

No. It's a genetic fact.
Whenever you talk about this subject, you always ignore genetics, as if it doesn't exist or as if we don't know anything about that.

Why is that?

Not that fossils and comparative anatomy doesn't support common ancestry, mind you.
Genetics just is a lot stronger. So strong, that it is pretty much a fact.

It's like taking two old movies with similar story lines and then declaring without really knowing that they must have had the same director, even though no one really has the credentials. And even the credentials could be misleading. That is why in some court cases analysts are brought in to determine the truthfulness of what is brought forth as evidence. And sadly sometimes the analysts are wrong and people are wrongfully judged based on the evidence proposed by the lawyers.
No. It's more like having two individuals with plenty of DNA matches in nested hierarchical structure, demonstrating that they share ancestry.
You know... the same way we can know that you and your sibling share a dad merely by looking at your DNA


Premium Member
Again, you really do not "know" that water dwelling fish evolved to be amphibians. You interpret certain fossils and possibly creatures that way, but that is all. There is nothing beyond that to show that fish "evolved" to become amphibians. It's like taking two old movies with similar story lines and then declaring without really knowing that they must have had the same director, even though no one really has the credentials. And even the credentials could be misleading. That is why in some court cases analysts are brought in to determine the truthfulness of what is brought forth as evidence. And sadly sometimes the analysts are wrong and people are wrongfully judged based on the evidence proposed by the lawyers.
The lack of knowledge of science and evolution in this case is intentional, based on ancient tribal mythology without science.


Veteran Member
It's almost like a tadpole forming into a human. The womb of life, evolutionary processes, macro, micro, and ongoing adaptations .... It's kinda cool, really. I mean, how can a fish or tadpole go from breathing water to air? I think it's weird

First, those creatures don't "breath water". It extracts oxygen from water using gills.
Secondly, you think it's weird speaks more to your ignorance on the matter and personal incredulity then to anything else.

I think relativity and quantum mechanics is weird, but I wouldn't try and use that as an argument against it while thinking it is a valid objection

... Ohh, dragonflies go from nymphs to dragonflies from water to air like evolution suggests happened to humans.


Time is a valuable thing
watch it go by as the pendulum swings

How many pups do you think she's gonna have and how many different types, or is it all about the same?


Christian Evolutionist
First, those creatures don't "breath water". It extracts oxygen from water using gills.
Secondly, you think it's weird speaks more to your ignorance on the matter and personal incredulity then to anything else.

I think relativity and quantum mechanics is weird, but I wouldn't try and use that as an argument against it while thinking it is a valid objection


I wasn't objecting. It is cool and weird and very common, but I'll digress on the extracting o2 from water statement. It is how they breath. The gills extract as you stated. I sometimes wonder if fire breathing dragons are real, and which would win out on the o2 consumption. Momma always said 9 months was too long. I can't imagine how momma earth feels with all her birthing pains and what have you. One point, will she always recycle?


The Lost One
Well, yes, if you accept methodological naturalism and the norm for evidence, then yes.

Well, then.

How would you determine what is science and what isn’t science, if you don’t find evidence or test models with experiments?

You don’t seem to understand that Methodological Naturalism, especially with regards to meeting the requirements of Falsifiability and Scientific Method are not just to test & verify any hypothesis, the tests are to ensure that weak or faulty hypotheses to be rejected, if the evidence & experiments refuted those hypotheses.

For any physical phenomena - be they natural or man-made - to properly test them I would attempt to acquire evidence or perform some controlled experiments - as they should provide objective observations that would allow scientists to conclude if the theories or hypotheses have been verified or refuted.

Neither philosophies, nor religions, provide such objective safeguards against fraudulent claims or incorrect concepts.

if evidence and experiments are of no use to testing existing theories or new hypotheses, then what alternative methodology that you would suggest scientists should use?


Premium Member
Not everyone's concept of "evidence" is such that it proves the point. A person accused of murder or another crime can be wrongfully convicted because of the way the "evidence" is presented and thought of by the jury.
Science does not "prove" points. Law is NOT science.


My own religion
Well, then.

How would you determine what is science and what isn’t science, if you don’t find evidence or test models with experiments?

You don’t seem to understand that Methodological Naturalism, especially with regards to meeting the requirements of Falsifiability and Scientific Method are not just to test & verify any hypothesis, the tests are to ensure that weak or faulty hypotheses to be rejected, if the evidence & experiments refuted those hypotheses.

For any physical phenomena - be they natural or man-made - to properly test them I would attempt to acquire evidence or perform some controlled experiments - as they should provide objective observations that would allow scientists to conclude if the theories or hypotheses have been verified or refuted.

Neither philosophies, nor religions, provide such objective safeguards against fraudulent claims or incorrect concepts.

if evidence and experiments are of no use to testing existing theories or new hypotheses, then what alternative methodology that you would suggest scientists should use?

Well, we have been here before.
Science is a human behaviour and it can be observed that different humans understand what is science differently.
In effect while some methods in at least one version of science is in effect about the objective in part, it doesn't mean that it is objective what science is as a method.
So yes, I understand your version of science.

But for the bold one, I can't answer unless you understand that science as a human behaviour is not objective as such, but rather at least one version uses objectivity in effect.


Christian Evolutionist
First, those creatures don't "breath water". It extracts oxygen from water using gills.
Secondly, you think it's weird speaks more to your ignorance on the matter and personal incredulity then to anything else.

I think relativity and quantum mechanics is weird, but I wouldn't try and use that as an argument against it while thinking it is a valid objection



Another point ... I like music.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Not everyone's concept of "evidence" is such that it proves the point. A person accused of murder or another crime can be wrongfully convicted because of the way the "evidence" is presented and thought of by the jury.
Juries are lay people hearing a case for a few weeks and trying to make sense of ideas that they didn't understand before a lawyer tried to teach them. Scientists are professionals at interpreting evidence. The scientific community is the equivalent of the jury, and it is a much larger community than a jury and been empaneled for decades. The comparison isn't apt.
Again, you really do not "know" that water dwelling fish evolved to be amphibians.
Again, I do know that. It's YOU that doesn't know that.

Why the scare quotes around know? Are you invoking some atypical meaning to knowing? I know that amphibians evolved from fish just like I know that unless your posting is AI generated, you grew from a baby to an adult, and I also don't have pictures of that. Are you going to also insist that I don't know (or "know") that beyond reasonable doubt? If so, it would be a ridiculous position for you take.

Assuming you agree that I can know that if you are human, you used to be an infant without ever seeing a picture of you or having watched you grow up directly, then you understand at least a little that other evidence can lead us to such conclusions. For me, it's a lifetime of experience of other people and things that allows me to arrive at that conclusion with conviction.

Consider a building. Which was built first, the foundation or the roof? You can answer that authoritatively even though you didn't watch the building going up or have pictures of construction. A creationist would insist that one can't know that if it contradicted his faith-based beliefs, but he'd be just as wrong as you are here.