Hi Folks...
Godsvoice; Hmm - have you ever stopped to consider - perhaps - its not "gods voice" you hear at all..??...Whatever is speaking to you, may indeed BE that very "satan" ignorant mind that you fear so - might it not..?
I mean - some things you say - make perfect sense and are obviously truthful - but then it gets all twisted into confusion and contradiction - and that is indeed this "satans" main character trait isnt it - it doesnt lie outright, just distorts what is real an dos tricks and deceives us..??.. Think about it.........
See now there is a truth there that would match the truth that Christ delivered - and yet thee is also a great deal of mans confusion there also...The truth part would be where you say - "The universe is being observed by the created "conscious" beings inside God" - yes i can see why you say it that way...Souls - individual spirit - exist WITHIN a greater spirit - much like PERSONALITY exists WITHIN a mind...as a clear example - right n ow my Soul presents THIS personality - Pete C internet forum poster - other times and places and circumstances Iam a DIFFERENT personality - Pete the husband for example, Pete the dad etc etc etc...we CREATE these form our Self whenever we need them - and there is a constant changing of "little self identity" here.. The mortal mind HAS NO TRUTH Folks - it swaps and changes as it pleases presents often contrary or conflicting personality -and yet - it is ALWAYS the SAME single mind
So too my Father - call forth from ITS MIND - all manner of PERSONALITY - INDIVIDUAL - UNIQUE - SOULS - Angles and Creatures of physical life - and THROUGH these individual aspects the great mind that IS the Father attains its deepest possible Self understanding as the ENTIRE mind without seperation...Thus indeed - the universe is not only being "observed" by my Father - but it is CONSTANTLY being RECREATED by US individually as we exercise OUR Mind and our inherant creative potential does its natural thing and CAUSES the tangeable solid seeming worlds to exist... We exist "within" a great Divine Mind - much like the personality you adopt exists as a partof YOUR greater individual mind - it IS indeed all "imaginery" - BUT - that does not mean it is delusion or fantasy - as this DIVINE mind itself DETERMINES and DEFINES and is the direct source of, ALL existance...
The confusion comes when you try to say - all this Creation is a TECHNOLOGY - and here I know - you do not hear gods voice at all - not my FATHERS voice - for if oy uhad His truth you would know and appreciate that ACTUALLY - all existance comes forth from the FULLY ABSTRACT realms before time and space even exist...TECHNOLOGY you try to explain this with, is irrelevant - it is indeed ALL the realm of Divine "imagination" for lack of a better term...
The Divine mind IS the source of intelligence - and it DOES "convert invisible frequencies" as you say it and makes them appear to be solid worlds...It takes a fully abstract force we term ENERGY and it makes it follow strict LOGICAL INTERACTIONS that cause "material worlds and forms" to become - apparant - REALISED - as in LITERALLY MADE REAL - TO that mind and its experience....
BUT - this is not technology - this is the minds NATURAL INHERANT TALENT - truly this is the same process we call KARMA - its ALL coming from the abstract realm of my Fathers imagination - but it is not illusion at all - this is the "way creation works" - the natural process to ALL creation - Karma... I could explain this in fine intricate detail - right from my Fathers first stirring Self aware thought, through to mankind walks the earth - but to be honest - you will need the direct experiences to begin to understand this wholly METAPHYSICAL truth to all existance... You are correct to say it is from the Divine Mind - causing the abstract to become the material - BUT - you are wholly confused - and bring confusion to many here - by saying it is a "technology" and "make believe"...
ALL creation flows from the MIND Folks - literally - imagined - we have no other word to encompass it properly - but it is not fantasy or delusion...We are made in THAT image - of Consciousness - so, examine OUR mind to find out how we exist, and thus approach and come to know my Fathers existance also - as Christ said - first above all things - come to know the Self fully and all that outer mystery will be revealed in its due time
Listen - I will tell you as Christ did - no man may know the "day of the Lord" - or this new beginning you envision for the Earth - as simply - this transformation is primarily an INNER JOURNEY OF SELF DISCOVERY !!! The Lord comes - truly - when YOU the little mortal Self, seek Him out - find the narrow path WITHIN the Self - open the Gateway and INVITE Him to attend you HERE AND NOW... NOBODY ELSE can ever do this for you - no body else can ever tell you it is here or when it will arrive - YOU the Self - must start the process and literally BECOME IT here and now !!
The day of the Lord dawns when and if you individually encounter your eternal nature..>As He said -you need to be BORN AGAIN - in a new mind and new Self understanding - my Fathers Kingdom IS HERE ALREADY all around You - you have ALWAYS existed WITHIN IT - yet at present you simply do not see or appreciate it...it IS all about Self understanding - know who and what you are - NOT a mortal finite human Being - but a spiritual and ETERNAL Being - experience it directly here and now in life, and then and only then can you know what you are doing here, how you got here and what may come next - only with that Self truth can you CHOOSE what to Create OF your Self and so reveal your Self in a legitimate manner...