Hi Folks..
If it were Church teachings that he got that from (I say if because I don't know) then how would that invalidate his statement? Circular reasoning is not always fallacious.
True - but it WILL be always fallacious when the teaching itself is already proved to be false, not authentic and twisted from the original message and intent..It will ALWAYS be fallacious as the agenda to do this is clearly stated to dominate us and force us to comply to church authority..... As said -the religon HAVE placed their followers into a trap, gave them one source of truth and forbid you all form even going ot look elsewhere - thus yes indeed the religion has its circular reasoning, always self referential - but the problem with that is its all fallacy, delusion and twisted truth at the core - and that means it will ALWAYS be a fallicious religion..
Old Testament, New Testament, and logic. Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's," which is in the gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke.
Here is the perfect example - twisting of ORIGINAL truth to suit church agenda....look - that above is NOT what He said - not the COMPLETE saying - that above is slanted and twisted and does not give His complete truth at all....THE ORIGINAL is from THOMAS - not your new testemant at all - indeed - around 80% of all these sayings from Christ can be found ORIGINALLY in Thomas - as said - there are 1000s of such original manuscripts and your bible is manufactured FROM these originals...Here is the actual truth of that quote above as He spoke it directly to Thomas -a very crucial difference becomes obvious :
They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, "The Roman emperor's people demand taxes from us."
He said to them, "Give the emperor what belongs to the emperor, give God what belongs to God, and give me what is mine."
CRUCIAL difference - the last statement conveniantly left out form YOUR quote but here the ORIGINAL makes it plain indeed...YOU make it sound like Christ is sided with that god in the bible - BUT - when CHRIST SPEAKS ORIGINALLY - He makes it OBVIOUS - He has no affiliation, and wishes to distance Himself from THAT so called god entirely - makes it very plain - give the emporer what is his - give THAT god what is his also - then GIVE ME MIN|E He says !!!! Clearly - undeniably - He Himself portrays Himself as SEPERATE from BOTH mortal world AND the god of their religion !!! That IS because as said before this Hebrew god is NOT Our Father that Christ alone reveals - this quote just proves this fact yet again...
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
lol -as explained also - this is because this transformation and new beginning is indeed a SELF TRANSFORMATION and NEW Self awareness - it is a PERSONAL event that happens inside the Mind Folks - and therefore indeed NO ONE can tell you when it will happen as it is YOUR MIND that must change
Nobody else can do that for you - no priest, no clergy no religion - its about YOU how you see the Self, and your personal connection to Our Father the Source - therefore NOBODY else can ever tell you the "hour or day" as its all about YOU, the mind and Self perspective... As He said to those with ears to hear - KNOW THY SELF and all mystery will be revealed
So...he asked himself (the Father) why he had forsaken himself (the Son) as some sort of rhetorical device, despite being well aware of the answer before asking...
This is ALSO about the MIND Folks.....As I have also said elsewhere before - even Yeshua HAD TO DIE in order to free His Soul - HIS MIND - and so reclaim His full Divine status...Hanging there on the cross His MORTAL mind trapped within a failing body wracked with excruciating pain of the crucifixtion - we can surely forgive Him if He forgets His truth for a moment under such conditions...The process was not comlete yet - dont forget - He is NOT Christ until He ascends - for now hanging on that tree - He is Yeshua a mortal who is feeling all the pain and despair such a situation would bring to us all - He is BECOMING Christ FULLY, but unable to do that without this physical death - entirely necassary...
Look - He ADOPTED the mortal form to come among us directly - part of that process is the inherant divided broken mind that WE have naturally....Part of us HERE and TRAPPED within a mortal physical body - part existing OUTSIDE "space and time" as we experience it here - these two parts must be consciously reunited -and only physical death allows that to happen fully....The mortal mind here does not know its full truth, MUST deal with THIS world directly for that is its function...When this world overwhelms us so, we soon forget everything else - pain especially is very good at locking us into the body, making us identify with THAT - and so under such painful stressful conditions - even my mate forgot Himself briefly...Forgive Him as He forgives You...Amen...