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How certain are we that Jesus was historical?

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Veteran Member

"Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you" (1 Peter 5:2-3)

Considering the Bible claims to be changing the social order my point 1 is validated by the text itself. Since Jesus is the son of God this grants authority which grants control, point 2 validated. Since Jesus is no longer present control passes to those that spread the Gospels. The first authorities were the disciples and later religious hierarchies. They look over the flock but also are the sole source of the message the flock believes in and accepts. These become religious institution which are hierarchies of religious authority. They dictate what the message means, which verses are authentic or not and they spread whatever message they decide upon.

5:2-3 sounds like something a used car salesman would say. Trust me this car is perfect after all my motto is never to scam a customer. You can trust me see! Now buy this car and accept my claims.
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Veteran Member
......... and taxation, and manipulation, and ...... somebody very very clever figured all this out, hence folks like Saul ordered onto new policies.... ?

Plenty of people figured this out. Consider how many religions there are and how many used religious authority to dictate marriage, banking, social class, politics, etc, to the masses and nation. Its not unique it just the masses have no caught on for centuries and probably never will. The next person to come along selling a lemon just needs to be convincing and people will buy into the product.
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I'm not being funny..This is a very serious and tragic topic..

Christians don't do "serious" mate because they know our human lives are just a tiny speed bump in eternity..:)
"For we look at things unseen rather than the seen,for the seen are temporary,but the unseen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18)

Their strength and confidence shows in their eyes..:)

"My Christian faith has been such a backbone through so many difficult times. For me Christianity is about being strengthened"- Bear Grylls

"God makes His reality so obvious to us in His creation and in the little mini-miracles that happen everyday"- Becky St. James

"To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible, it just strengthens my faith"- John Glenn


Veteran Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. - Hitler, Mein Kampf page 60.



..Since Jesus is the son of God this grants authority which grants control..
Since Jesus is no longer present control passes to those that spread the Gospels..

Firstly, Jesus wants MATES, he don't want to control nobody..:)

"You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends"- (John 15:15)

Secondly, I don't know any true Christian who wants to control anybody, although there have always been plenty around, but they can't get under the radar-
Jesus said:-"Not all who call me "Lord,Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven. Then I'll tell them plainly, I never knew you, get away from me" (Matt 7:21-23)

However there are wimps who LIKE to be dominated and controlled and let "the church" do their thinking for them, more fool them for not heeding Jesus-
"You have one teacher, me" (Matt 23:10)
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Veteran Member
I see plenty of Christians controlling other Christians. Kings, Queens, Emperors, Popes, Bishops, Cardinals, etc. Did you skip your history classes to often?

The whimps are those Christians which are not one of the above. After all you need religious authorities to tell you what verses mean, which books are canon, etc. You require authority of religious institutions to validate the text which itself grants these people the authority to valid the text. Self-authenticating authority is the bases of all religion as none one outside the religion grants this authority to the level in which religious views are accepted as reality. Circular reasoniong is circular...
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
Guess there are an awful lot of untrue Christians in the world. I'd guess the majority of them.

Assuming that Christian means a follower of the prophet Jesus Christ, any cursory reading of Jesus' teachings can reveal this.


Well-Known Member
I said that's just one version of Christianity. There are many others: Esoteric Christianity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess it is true, there isnt a belief so ridiculous that at least one person wont believe it.

And I told you that there were many educated people chronicling the history of that area during that time and none of them had anything to say about the events told in the New Testament. That's a big problem for your claims.

If there were educated people chronicling the history of that area and they wrote about Jesus, why should anyone believe you or others would take it as authentic instead of doing the same thing you do for anything else...like accusing the account(s) of being interpolated by deceitful Christians and drawing up this big Christian conspiracy?


I guess it is true, there isnt a belief so ridiculous that at least one person wont believe it.
Amazing, you can actually type that with a straight face.
If there were educated people chronicling the history of that area and they wrote about Jesus, why should anyone believe you or others would take it as authentic instead of doing the same thing you do for anything else...like accusing the account(s) of being interpolated by deceitful Christians and drawing up this big Christian conspiracy?
You see anyone denying the existance of Caesar? Or Ptolemy?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I guess it is true, there isnt a belief so ridiculous that at least one person wont believe it.

That's rich, coming from you. You're the last person to be judging people's belief systems. :biglaugh:

If there were educated people chronicling the history of that area and they wrote about Jesus, why should anyone believe you or others would take it as authentic instead of doing the same thing you do for anything else...like accusing the account(s) of being interpolated by deceitful Christians and drawing up this big Christian conspiracy?

If there were historical evidence that is contemporary from eyewitnesses or others close to the scene and its authenticity can be relied on, I would have no problem accepting it. Nothing of the sort has been presented.


Well-Known Member
That's rich, coming from you. You're the last person to be judging people's belief systems. :biglaugh:

My belief has actual history behind it...but its not as if history means anything around here, apparently..

If there were historical evidence that is contemporary from eyewitnesses or others close to the scene and its authenticity can be relied on, I would have no problem accepting it. Nothing of the sort has been presented.

Paul was an eyewitness to the testimony of the original disiples, plus he offers his own testimony...oh, but I forgot, that isnt good enough, right? Those goal posts sure are moving mighty fast...

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
My belief has actual history behind it...but its not as if history means anything around here, apparently..

No, it doesn't. At the very least, that claim has yet to be proven.

The stories of the Old Testament have been pretty much shown to be mythological. There was no Adam and Eve, global Flood, Noah, Abraham, enslavement of Jews in Egypt, Exodus from Egypt, Moses, Solomon, Job, etc. It's known that much of the OT is rewritten Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Levantine mythology. I'm simply holding up the New Testament to the same scrutiny. The same goes for any other religious claims when they claim historicity for their mythology.

Paul was an eyewitness to the testimony of the original disiples, plus he offers his own testimony...oh, but I forgot, that isnt good enough, right? Those goal posts sure are moving mighty fast...

I'm not moving any goalposts. It's just that Paul has no historical grounding, either.


I've also never seen anyone praying to Ceasar or celebrating Ptolemy's birthday.

Not that it matters but Caesar was worshipped as a god and I've been to a Ptolemy's b-day party, but that's with a much smarter crowd than I normally run with.
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The stories of the Old Testament have been pretty much shown to be mythological. There was no Adam and Eve, global Flood, Noah, Abraham, enslavement of Jews in Egypt, Exodus from Egypt, Moses, Solomon, Job, etc. It's known that much of the OT is rewritten Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Levantine mythology.
The ignorance and intellectual sloppiness of the above is really remarkable.
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