That he was born to Joseph and Mary is the only historical element of Jesus' story before he had met John the Baptist. And by historical, I mean a plausible explanation for the evidence for which no competing explanations exist.
Oldbadger is putting out some very interesting Jesus fan fiction which seems largely ignorant of the differences between the historical Jesus and the embellished Jesus of the Bible, here clearly putting forth the ignorant assumption that the virgin birth and other such magical claims are something real historians should bother considering. This is, of course, because he is an agenda-driven imbecile.
To take this in another direction -
We know they had Temple Virgins - Emmanuel is Isaiah's son by a Temple Virgin.
Several unaccepted books, and the Qur'an, tell us that Mary lived at the Temple - a Temple Virgin.
Later groups turned a Temple Virgin/Maiden - into the Virgin Mary story.
Jesus could be a son of the Temple Virgin, by the Roman, Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, and if so, perhaps they needed to quickly find her an older husband, before she gave birth.
Perhaps - if she was a Temple Virgin, - they may have considered her baby special, and therefore found her a respectable, set, older husband.