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how did man appear on earth


Veteran Member
Premium Member
well its beter sound that God create us, so life have sence, and Darvins evolution,.... is just empty, ,.......

What sounds better or makes you more comfortable cannot be used to judge truth, bosniac. Many things that seemed to make no sense in the past -- round Earth orbiting the Sun, microbes causing disease, &c, are accepted today. Relativity seems to make no sense at all, but nuclear power is a reality.

Why does magic, ie: "God created us" seem a more reasonable explanation of the world than observed and tested facts?


Agnostic Pantheist
well its beter sound that God create us, so life have sence, and Darvins evolution,.... is just empty, ,.......

Well I'll start by noting that evolution does not explain how we were created.
What in your opinion is 'empty' about evolution? and why do you personally believe there is more sense in a god creating us than a long evolutionary process? and where does objectivity vs conditioning enters your personal equation?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Eddy Daze said:
I did mean human evolution as opposed to plants for instance. The similarities between genes or atomic structure (in the case of the universe starting)could lead us to assume one origin, think of all the inventions that use a carbon in their makeup , we do not automatically assume they rose from one source.

Its a little more involved than we all use DNA... we all use the same template of DNA.
Like you have the same DNA template as your father and mother... as your great grandparents... as apes.... as mammals... as vertebrates... and so on. (including plants)
Each with a difference in proportion to its closeness to the others... you wouldn't get that if everything started on its own.
Unless God was really lazy and a bit of trickster.

Remember, unlike a car or watch... we reproduce, we mutate and we pass on our DNA to a new generation that changes it ever so slightly before doing the same.
And it goes the same way back into the deep past.

bosniak said:
well its beter sound that God create us, so life have sence, and Darvins evolution,.... is just empty, ,.......
No more empty than the wonder one can see in the science behind how the sun works or a rainbow forms.



Guardian of Asgaard
well its beter sound that God create us, so life have sence, and Darvins evolution,.... is just empty, ,.......

Thats because you like so many others can't be bothered trying to understand evolution, you just stand in line like everyone else and pick holes because it doesn't agree with your prehistoric fairytales.


Usually lurking.
well its beter sound that God create us, so life have sence, and Darvins evolution,.... is just empty, ,.......

No offense, but it sounds as though you are attempting to use the concept that "it sounds better" to add credulity to the idea that man has a creator. What about logic and rational thought? Personally, any theory founded in logic and structured with rational thought is anything but "empty".

You say that if god created us "life has sense", what sense are we to make of life? I'd be interested to hear your opinion of what sense life makes by virtue of being the product of a creator, rather than a product of evolution.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"God made us" is contending that we were made by magic. How is this "sensible?"
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I want Khilafah back
No offense, but it sounds as though you are attempting to use the concept that "it sounds better" to add credulity to the idea that man has a creator. What about logic and rational thought? Personally, any theory founded in logic and structured with rational thought is anything but "empty".

You say that if god created us "life has sense", what sense are we to make of life? I'd be interested to hear your opinion of what sense life makes by virtue of being the product of a creator, rather than a product of evolution.

dear friend.
man does have a creater and that is the logic side of it. i'll ask you this: is it logical to say that a house built itself or that it had a creator who designed it and fashioned it and created it (for example man).

the sense of life is to know that we were created by god, to acknowledge his power, to worship him and to please him because in this life we will only pass by, and by pleasing god we will have an aim in our short life, to be rewarded with heaven, wich in the end leads to sense, for example: life made sense to me while on earth because i was able to understand the existence of god which has brought me to eternal happines.

how simple is that

Eddy Daze

whirling dervish
This has always been a sticking point for me in evolution, how one can eventually become another , a new entity. I think it could be explained to me easier and in a nutshell if we could talk about a machine, we invent a robot that is capeable of replicating and altering future generations via its program it is always going to produce robots of differint kinds isn't it?, the label will still be "robot", even if its chips corrupt over time due to reproduction, or even if it produces specialised forms, they will still be forms of robot, and even so this adaption will need an intelligence behind it.


Well-Known Member
This has always been a sticking point for me in evolution, how one can eventually become another , a new entity. I think it could be explained to me easier and in a nutshell if we could talk about a machine, we invent a robot that is capeable of replicating and altering future generations via its program it is always going to produce robots of differint kinds isn't it?, the label will still be "robot", even if its chips corrupt over time due to reproduction, or even if it produces specialised forms, they will still be forms of robot, and even so this adaption will need an intelligence behind it.

Perfect projection of the Nadir,Zenith being the complete opposite of that which you beautifully describe.I shall work upon a suitable pallindrome.

Many thanks



Usually lurking.
dear friend.
man does have a creater and that is the logic side of it. i'll ask you this: is it logical to say that a house built itself or that it had a creator who designed it and fashioned it and created it (for example man).

With all due respect, your logic and analogy reflect an inadequate understanding of basic scientific knowledge. The evolution of life is readily identifiable within the principles of organic chemistry and physics. While the construction of a house relies heavily on physics, it relies very little on organic chemistry. As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say, that the only organic chemistry to be found in the construction of a house, is that of the humans constructing it. Your logic that man has a creator, based on the correlation in your analogy, is tragically flawed.

the sense of life is to know that we were created by god, to acknowledge his power, to worship him and to please him because in this life we will only pass by, and by pleasing god we will have an aim in our short life, to be rewarded with heaven, wich in the end leads to sense, for example: life made sense to me while on earth because i was able to understand the existence of god which has brought me to eternal happines.

If that makes sense for you, fantastic! However, it is quite transparent in it's disregard for the knowledge that man-kind has accumulated to this point in time. It makes far more sense that man-kind is a product of many things that we have verifiable, observable and tangible knowledge of, rather than of an assumed creator that ins't supported by any verifiable evidence.

how simple is that

How simple is that? Too simple. I understand your desire to use that extremely oversimplified analogy, because it supports your beliefs. But, it isn't logical and makes no sense.


man does have a creater and that is the logic side of it. i'll ask you this: is it logical to say that a house built itself or that it had a creator who designed it and fashioned it and created it (for example man).
You must have heard this a million times allready, but when you are using words like "logic", some people like me just have to:

Here you are saying that God created man should be seen as architect created house. As architect is "man", you created a loop.
If we keep it at this, I have no problems here. But you will try to break your own loop by saying God does not need an architect.. And then when asked, you cannot come with a real answer, so you'll start about God being in another realm or being energy or whatever to avoid giving an answer, while all I would want you to say is : "I just don't know.."

Sigh, I am not sure if I get more tired of your answer or mine :D


Well-Known Member
How simple is that? Too simple. I understand your desire to use that extremely oversimplified analogy, because it supports your beliefs. But, it isn't logical and makes no sense.

LOL @ Flatlanders explanation's of great Hindu Truth in your link.

There is a pool at the base of the great tree,my swan swim's there & turtle....elephant(wee Ganesha) is different,he rides a rat.

We are at Midgard,we enter the great tree from the North east corner(Northern Hemisphere-to Hel as fire) which corresponds with South east corner(southern hemisphere-Hindu you meet Agni,again as fire)

Darkmatter is the packing stuff which holds everything in place,the infinite zero.



We were around for 100,000 years this cycle,before Adam *parachuted in* about 4004BC according to Genesis.


Usually lurking.
LOL @ Flatlanders explanation's of great Hindu Truth in your link.

There is a pool at the base of the great tree,my swan swim's there & turtle....elephant(wee Ganesha) is different,he rides a rat.

We are at Midgard,we enter the great tree from the North east corner(Northern Hemisphere-to Hel as fire) which corresponds with South east corner(southern hemisphere-Hindu you meet Agni,again as fire)

Darkmatter is the packing stuff which holds everything in place,the infinite zero.



We were around for 100,000 years this cycle,before Adam *parachuted in* about 4004BC according to Genesis.

:) Did Adam "parachute in", or is he a direct reflection of influence from Heliopolitan myth? There is a very interesting corollary to be found between Adam and the Egyptian god "Atum". I guess that's really for a different thread though, isn't it. lol

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
eselam said:
dear friend.
man does have a creater and that is the logic side of it. i'll ask you this: is it logical to say that a house built itself or that it had a creator who designed it and fashioned it and created it (for example man).
The difference is that houses don't have apartments for babies. We are not like a house, we are alive.

eselam said:
the sense of life is to know that we were created by god, to acknowledge his power, to worship him and to please him because in this life we will only pass by, and by pleasing god we will have an aim in our short life, to be rewarded with heaven, wich in the end leads to sense, for example: life made sense to me while on earth because i was able to understand the existence of god which has brought me to eternal happines.
I'm glad for you... but I can't limit God to an old story. The power of the Creator is such that for me to say he can't have made me other than by magical poofing is to limit him... and worse to call him a trickster.

eddy daze said:
This has always been a sticking point for me in evolution, how one can eventually become another , a new entity. I think it could be explained to me easier and in a nutshell if we could talk about a machine, we invent a robot that is capeable of replicating and altering future generations via its program it is always going to produce robots of differint kinds isn't it?, the label will still be "robot", even if its chips corrupt over time due to reproduction, or even if it produces specialised forms, they will still be forms of robot, and even so this adaption will need an intelligence behind it.
The problem is, we aren't like robots at all. We change each generation, you are not identical to your parents. You have mutations and a mix of genes from your parents that is unique.
We animals (no matter how specialized we are) never make the exact same copy when we reproduce.
Its not just 'chips' that would change.. our DNA codes for everything about us. From eye color to our ability to drink milk as an adult to how well our heart pumps.



Well-Known Member
I am cool with the 3 main Egyptian creation myth's as I am all for plurality.....Atum or Atum-re is,as you say,striking similarities to our beloved Adam.:).........anyone know why our *modern* scientific label attached to our current understanding of the *shrunken universe* (sub-atomic particles) based on the word "Atom":)

Eh,to be more precise,all 3 are true,and others, as we began,begin,begun to notice things......Which order would you have them in,& why?

Heliopolitan Myth, the Memphite Myth, and the Hermopolitan Myth
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Usually lurking.
I am cool with the 3 main Egyptian creation myth's as I am all for plurality.....Atum or Atum-re is,as you say,striking similarities to our beloved Adam.:).........anyone know why our *modern* scientific label attached to our current understanding of the *shrunken universe* (sub-atomic particles) based on the word "Atom":)

Eh,to be more precise,all 3 are true,and others, as we began,begin,begun to notice things......Which order would you have them in,& why?

Heliopolitan Myth, the Memphite Myth, and the Hermopolitan Myth

Personally, I find higher fundamental importance in that they are, as you said, myths. Any relationships the myths share within any kind of order, whether chronological, coincidental or even heirachical, only tends to discredit their claims of divine inspiration. And isn't that what it's really about, whether or not any of them is actually the word of a god, rather than an updated version of older myths? :)