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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Well-Known Member
Oh, a spiritual fact....
Another made up christian term to fit their agenda.
You can't legitimately use the bible to prove the bible true.
Try again.

No! a literal fact. You mean that one cannot use the constitution of the USA to explain what is in it? Or an autobiography to speak concerning that person?

I answered your questions; but, whether you want to accept them is strictly up to you.


Veteran Member
Waitasec, you are a female, because that is who you ARE.
is being a female not one of the aspects of my existence?
perhaps you should rephrse your silly little question

Don't you think, this is getting a little off topic?

yes...and who changed the subject....in fact i'll pinpoint where the subject was changed:

Is that a fact, or your belief?
If it's a fact, can you provide evidence to point to this fact?

Beyond that, why was the bible only given to a certain geographical group of people? Why wasn't the same bible given to the Incas? The tribes in Africa? Native Americans? Why only to this specific set/group of people?
Surely an all knowing/loving god would know and understand that his word must be heard to all mankind, not just a select few.
But that's not what the bible teaches. It lists certain individuals are "god's select" or "chosen". How can a god that's supposed to be a god of love have a favorite and/or chosen people?

Hi Connermt, Yes, it is scriptural, fact. Jesus said in John 3:16-21, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. "
In 2Cor.5:19, Paul writes this truth, " To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."

That was the mission of Abraham, " Gen.12:3, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. "

The Israelites were to be a "light unto the gentiles". Isa.49:6, "And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

Acts 13:47,"For so hath the Lord commanded us, [saying], I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.

The nation of Israel failed in their mission to preach GOD'S Salvation to "all the world". And Jesus said in Matt.23:38, "BEHOLD, YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE". Jesus then told HIS Disciples, Matt.28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen."

And 2Peter3:9, confirms GOD's love for all, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. "

Where in those verses do you see any NOT having the option to repent and be saved? The choice lies with each individual.

did you actually answer his question....?

all i see is a list of over used disclaimers.

and here again....
:yes:, and that "list" aren't "disclaimers", but facts. If that is what you believe, you are confirming your witness. Thanks.



Veteran Member
so because i'm a female it's because i chose to be...

No .. we don't choose everything, do wee.

We don't choose our gender, or our parents, or our country of birth..
In fact there's rather a LOT of things that we don't choose..

Nevertheless .. many of us choose what time we go to bed, or how many burgers we eat, for example :)

.. and whether to take religion seriously ;)


Veteran Member
No .. we don't choose everything, do wee.

We don't choose our gender, or our parents, or our country of birth..
In fact there's rather a LOT of things that we don't choose..

Nevertheless .. many of us choose what time we go to bed, or how many burgers we eat, for example :)

.. and whether to take religion seriously ;)

which is why i think this question

Originally Posted by sincerly
Don't you "Choose"--purposefully "decide" in all areas of your existence?

is nonsense...
i sincerely think sincerly over exaggerates...a bit of a drama queen


Well-Known Member
No! a literal fact. You mean that one cannot use the constitution of the USA to explain what is in it? Or an autobiography to speak concerning that person?

I answered your questions; but, whether you want to accept them is strictly up to you.

So you're comparing a document written by people to a book, written by people who say they were inspired by a supernatural deity? And you think that's an accurate comparison?
But you're right - it's up to the individual to believe what's fact. People believe the bible is fact because the bible says so. :rolleyes: That's rich.
Whatever floats your boat and makes you feel good, right?


Veteran Member
But you're right - it's up to the individual to believe what's fact. People believe the bible is fact because the bible says so. :rolleyes: That's rich.
Whatever floats your boat and makes you feel good, right?

Jesus was an individual who believed Scripture is religious fact.- [John 17v17]
Jesus as an individual showed he believed Scripture is religious truth by his logical reasoning on Scriptures.

Jesus support for his biblical belief is found in the corresponding or parallel verses and passages Not outside in other belief systems.

Application of biblical standards always work out for the best.
Such as the Golden Rule, Jesus Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus new commandment found at John [13vs34,35] to love as he loved others.


Veteran Member
eh, you never know. It could be the opposite. We are on our way to the Garden of Eden. Right now we are in hell. We were sent here to learn lessons and be torchured until we go insane. Abondoned by the light to live in a quarenteened prison planet of blind servitude and obeying a hierchy of slave masters, scratching a pathetic life off the rocks for that life blood called money, which of there is never enough. Living as a mutated broken creature freak that dont even know what it is or comes from or its purpose. When finding oneself in the Garden again, I would suggest leaving that talking snake alone.... just my thoughts for the moment...

Great advice to leave that talking 'snake in the grass' alone.

Interesting that you say we are on our way to the Garden of Eden because Revelation [21vs4,5] is a description of paradisaic conditions such as Eden.

Right now the dead are in the 'biblical hell' [sheol] or common grave of mankind where the dead sleep until resurrected to either heaven [Rev 20v6;14v4; 5vs9,10], or resurrected on earth during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth. Resurrected as in awakened from death's sleep.
[Psalms 6v5;13c3;115v17;146v4; John 11vs11-14; Ecc. 9v5; Daniel 12vs2,13]

As for those of us still alive on earth at the 'time of separation' mentioned at Matthew [25vs31,32] the humble sheep-like people on earth can remain alive and keep right on living right into the start of Jesus 1000-year reign over earth when earth will be transformed into a beautiful paradisaic condition.
[Micah 4;3,4; Isaiah chapter 35; Isa. 65vs21,22; 25v8; 11vs5-9; Psalm 72v8]

So, yes you are right.
We are on our way to the Garden of Eden in meaning not just a small portion of earth but the whole globe will bloom transformed into beautiful paradisaic conditions.


Well-Known Member
Jesus was an individual who believed Scripture is religious fact.- [John 17v17]
Jesus as an individual showed he believed Scripture is religious truth by his logical reasoning on Scriptures.

Jesus support for his biblical belief is found in the corresponding or parallel verses and passages Not outside in other belief systems.

Application of biblical standards always work out for the best.
Such as the Golden Rule, Jesus Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus new commandment found at John [13vs34,35] to love as he loved others.

For sure, the bible has some very good teaching points. Many other religious works do as well. Does that make these other works as important to humanity as the bible?
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Well-Known Member
which is why i think this question

is nonsense...
i sincerely think sincerly over exaggerates...a bit of a drama queen

Since one is in "existence"---One "IS"("child of-" "gender" "native of-" etc.. ), but the "Is or Are" of that existence meets with many choices/options daily.----Some choices/opinions are "nonsense".

Since I am a male, your characterization/thinking is just a projection of yourself.


Well-Known Member
So you're comparing a document written by people to a book, written by people who say they were inspired by a supernatural deity? And you think that's an accurate comparison?
But you're right - it's up to the individual to believe what's fact. People believe the bible is fact because the bible says so. :rolleyes: That's rich.
Whatever floats your boat and makes you feel good, right?

Connermt, Agreed, it is "Rich" in an understanding and knowledge of what makes for a right relationship between the Creator GOD and one's fellow Beings and what is in store for those who accept HIS ways rather than the ways of the world.

No! Whatever floats one's boat and makes one feel good is an illusion when placed against the Facts of Eternal LIFE. (Just look about you for a look at temporary life--because what you see is what you get.)


Admiral Obvious
Connermt, Agreed, it is "Rich" in an understanding and knowledge of what makes for a right relationship between the Creator GOD and one's fellow Beings and what is in store for those who accept HIS ways rather than the ways of the world.

No! Whatever floats one's boat and makes one feel good is an illusion when placed against the Facts of Eternal LIFE. (Just look about you for a look at temporary life--because what you see is what you get.)

"facts of eternal life"

I think I may have peed myself a little.....



Well-Known Member
For sure, the bible has some very good teaching points. Many other religious works do as well. Does that make these other works as important to humanity as the bible?

Connermt, All the principles taught by GOD in the Garden of Eden were carried with the people outside of the Garden. Noah had knowledge of them, but the rest had "only evil thoughts continually". The eight who were on the Ark had knowledge of those Principles. At the spreading of the Peoples from the Tower of Babel, some retained those principles and some mixed them with their own erroneous ideas.

It is only GOD's Principles which are important and are accepted by THE Creator GOD as valid.


Veteran Member
Since one is in "existence"---One "IS"("child of-" "gender" "native of-" etc.. ), but the "Is or Are" of that existence meets with many choices/options daily.----Some choices/opinions are "nonsense".

Since I am a male, your characterization/thinking is just a projection of yourself.
and what does this have to do with:
Don't you "Choose"--purposefully "decide" in all areas of your existence? It is those things which are "decided upon" which are witnessed to others.



Veteran Member
it is "Rich" in an understanding and knowledge of what makes for a right relationship between the Creator GOD and one's fellow Beings

people flew into the WTC with the knowledge of what makes for a right relationship between the creator god and their fellow beings...

i am disgusted with that idea...


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
How did Satan get into the garden of eden?

1) He used the back door
2) He has an inside man
3) He was always there
4) He wasn't there
5) It was just a lookalike, and Satan was actually elsewhere
6) God allowed it (see 2)
7) He dug a tunnel into Eden
8) He turned after being let in
9) None of this is true and is probably made up mythology

I'm sure there are more ideas we can come up with :D