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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Rogue Theologian
a talking serpent always existed in scripture.

and you have absolutely nothing that would indicate the reality of a compiled myth written 600 years after ancient hebrews already existed

I don't have to give in to your history to speak of God.

Not required.


Rogue Theologian
and not part of this debate is it, you turned it that way.

not me

Finger pointing won't kill the serpent.

Isn't that what Adam did when questioned his partaking?
'...the woman gave it to me!...'

And Eve said...
'...it was the serpent's fault!.....'

And the serpent got the blame, and a curse.


Finger pointing won't kill the serpent.

Isn't that what Adam did when questioned his partaking?
'...the woman gave it to me!...'

And Eve said...
'...it was the serpent's fault!.....'

And the serpent got the blame, and a curse.

yet im not killing the serpent.

the serpent would have actually had to have lived at one time out of scripture, and according to scholars and scientist and the jewish religion who wrote the book ALL claim for it being strictly mythology :slap:


Rogue Theologian
yet im not killing the serpent.

the serpent would have actually had to have lived at one time out of scripture, and according to scholars and scientist and the jewish religion who wrote the book ALL claim for it being strictly mythology :slap:

Well gee...around and around you go.
Your history lessons are not impressing me....
the topic is theological and spiritual.....you are not.

For you...no God...no Adversary....no spiritual life....
and nothing really relevant to offer here.

Check you heel....I think you've been bit.


Well gee...around and around you go.
Your history lessons are not impressing me....
the topic is theological and spiritual.....you are not.

For you...no God...no Adversary....no spiritual life....
and nothing really relevant to offer here.

Check you heel....I think you've been bit.

your mythology has no effect on me.

Check you own heel.

theologically the serpent is not the devil. its been covered a thousand times already.


Rogue Theologian
your mythology has no effect on me.

Check you own heel.

theologically the serpent is not the devil. its been covered a thousand times already.

Adversary....and He could be yours....
and you could already be deceived.

But that's what the story is about....is it not?


Adversary....and He could be yours....
and you could already be deceived.

But that's what the story is about....is it not?

first of all, after the things you post, im not worried about being decieved from mythology.

you dont know the first thing about the concept of adversary :facepalm: and its evolution into mythology


Rogue Theologian
first of all, after the things you post, im not worried about being decieved from mythology.

you dont know the first thing about the concept of adversary :facepalm: and its evolution into mythology

Well if you ever get around to taking Genesis more seriously...


Well-Known Member

creation is a myth outlawed from public schools as not to poison our childrens minds.

WHILE evolution is taught in every EVERY major university around the WHOLE GLOBE! as higher learning.

What is false is that the source for mankind was a mud hole from which all plant and animal life "evolved" from the nothing from whence that mud-hole was formed.

What was "outlawed" was the "Government imposing a particular "god" upon the people. But that is a fallacy, because "evolution" is as much a "belief system" as believing in the "Creator GOD" or anything devised by the human mind. (That would include "evolution").

its not our fault you choose a literal reading of ancient text.

Its not our fault you refuse knowledge from those with the education and credential's to teach.

Fault? I haven't accused anyone of making my decision to acknowledge the veracity of the Scriptures.
That "snake" is as active today as it was in Eden. ----Still spreading the same lies with the same success. "The GOD doesn't mean what HE says,"ye shall surely die."" Most persons had rather believe the "talking snake"---"Ye shall be as gods". "Ye shall not surely die". "Ye shall know(have an intimate relationship) of good and evil." It isn't had to understand that "knowledge" when one looks around one at man's inhumanity to man and denial of a Loving Creator GOD.

"Credentials to teach" doesn't necessarily mean that "TRUTH" is being taught. Nor does an "education" mean that one has received the TRUTH of any subject.

GOD didn't place a hedge about Adam nor JOB. They were both tried(adversarily--in reality)---JOB(13:15) "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him."
Adam failed in the trusting the Lord GOD.
I trust in the scriptures and the verification of them by my five senses. You may place your faith in those "educated"/"scholars" who are enlightened as much as yourself---by the "theories", also, made by the guessing of other men.


Well-Known Member
SO who got it wrong LUKE or MATTHEW??????????????

who got it right???????


how would you know??

Who got it wrong? You in your supposition.
Who got it right? Both in the scriptures. Did you read the mind of the Holy Spirit in allowing possibly two of David's sons to be involved in the lineage of Jesus through Mary and Joseph?

What I do know is that Mary provided the Human side and the HOLY Spirit provided the Divine side of Jesus.
You have the option to accept or deny any portion of the scriptures as you choose.


Who got it wrong? You in your supposition.
Who got it right? Both in the scriptures. Did you read the mind of the Holy Spirit in allowing possibly two of David's sons to be involved in the lineage of Jesus through Mary and Joseph?

What I do know is that Mary provided the Human side and the HOLY Spirit provided the Divine side of Jesus.
You have the option to accept or deny any portion of the scriptures as you choose.

False :facepalm:

I have posted both lineages showing that they were both written differently

you have failed miserably


And your digression helps the topic?...How?

another fail.

helps? oh so taking scripture your both ignorant with, then forcing a literal interpretation not intended by its multiple jewish unknown authors, WHILE creating a ficticious devil charactor and placing him in a mythical snake is helping how??? :slap:


Man has no questions about what he wants to believe or accepted as true celestially or terrestrially. Man is condemn by the creator-muumba .when he thinks his believe and concepts will save his soul. He doesn,t have that type of power as a human.
Man didn,t create himself, even a fool known that. So how can he save himself .it dosen,t take a sophism degree to know. He can,t save himself if he can,t create himself.
He has to be slave by the one who created him. Reverend [psa.110;9] or ishi ,baali, in hosea 2;16. The only name the creator is saving human in is immanuel. Acts 4;12 , none other.

creation is a myth and off topic, start another thread if you wish to go there.


Rogue Theologian
helps? oh so taking scripture your both ignorant with, then forcing a literal interpretation not intended by its multiple jewish unknown authors, WHILE creating a ficticious devil charactor and placing him in a mythical snake is helping how??? :slap:

I never said it was fiction....wasn't that you?
And I never said ti was literal....there's metaphor in that story.

If you drop the history...you might actually get somewhere in this discussion.

Can't take the serpent out of the garden.

And really....what do you know of intent?
You don't even believe.


Can't take the serpent out of the garden.

who's taking the serpent out? he is stuck in literature as a metaphor for knowledge

And really....what do you know of intent?
You don't even believe.

You mean I dont have any biases that would trip me up in fully understanding the passages


Rogue Theologian
who's taking the serpent out? he is stuck in literature as a metaphor for knowledge

You mean I dont have any biases that would trip me up in fully understanding the passages

No the 'tree' was the metaphor for knowledge.

Apparently your bias does trip you up.


No the 'tree' was the metaphor for knowledge.

Apparently your bias does trip you up.

this is from Sojourner, a theist I trust. from the gen 1;1 thread by FB

The story is derivative of older myths. The serpent is a symbol for wisdom (we can see this even today in symbols such as the caduceus). In these older myths, Wisdom (a god) is often portrayed as a pariah, or trickster, who wrenches mortals away from other gods by playing wisdom tricks. In one Sumerian myth, wisdom comes to the window of the subject at night and seduces her by whispering in her ear.