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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Rogue Theologian
my position has nothing to do with belief or the lack of.

Mine has to do with the real interpretation of material we have to work with.

You want to throw out what is known and make reality up with imagination and your own personal version. It doesnt work like that, YOU dont create history

And you can't rebuttal theology...so what?


Well-Known Member
Im sorry my friend that you dont want to follow modern history over ancient myths.

Outhouse, the myth is produced by the "modern history scholars, scientist, historians who have taken the truth and preverted it.

the people that made up Israeli's were for the most part Canaanites, then Mesopotamians and only a few semetic speaking Egyptians that were never a enslaved race.

Outhouse, Of all the decendants of SHEM's lineage that are called "Israelites", it was only those who came from Abraham's "loins/seed." It was only them who were promised the land of the Canaanites---and that
at the time the "amorites" had filled their cup of iniquity. Jacob and his decendants were slaves in Egypt at that fulfillment and were delivered from the Egyptians at the specified time. Also, The written record shows that "a mixed multitude" came out of Egypt with them.(Ex.12:18)
NO! those Egyptians who "came out" with the Israelites" were never slaves.

The record attests, when one adds in the women and Children, that those who left Egypt would be over one million persons----and that event happened 480 years before Solomon began to build the temple at Jerusalem (1Kings 6:1) "And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which [is] the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD."

Let's look at some of those Biblical referrences to "Mesopotamia"("land between two rivers").
Gen.24:10, "And the servant(of Abraham) took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed; for all the goods of his master [were] in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor." Nahor was Abraham's brother.
(Deut.23:4) (Judges3:8, 10), "Therefore the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Chushanrishathaim king of Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel served Chushanrishathaim eight years. And when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, [even] Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. "

What is the response to this by "Wikipedia"?
Chushan-Rishathaim (כּוּשַׁן רִשְׁעָתַיִם) was king of Aram Naharaim or Northwest Mesopotamia,and he was the first oppressor of Israel. In the book of Judges God delivers the Israelites into his hand for eight years (Judges 3:8). However, they are delivered from him by Othniel, son of Kenaz (Judges 3:9).
Rishathaim means double-wickedness[1]

Outhouse, A myth cannot be real----the Israelites were not a "myth" when they were acknowledged by "Wikipedia" in this article. and that was after they were settled in the "Promised land". Also, many centuries before David's "Kingdom".

The acknowledging of "Israel" in all the Articles only attests to the fact that the BIBLE isn't the myth, but the false "according to" by the modern "Scholars" are the culprits.

What's regretable is your failure to see and understand the facts of the Scriptures as continued in your posts.

the same deity Yawheh worshipped by israeli's was worshipped by Canaanites and originated in Edom and was also worshipped by the Shasu tribe, ALL long before Israeli's existed.

Edom is another name for Esau---Jacob's twin brother. Their father---Isaac--- was the son of Abraham. He was called out of Ur of the Chaldeas and went into the land of canaan. (decendant of Ham) Therefore, "not long before".

Like today, people know of GOD, but refuse to obey HIS Commands. These people had rather be true to their false beliefs/understandings.


I think I did and you missed it....oral tradition moving to written.

Still trying to kill that snake, I see.

im not sure you know the first thing about oral tradition

if you did, you might wonder why it starts as a Mesopotamian legend of creation using Adamu as the first man ;)

also you may be very Nieve to think the legend didnt grow and change and mean something entirely different to its original authors, then someone with no education in hebrew cultural anthropology some 2500 years later


Outhouse, the myth is produced by the "modern history scholars, scientist, historians who have taken the truth and preverted it.

false bud

lets get this straight right now

this is a hebrew piece of literature, and since its their's and not christians, they are teh ones that can define it. They have done so and claimed its allegorical pieces and metaphors.

this work is not a christians to define wrongly, it has never been christian pieces to read any old which way

with all that said even christian scholars claim its mythical, only a minority with no real education on genesis claim otherwise

like I said stop the YEC stuff, the earth is older then 6000 years and we are all not inbred from two people


Rogue Theologian
im not sure you know the first thing about oral tradition

if you did, you might wonder why it starts as a Mesopotamian legend of creation using Adamu as the first man ;)

also you may be very Nieve to think the legend didnt grow and change and mean something entirely different to its original authors, then someone with no education in hebrew cultural anthropology some 2500 years later

And you seem more than stubborn....
Story telling without point?

Of course Genesis is important.
That you lack faith and call it myth, is no one's problem but your own.

Adam remains the first to walk with God.
Someone had to be first.

If you prefer a different source....fine.
It still remains...someone had to be first.

oh, that's right.....you don't believe in God.
not my problem.

No God...no devil....no hope of life after death....
not my problem.

Now if you would like to consider some serious theology....
and drop the history....


And you seem more than stubborn....
Story telling without point?

Of course Genesis is important.
That you lack faith and call it myth, is no one's problem but your own.

Adam remains the first to walk with God.
Someone had to be first.

If you prefer a different source....fine.
It still remains...someone had to be first.

oh, that's right.....you don't believe in God.
not my problem.

No God...no devil....no hope of life after death....
not my problem.

Now if you would like to consider some serious theology....
and drop the history....

You need to deal with reality

Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Genesis creation narrative is the Genesis creation myth as presented in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis,[1] which is the primary creation myth of both Judaism and Christianity. Genesis is the first book of the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh) and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This article primarily deals with the narrative elements or form of the myth, that is, exegesis of the text of the narrative containing the myth as presented in Genesis 1:1-2:24.

the word myth is used 4 times to explain Genesis

even in the legend adam doesnt ever walk with god.


Rogue Theologian
You need to deal with reality

Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Genesis creation narrative is the Genesis creation myth as presented in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis,[1] which is the primary creation myth of both Judaism and Christianity. Genesis is the first book of the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh) and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This article primarily deals with the narrative elements or form of the myth, that is, exegesis of the text of the narrative containing the myth as presented in Genesis 1:1-2:24.

the word myth is used 4 times to explain Genesis

even in the legend adam doesnt ever walk with god.

You need to step up and deal with God.

So God doesn't exist?...not this topic.
God never said anything to Adam?....seems like He did.

God and Man have met.


You need to step up and deal with God.

So God doesn't exist?...not this topic.
God never said anything to Adam?....seems like He did.

God and Man have met.

there never was a adam

it is myth, influenced from mesopotamian legend

you cannot make up your own interpretation and reality from thin air.


Veteran Member
there never was a adam
it is myth, influenced from mesopotamian legend
you cannot make up your own interpretation and reality from thin air.

The temple records at Jerusalem were not interpretation when Luke recorded Jesus genealogical record at Luke 3 v 38 showing Jesus was related to Adam.

No one back then disputed what Luke recorded because that Jewish ancestral list or record was already long established. - 1st Chronicles 1 v1.


The temple records at Jerusalem were not interpretation when Luke recorded Jesus genealogical record at Luke 3 v 38 showing Jesus was related to Adam.

No one back then disputed what Luke recorded because that Jewish ancestral list or record was already long established. - 1st Chronicles 1 v1.

those are not only "not" accurate, but dont even match each others books.

different books contain different made up geneologies.

Luke knew nothing of jesus lineage, and luke didnt write anything. L is authored by as unknown scribe at this point, who copied Marks work, copied Q's work and used oral tradition to come up with that book.

the geneologies in the bible have zero historicty


Rogue Theologian
those are not only "not" accurate, but dont even match each others books.

different books contain different made up geneologies.

Luke knew nothing of jesus lineage, and luke didnt write anything. L is authored by as unknown scribe at this point, who copied Marks work, copied Q's work and used oral tradition to come up with that book.

the geneologies in the bible have zero historicty

Your denial is noted.
Did you have a better listing?


Well-Known Member
you imagination is noted

do you have a problem with learning??

Genealogy of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

""""""Both gospels state that Jesus was begotten not by Joseph, but by God, being born to Mary through a virgin birth. These lists are identical between Abraham and David, but they differ radically from that point onward."""""

Outhouse, You keep posting from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. However, those who are editing the articles are persons just like you and I. Biased/opinionated/ for or against certain issues. MOST Not really looking for the TRUTH, but to promote the "politically correct ideas" of that of the majority of persons.

Did you see that [talk] button above that/this last post article from them?? Had you pressed it and read some of the "Editors" comments you would see that your posted excerpt above had many opinions as to the why there were "supposed lineage differences".

The Bible doesn't support an evolutionary beginning, but a Creation origin of mankind. Therefore, all of mankind spread from the one source.

There is another factor which isn't considered by those "Editors"---Which has nothing to do with Joseph. (in a way, but is a part of the solution)
Mary gives Jesus HIS humanity. The Holy spirit gave Jesus HIS Divinity. In the O.T., when a person of the surrounding nations choose to Accept the Creator GOD as their GOD they became a member of that "Tribe" of their choosing/to live among. A female of one tribe who married into another tribe became a part of that tribe.


Therefore, all of mankind spread from the one source.


creation is a myth outlawed from public schools as not to poison our childrens minds.

WHILE evolution is taught in every EVERY major university around the WHOLE GLOBE! as higher learning.

its not our fault you choose a literal reading of ancient text.

Its not our fault you refuse knowledge from those with the education and credential's to teach.


Outhouse, You keep posting from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. However, those who are editing the articles are persons just like you and I. Biased/opinionated/ for or against certain issues. MOST Not really looking for the TRUTH, but to promote the "politically correct ideas" of that of the majority of persons.

Did you see that [talk] button above that/this last post article from them?? Had you pressed it and read some of the "Editors" comments you would see that your posted excerpt above had many opinions as to the why there were "supposed lineage differences".

The Bible doesn't support an evolutionary beginning, but a Creation origin of mankind. Therefore, all of mankind spread from the one source.

There is another factor which isn't considered by those "Editors"---Which has nothing to do with Joseph. (in a way, but is a part of the solution)
Mary gives Jesus HIS humanity. The Holy spirit gave Jesus HIS Divinity. In the O.T., when a person of the surrounding nations choose to Accept the Creator GOD as their GOD they became a member of that "Tribe" of their choosing/to live among. A female of one tribe who married into another tribe became a part of that tribe.

SO who got it wrong LUKE or MATTHEW??????????????

who got it right???????


how would you know??


Rogue Theologian

creation is a myth outlawed from public schools as not to poison our childrens minds.

WHILE evolution is taught in every EVERY major university around the WHOLE GLOBE! as higher learning.

its not our fault you choose a literal reading of ancient text.

Its not our fault you refuse knowledge from those with the education and credential's to teach.

Still trying to kill that serpent?


Still trying to kill that serpent?

a talking serpent always existed in scripture.

and you have absolutely nothing that would indicate the reality of a compiled myth written 600 years after ancient hebrews already existed