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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


My current life is sustained by the Creator GOD who Made mankind.


when you are ill you use medicine created by science, not a god

when you have a heart attack or a stroke you will seek a doctor trained in science to save you.

you will not open a bible as it will not heal you.


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
My current life is sustained by the Creator GOD who Made mankind.

when you are ill you use medicine created by science, not a god
when you have a heart attack or a stroke you will seek a doctor trained in science to save you.
you will not open a bible as it will not heal you.

Outhouse, "When" is the key word. GOD promised, Ex.15:26, "And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I [am] the LORD that healeth thee. "
That was Restated 40 years later in Deut.7:6-15, to those who would cross into the promised land, "And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all [them] that hate thee. "

That "MYTH" is fully able/capable to do all that HE has said, and that which is within HIS WILL to do.


The Adversary
Outhouse, "When" is the key word. GOD promised, Ex.15:26, "And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I [am] the LORD that healeth thee. "
That was Restated 40 years later in Deut.7:6-15, to those who would cross into the promised land, "And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all [them] that hate thee. "

That "MYTH" is fully able/capable to do all that HE has said, and that which is within HIS WILL to do.

God also said
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Exodus 31:15 Anyone who dares work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death. [/FONT]

Enough said

Oh I am sorry...40 years later in Deut. God commands that we should torch non believers...Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.

What a way to show love
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Well-Known Member
God also said
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Exodus 31:15 Anyone who dares work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death. [/FONT]

Enough said

Bobby, Not quite; Those who came out of Egypt had seen the power of the Creator GOD and deliverer from oppression. They chose to leave Egypt. Then In Ex.16, just days before GOD addressed them upon Sinai, They were given manna and re-aquainted with GOD'S Blessed and Sanctified Sabbath. They had stated they wanted GOD to be their GOD and declared, "ALL that the LORD says, we will do".
The keeping of the Sabbath was a sign that they were in holy(sanctified) agreement with all that the LORD GOD stated.
Therefore, by disobeying, they were acknowledging a lie on their part and a breaking of the Covenant---the penalty is/was Death.
The "sin-cancer" had to be eradicated---so as not to spread. The example of the antedeluvians showed the results of unrestrained "thoughts being only evil continually."
That from the liar in the Garden.

Oh I am sorry...40 years later in Deut. God commands that we should torch non believers...Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.
What a way to show love

Bobby, had you read and understood those passages in Deut. the Hate was from those of the towns. God had said the ALL of the "strangers" who desired to have HIM as their GOD and Obey HIS ways rather than continue in their ways of Abomination that HE considered them as one born of Israel.
The same Love would be bestowed upon the stranger as the "home born". However, All who sought to overthrow Israel were to be destroyed.
Unfortunatedly, the israelites brought upon themselves GOD'S wrath when they partook of the abominations of the nations about them.
It worked both ways.


The Adversary

Bobby, had you read and understood those passages in Deut. the Hate was from those of the towns. God had said the ALL of the "strangers" who desired to have HIM as their GOD and Obey HIS ways rather than continue in their ways of Abomination that HE considered them as one born of Israel.
The same Love would be bestowed upon the stranger as the "home born". However, All who sought to overthrow Israel were to be destroyed.
Unfortunatedly, the israelites brought upon themselves GOD'S wrath when they partook of the abominations of the nations about them.
It worked both ways.

Oh please, look the truth of the matter is, you are picking and choosing things that fit your worldview and omitting or justifying the horrid verses in the Bible. But I forgot, you did say you know the word of God as God intended it…that’s fine, you can claim that till the cows come home, unfortunately the burden of proof is on you to do a couple of things before you can make such a claim. A. Prove that a God exists. B. Prove that the Bible is the word of that God. However beware of the circular argument. “I know that God exists.” “How’s that?” “Because that Bible says so.” “How do you know the Bible is true?” “because it’s the word of God.” So I am looking for something empirical and falsifiable, if you can’t provide either, your claim is bogus.
Also, don’t assume what I understand and what I don’t, I don’t care which way God said it, the fact that an all loving God degrees anyone to be torched (LET ALONE A WHOLE CITY) as a burnt offering to him speaks worlds about the god you follow. The Bible is polluted with terrible messages and verse that promote slavery, homophobia, killing, children/human sacrifices, lies and rape. The fact that you can self justify these actions and still call God “all loving” or that I just have to understand what he was doing scares me. I know what he was doing; he was commanding his people TO MURDER PEOPLE AND BURN THEM AS OFFERINGS FOR HIM!!! It lets me know that if I were in that city, you would have thrown the torch with no remorse and why? Because of some silly superstition.
It doesn’t work both ways, if God is omniscient, God created them knowing what they would do…Your god is blood thirsty and highly immoral.

13 that scoundrels among you are leading their fellow citizens astray by saying, ‘Let us go worship other gods’—gods you have not known before.</SPAN> 14 In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find that the report is true and such a detestable act has been committed among you, 15 you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. 16 Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the open square and burn it. Burn the entire town as a burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. 17 Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the Lord will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a large nation, just as he swore to your ancestors.

There is nothing merciful, loving or moral about this passage. NOTHING, NOT A THING.


Rogue Theologian
there is no evidence to support that rubbish
therefore it is rubbish to state it as fact

I've seen some recent 'science' documentaries about the miracles in Egypt.
At length there is discussion how such things could happen.
As if to take God out of the picture.

But then I would consider the likelihood of all of these conditions coming together in coincidence with a bad argument going on between Moses and the Pharoh.

The likelihood does seem remote....granted.
But the story has persisted.
And instead of debunking the presence of God....

All of theose conditions coming together....and God wasn't there to make it happen?


The Adversary
I've seen some recent 'science' documentaries about the miracles in Egypt.
At length there is discussion how such things could happen.
As if to take God out of the picture.

If we take God out of the equation and have natural explanations, they are not miracles. Also, does anyone realize there is no historical evidence of any biblical exodus or of people such as Moses and Aaron?


If we take God out of the equation and have natural explanations, they are not miracles. Also, does anyone realize there is no historical evidence of any biblical exodus or of people such as Moses and Aaron?


there was never a enslaved race of israelites in egypt ever.

Moses is said to be a literary creation and there is ZERO evidence for a man that wandered a desert for 40 years that takes 2 weeks to walk across


Well-Known Member
Oh please, look the truth of the matter is, you are picking and choosing things that fit your worldview and omitting or justifying the horrid verses in the Bible. But I forgot, you did say you know the word of God as God intended it…that’s fine, you can claim that till the cows come home, unfortunately the burden of proof is on you to do a couple of things before you can make such a claim. A. Prove that a God exists. B. Prove that the Bible is the word of that God. However beware of the circular argument. “I know that God exists.” “How’s that?” “Because that Bible says so.” “How do you know the Bible is true?” “because it’s the word of God.” So I am looking for something empirical and falsifiable, if you can’t provide either, your claim is bogus.

Hi Bobby, Yes, I do pick the Bible to be the truth it is. You pick the Bible to be a myth and the Creator GOD the Bible declares,also, to be a myth---to fit your "worldview."
What is odd is your anger/displeasure/frustration/etc that (according to you) some one else believes in a "god" that is a myth and what that myth says goes against/contradicts all that you apparently see as fact. "IF" it were really a myth in your estimation,--------why does it bother you?
Your "facts" leaves you with a future of returning to the elements you are composed of in reality. At least, "my facts" gives a much brighter and real existance if I remain a Believer in my GOD'S given instructions of a right relations to GOD and my fellow beings.
Why does that seem intolerant/unfair to you? Don't you have the same power to choose as I do?

It doesn’t work both ways, if God is omniscient, God created them knowing what they would do…Your god is blood thirsty and highly immoral.

13 that scoundrels among you are leading their fellow citizens astray by saying, ‘Let us go worship other gods’—gods you have not known before.</SPAN> 14 In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find that the report is true and such a detestable act has been committed among you, 15 you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. 16 Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the open square and burn it. Burn the entire town as a burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. 17 Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the Lord will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a large nation, just as he swore to your ancestors.

There is nothing merciful, loving or moral about this passage. NOTHING, NOT A THING.

It does work both ways, Bobby. GOD is Loving and merciful to those who do not break the law. There is NO penalty where there is NO LAW. That penalty is death. Yes, GOD does know the minds of HIS Created beings. Therefore, GOD made a way of escape for mankind even prior to making the earth. That was in "the Lamb(Jesus) slain before the foundation of the world".(Rev.13:8; 1Pet.1:18-22)
Moses in his recapitulation of GOD's instructions and the peoples agreement "to do ALL that the LORD has said", reminded the people who were ready to cross over the Jordan and occupy the promised Land of the penalty for Disobedience.(which is still the same)
That wasn't a heathen "city" that your selected verses is talking about----It was a "city" which had promised to obey and Have GOD as their GOD. They would have disregarded the 2nd Commandment----"Thou shalt no other gods before me."
Moses, said/clarified, "gods you have not known before".
Those people would know the the Law and would have chosen to disobey GOD. Therefore, it is the people who are unloving and defiant. GOD in his Love and Mercy has warned the people vocally and in the written law.


The Adversary

Hi Bobby, Yes, I do pick the Bible to be the truth it is. You pick the Bible to be a myth and the Creator GOD the Bible declares,also, to be a myth---to fit your "worldview."
What is odd is your anger/displeasure/frustration/etc that (according to you) some one else believes in a "god" that is a myth and what that myth says goes against/contradicts all that you apparently see as fact. "IF" it were really a myth in your estimation,--------why does it bother you?
Your "facts" leaves you with a future of returning to the elements you are composed of in reality. At least, "my facts" gives a much brighter and real existance if I remain a Believer in my GOD'S given instructions of a right relations to GOD and my fellow beings.
Why does that seem intolerant/unfair to you? Don't you have the same power to choose as I do?

It does work both ways, Bobby. GOD is Loving and merciful to those who do not break the law. There is NO penalty where there is NO LAW. That penalty is death. Yes, GOD does know the minds of HIS Created beings. Therefore, GOD made a way of escape for mankind even prior to making the earth. That was in "the Lamb(Jesus) slain before the foundation of the world".(Rev.13:8; 1Pet.1:18-22)
Moses in his recapitulation of GOD's instructions and the peoples agreement "to do ALL that the LORD has said", reminded the people who were ready to cross over the Jordan and occupy the promised Land of the penalty for Disobedience.(which is still the same)
That wasn't a heathen "city" that your selected verses is talking about----It was a "city" which had promised to obey and Have GOD as their GOD. They would have disregarded the 2nd Commandment----"Thou shalt no other gods before me."
Moses, said/clarified, "gods you have not known before".
Those people would know the the Law and would have chosen to disobey GOD. Therefore, it is the people who are unloving and defiant. GOD in his Love and Mercy has warned the people vocally and in the written law.

I love when this happens&#8230;See, when one can&#8217;t defend the position they jump to a few different outs&#8230;one of those outs is the &#8220;you&#8217;re angry&#8221; card. There is a big difference between anger (fury and rage, which your god often shows on his people) and being appalled and disgusted (shocked and horrified). Also I don&#8217;t get this mentality that since you believe in a god, your life means more than mine&#8230;your arrogance is atrocious (not to be mixed up with me being angry), it saddens me that you can&#8217;t see it. You don&#8217;t have some moral high ground because you have a god to tell you killing is wrong (although you have decided at times it is perfectly justifiable) or that you shouldn&#8217;t commit adultery or steal. Most non believers don&#8217;t do these types of things because they are bad and could hurt other people. Not doing things because the big eye in the sky is watching or not doing something in hopes of getting a reward (heaven) isn&#8217;t moral anyway, it&#8217;s very immoral. Please don&#8217;t mix up the word facts when talking about god, the only fact is that there is no evidence that god exists. As far as you asking me don&#8217;t I have the same power to choose as you do? No, it&#8217;s the other way around, you have the power to choose as I do, however you need a god to lay out how and how you shouldn&#8217;t act. Thou shalt not kill, except when it&#8217;s ok because I can justify it in the bible&#8230;you do realize the contradiction here correct?
There are lots of reasons morals developed, we don&#8217;t have to suppose a god did them. Also why would you ask why I care? Isn&#8217;t this a forum to debate religious topics??? If you don&#8217;t want to defend your position, why are you posting in the DEBATE section?
&#8220;Those people would know the Law and would have chosen to disobey GOD. Therefore, it is the people who are unloving and defiant. GOD in his Love and Mercy has warned the people vocally and in the written law.&#8221; How many times, did this merciful god show his wrath and killed countless amounts of HIS OWN PEOPLE, we have a word for that&#8230;it&#8217;s called Genocide.
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you mean that talking snake?

they need to stop the YEC nonsense, it really is embarrassing humanity. And the education system in the USA.

the snake was never written in as satan, literal theist are forced to use imagination to connect the two together. This is a embarrassing fact