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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Veteran Member
Hi Waitasec, You do and just did again. Notice your next attestations:


Truth and fact---which you choose to call fantasy doesn't make it so.

Waitasec, GOD evidenced HIMSELF to more tham a million people at Sinai and not only spoke, but wrote the Decalogue on tablets of stone.
Because you choose not to believe doesn't make it so. GOD speaks to you/mankind today through those scriptures, which again, you choose to call "fantasy".

John 20:29, "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed [are] they that have not seen, and [yet] have believed. "

you see, the indifference life presents contradicts any and all labels the bible puts on this idea of god at one point or another...the bible is not a constant truth....just as man's understanding of the world around him is not constant, only consistently evolving....

only those who believe they are gods chosen are blinded to their level of arrogance...as it is their act of believing that chooses them..

One doesn't have to see the rain fall to know it fell----the wetness of the surfaces reveals the fact.
the difference is, your god lacks empirical evidence as the wet surface attests to the rains existence.
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Hi Outhouse, The "poison" is in "the theory of evolution".
Who is afraid of death? It was overcome and has to release all who have maintained that right Relationship to the GOD which you deny as a myth.
1Thess.4:13-18, "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep(dead), that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."

please stop with the ignorance, you embarrass humanity not with just ignorance, but promoting known myth's over common knowledge. :facepalm:

Evolution has been observed, and its not our fault at your age you cannot grasp the information due to fear


Well-Known Member
you see, the indifference life presents contradicts any and all labels the bible puts on this idea of god at one point or another...the bible is not a constant truth....just as man's understanding of the world around him is not constant, only consistently evolving....

Hi Waitasec, In the Scriptures GOD is constant; it continues to be man who rebels and is "constantly reminded to repent and live". Because to continue in disobedience results in eternal death.
Let's look at man's constant "evolving" as noted in the Scriptures: 2Tim. 3:12-13, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

only those who believe they are gods chosen are blinded to their level of arrogance...as it is their act of believing that chooses them..
Not true. Eph.1:4, "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:"
The choosing is in the decision to repent and Obey(rather than deny) in Love the Creator GOD. It is those GOD chooses to honor with eternal life.

the difference is, your god lacks empirical evidence as the wet surface attests to the rains existence.

All that one sees in the heavens above and the earth below are "empirical evidence that the writings presented from Sinai are valid evidence of GOD'S existence ---despite you denial/skepticism.


Well-Known Member
please stop with the ignorance, you embarrass humanity not with just ignorance, but promoting known myth's over common knowledge. :facepalm:

Evolution has been observed, and its not our fault at your age you cannot grasp the information due to fear

Hi outhouse, Why should I stop presenting the truth of the Scriptures; It is ignorance propagated upon humanity by those WHO oppose/Deny that there is a Creator GOD which is an embarrassment to humanity whom the Creator GOD created.
Apparently, you failed to either read or understand that a Believer, at any age, has no "Fear" of the information recorded in the Bible. It was given for one to have a right relationship to/with our Loving Creator GOD.
That is the "common knowledge" of all who Believe the Creator GOD.

"Evolution observed"----a falsification of a theory.


Hi outhouse, Why should I stop presenting the truth of the Scriptures; It is ignorance propagated upon humanity by those WHO oppose/Deny that there is a Creator GOD which is an embarrassment to humanity whom the Creator GOD created.
Apparently, you failed to either read or understand that a Believer, at any age, has no "Fear" of the information recorded in the Bible. It was given for one to have a right relationship to/with our Loving Creator GOD.
That is the "common knowledge" of all who Believe the Creator GOD.

"Evolution observed"----a falsification of a theory.

you hold a minority position about a god.

2/3 of he world have different beliefs then you

You should stop spreading misinformation due to severe ignorace on the debate your participating in.

creation is a known myth. :facepalm: and off topic.

does it say or imply in genesis the snake is satan? NO! it doesnt and your using imagination to connect the dots


Well-Known Member
you hold a minority position about a god.

2/3 of he world have different beliefs then you

True! remember, only eight people got on the Ark out of all the earth' population at that time. Those who perished were scoffers/non-believers/also.

You should stop spreading misinformation due to severe ignorace on the debate your participating in.

All mis-information is coming from your posts.

creation is a known myth. :facepalm: and off topic.

Believed, as such, by non-Believers in the Creator GOD.

does it say or imply in genesis the snake is satan? NO! it doesnt and your using imagination to connect the dots

Genesis is only one part of the BIBLE by which it's scriptures interpret itself. Other books of the Bible "do connect the dots".


True! remember, only eight people got on the Ark out of all the earth' population at that time. Those who perished were scoffers/non-believers/also.

the ark according to science and scholarships on the bible state it never existed.

That is YEC nonsense

All mis-information is coming from your posts.

false, and if you quit the nonsense you would try and refute it and debate like one does normally

Genesis is only one part of the BIBLE by which it's scriptures interpret itself. Other books of the Bible "do connect the dots".

no it doesnt interpret itself. A priest normally does it so people without knowledge dont confuse themselves.


The Adversary
Outhouse...the man doesn't understand that religions prior to his have the same exact stories...that Demi gods well before Jesus shared the same exact story...Attis, Horus, Zarathustra and so on...he follows faith blindly...dangerous man..


Veteran Member
Not true. Eph.1:4, "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:"
The choosing is in the decision to repent and Obey(rather than deny) in Love the Creator GOD. It is those GOD chooses to honor with eternal life.
which is something YOU decided to do for yourself...how selfless of you as you save yourself...through wishful thinking no less:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
the ark according to science and scholarships on the bible state it never existed.

That is YEC nonsense

And they supposedly actually went back in time to verify their false claims. Yes, the ""according to science and scholarships"" is "Nonsense".

false, and if you quit the nonsense you would try and refute it and debate like one does normally

You mean like you in denying the truth for the "nonsense" of erroneous "theory".
BTW, I have no plans to deny/quit the Creator GOD.

no it doesnt interpret itself. A priest normally does it so people without knowledge dont confuse themselves.

Outhouse, aren't you forgetting that the populance of today aren't the illiterants of 2000 years ago?
Besides, 1Cor.10:6,11, "Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.....Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.""


Well-Known Member
Outhouse...the man doesn't understand that religions prior to his have the same exact stories...that Demi gods well before Jesus shared the same exact story...Attis, Horus, Zarathustra and so on...he follows faith blindly...dangerous man..

Prior??" From those eight persons who came off the Ark,, the earth was populated. Those eight knew of the Creator GOD and had obeyed HIM. Of course, those that scattered had corrupted the original as their beliefs changed from the living Creator GOD to the gods made in their own imagination and by their own hands.


The Adversary
Prior??" From those eight persons who came off the Ark,, the earth was populated. Those eight knew of the Creator GOD and had obeyed HIM. Of course, those that scattered had corrupted the original as their beliefs changed from the living Creator GOD to the gods made in their own imagination and by their own hands.

This line of thinking can only occur if you blinding accept that Noah's ark happened...


This line of thinking can only occur if you blinding accept that Noah's ark happened...

yes we are all inbred from proto Israelites LOL :facepalm:

then we have to ignore that our friend here says there is a flood but doesnt even know what date it happened :facepalm: and if he prodoces a date we can simply show him a EVERY country with writing at that time that show no break in their civilization when this myth is said to have happened. :facepalm:

Oh wait there is NO country anywhere that shows a break in civilization when the myth is said to have happened.
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Well-Known Member
yes we are all inbred from proto Israelites LOL :facepalm:

then we have to ignore that our friend here says there is a flood but doesnt even know what date it happened :facepalm: and if he prodoces a date we can simply show him a EVERY country with writing at that time that show no break in their civilization when this myth is said to have happened. :facepalm:

Oh wait there is NO country anywhere that shows a break in civilization when the myth is said to have happened.

The Flood occurred appxox. 1656 years after Creation. There were no civilizations on the earth after the flood until those generations from the ARK had been scattered "into all the world." which was 100 years later.(therefore, there wouldn't be "a break in their civilizations". Especially from a universal Flood, GOD had promised.)
All of those people had a knowledge to the Flood and could record "their version" when they attained a knowledge of a written means of communication.


And the line of evolutionary thinking can only happen when one blindingly accepts a "spontaneous occurance" of elemental solid material from "nothing".

false another statement from ignorance on the subject.

theistic evolution does not require abiogenesis


The Flood occurred appxox. 1656 years after Creation. There were no civilizations on the earth after the flood until those generations from the ARK had been scattered "into all the world." which was 100 years later.(therefore, there wouldn't be "a break in their civilizations". Especially from a universal Flood, GOD had promised.)
All of those people had a knowledge to the Flood and could record "their version" when they attained a knowledge of a written means of communication.

YEC nonsense STOP IT!

So the few people on the ark had scattered around the world in 100 years ??? :facepalm:

you are embarrassing to deal with.


Now I understand at your age you may not understand the rules of the forum.

But do us a favor and quit derailing this thread with YEC nonsense.

take it to the science section if you have a problem with common knowledge.