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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
have you ever seen the show Creatures that defy evolution on Netflix?
I feel there is some pretty interesting evidence of creation on there. Some evidence better than others, but yeah there is some good evidence. I really like how it described the exploding beetle, and the woodpeckers really long and crazy tongue with all of its unusual characteristics, such as developing a glue on its tongue to lick up the ants and then a glue dissolving saliva so it can eat the ants. "Oops I glued my mouth shut, here I am going to quickly evolve a destickatizing saliva so I can live and have children."
How does evolution explain the little Golden Plover bird being able to fly from Alaska on an 88 hour non stop flight to Hawaii without getting lost and dying. Trial by error is REALLY not in their favor of surviving and figuring that one out.


Well-Known Member
Theres plenty of evidence, there is no evidence for your creator God.

Do you understand the dichotomy here, why your denying something that others accept while others deny what you accept? I can't help but think this circle is anything but intended.

Orias, And so it will continue---each exercising the choice which is in agreement with their conclusions. each having the right to defend that which one "Believes". No one in a debate has any protection from not being disputed by the opponent.

You see plenty of evidence for your belief and none for mine and I see plenty of evidence for my GOD and none for your theory of evolution. So yes apparently there is a circle, but not "intended" by me.

I entered this thread giving a scriptural answer for my Beliefs and in accords to your initial sentence "" there is no evidence for your creator God."" was the Answer along with "myth".

Don't I have the right to my Belief as you do to yours? Don't each make the choice as to what they Believe? There is no reason that either opponent in a debate to be offended---since/when one opponent doesn't agree or accept the other opponents beliefs.

Are You proselyting for "Evolution"?? Neither am I in/for the creator GOD I believe in. Aren't we both "telling it like we see it"?


Agnostic Theist
have you ever seen the show Creatures that defy evolution on Netflix?
I feel there is some pretty interesting evidence of creation on there. Some evidence better than others, but yeah there is some good evidence. I really like how it described the exploding beetle, and the woodpeckers really long and crazy tongue with all of its unusual characteristics, such as developing a glue on its tongue to lick up the ants and then a glue dissolving saliva so it can eat the ants. "Oops I glued my mouth shut, here I am going to quickly evolve a destickatizing saliva so I can live and have children."
How does evolution explain the little Golden Plover bird being able to fly from Alaska on an 88 hour non stop flight to Hawaii without getting lost and dying. Trial by error is REALLY not in their favor of surviving and figuring that one out.
We actually have a thread on that video series: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/evolution-vs-creationism/112314-incredible-creatures-defy-evolution.html

Basically, the video series lacks actual science, and replaces it with nothing.


Yes, there are theories of evolution and the evidence is in many school books; but that doesn't make them factual.

:slap: yes it does.

creation is outlwed because its religion not reality. we dont poison childrens minds or limit their learning due to ancient mans mythology.

the USA is lacking globally when it comes to education.

and you just admitted to telling people not to follow modern science and that people with the best educations know nothing that they are teaching lies. :slap:


evolution is as fact as gravity and we are not going back to your childhood when this was not a issue.

creationism is like Santa, most kids one day grow up and realize they lived mythology.

the world is not 6000 years old
there was no worldwide flood
and we all evolved from a common ancestor


Left Hand Path
No one in a debate has any protection from not being disputed by the opponent.

Sure they do, thats why people debate.

Why would you expose yourself if you felt you had no protection?

You see plenty of evidence for your belief and none for mine and I see plenty of evidence for my GOD and none for your theory of evolution. So yes apparently there is a circle, but not "intended" by me.

Actually I see plenty of evidence for everything, so this circular motion is indeed intended by you.

When I say you have no evidence for your creator God, it doesn't mean you have no evidence for what you "believe".

I entered this thread giving a scriptural answer for my Beliefs and in accords to your initial sentence "" there is no evidence for your creator God."" was the Answer along with "myth".

My initial sentence actually conjures that there is plenty of evidence for evolution, and if you understand why you deny evolution as a factual thing then you should understand why so many denounce what you "believe" in.

Don't I have the right to my Belief as you do to yours? Don't each make the choice as to what they Believe? There is no reason that either opponent in a debate to be offended---since/when one opponent doesn't agree or accept the other opponents beliefs.

I'm not offended at all.

Are You proselyting for "Evolution"?? Neither am I in/for the creator GOD I believe in. Aren't we both "telling it like we see it"?

No, I'm telling it like it is. I wouldn't bet on anything "you see", for I have my own eyes.


Rogue Theologian
Theories are discussions of evidence. Evidence comes first.

I don't need to be to be right. False requirement.

Let's start another thread about 'evidence'.

I think it can be demonstrated the narrow minded approach of discussion
when evidence is the continual plea.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
"Evidence"?? There is no evidence for the theories of evolution. That is still theories backed up by more theories/assumptions.

Yes. There are. Wishful thinking won't make the evidence go away.

Sojourner, The "terra firma", "flora", and "fauna" I see are the same evidence upon which the scientist/scholars have based their "Theories of evolution" upon. That very same "evidence" is the same that the Creator GOD spoke and it stood fast.
There is NO man-made minerals or organic living plants or fleshly animals from "Nothing". NOR has man produced from nothing a "big bang" to produce anything.
Where is the "evidence" you are acknowledging?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
Yes, there are theories of evolution and the evidence is in many school books; but that doesn't make them factual.

yes it does.

That circular reasoning works both ways----just because someone placed it in a school book doesn't make it so.

creation is outlwed because its religion not reality. we dont poison childrens minds or limit their learning due to ancient mans mythology.

the USA is lacking globally when it comes to education.

and you just admitted to telling people not to follow modern science and that people with the best educations know nothing that they are teaching lies.


evolution is as fact as gravity and we are not going back to your childhood when this was not a issue.

creationism is like Santa, most kids one day grow up and realize they lived mythology.

the world is not 6000 years old
there was no worldwide flood
and we all evolved from a common ancestor

You are saying that it is OK to poison peoples minds by the philosophies/unproven Theories of modern man? Evolution is a "belief system" as well---to the point of being a "religion in itself". (A person can make money and anything else---including evolution--- a religion".)
Education doesn't equate to factual; there are many who are "educated", but are liars----even of the esteemed lawyers and politicians and clergy.(that's another subject.)

No! you are crediting my above statement with that which I have not said---nor believe. The subject of "evolution" doesn't cover all the achievements of modern scientist. Thankfully, there has been many advancements which have benefited mankind. And there are scientist who do believe in the creator GOD.

I haven't seen any reason to "Stop" expressing my beliefs in the Creator GOD of all things. You aren't in a position to tell me what I can or can't do. You can only choose to believe as you choose.

Gravity and Evolution are two different things--Gravity does exist. There is,again, no evidence that "What is seen" is the results of the man-made theories which are claimed for it.
Creationism was/is factual by those who from the beginning accepted GOD. It was those who rejected GOD for the gods made by their own hands that began to doubt GOD as the Creator.

"Most kids" of the world's population accept creationism today. It isn't just a "Christian belief".

Yes, we all came from a common ancestor---Adam and Eve.
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Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
No one in a debate has any protection from not being disputed by the opponent.

Sure they do, thats why people debate.

Why would you expose yourself if you felt you had no protection?

Are you saying that you can not be disputed? In this debate?

Originally Posted by sincerly
You see plenty of evidence for your belief and none for mine and I see plenty of evidence for my GOD and none for your theory of evolution. So yes apparently there is a circle, but not "intended" by me.

Actually I see plenty of evidence for everything, so this circular motion is indeed intended by you.

Then you aren't continuing to espouse your beliefs/"evidence"?? The "circular motion" left the topic/thread.

When I say you have no evidence for your creator God, it doesn't mean you have no evidence for what you "believe".

I assure you that I believe the writings of the many writers of the various books contained in the Bible. And those writers were with The Father and the SON and were lead by the Holy Spirit.
There is nothing about evolution that one can show other than the written theories.

Originally Posted by sincerly
I entered this thread giving a scriptural answer for my Beliefs and in accords to your initial sentence "" there is no evidence for your creator God."" was the Answer along with "myth".

My initial sentence actually conjures that there is plenty of evidence for evolution, and if you understand why you deny evolution as a factual thing then you should understand why so many denounce what you "believe" in.

All the "conjuring" is from the point of "evolution"---nothing is seen of it---other than the theories of man-kind.
The Creator GOD appeared to Moses and the multitude at Sinai. The SON was present on earth.
Again, Believe as you "conclude".

Originally Posted by sincerly
Don't I have the right to my Belief as you do to yours? Don't each make the choice as to what they Believe? There is no reason that either opponent in a debate to be offended---since/when one opponent doesn't agree or accept the other opponents beliefs.[/quote]

I'm not offended at all.

But, you didn't respond/answer the questions.??

Originally Posted by sincerly
Are You proselyting for "Evolution"?? Neither am I in/for the creator GOD I believe in. Aren't we both "telling it like we see it"?
No, I'm telling it like it is. I wouldn't bet on anything "you see", for I have my own eyes.

And that is the status of all.



Well-Known Member
I would like my natural resources back, please.
My reply was:
Originally Posted by sincerly
Hammer, you are not the Creator GOD.

To which you answered:
I don't need to be to be right. False requirement.

You don't own any "natural resources" according to the scriptures. All that one sees belongs to the Creator GOD.

Theories are discussions of evidence. Evidence comes first.

Yes, those of academic back-ground have speculated/assumed various Theories for all that one sees(evidence), but still have yet to come up with making life appear form "nothing".
Much less the evolving of one species into an altogether different organism and species.



Well-Known Member
there is quite a bit of difference between belief based on evidence and belief based on hope/faith/wishful thinking.

Yes, evolution is based upon the hope by those "scholars" that they will soon find the "missing link"(don't they speculate that they have found what they believe to be life factor?). Also, the faith that what they have concluded is true. And Last, what they have concluded is just wishful thinking.

The evidence is just outside the window and one doesn't doesn't have to theorize an explanation, it was written----God spoke and it stood fast.


Rogue Theologian
So did the snake walk into the Garden?

It seems there was a transformation mentioned...
'...and you shall go about on your belly...'

In other words...I don't think evolution has anything to do about the serpent in the Garden.

As God walks in spirit...so too the serpent.

Again it seems...an outstanding confusion....
when a descriptive word is confused to a literal meaning.
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Veteran Member
Yes, evolution is based upon the hope by those "scholars" that they will soon find the "missing link"(don't they speculate that they have found what they believe to be life factor?). Also, the faith that what they have concluded is true. And Last, what they have concluded is just wishful thinking.

The evidence is just outside the window and one doesn't doesn't have to theorize an explanation, it was written----God spoke and it stood fast.

stuck on the spin cycle i see...

so how did satan get into paradise?
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