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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There are rumors of another universe parallel to this one.

Is it possible that the other universe was but with the temptation in the Garden now it isn't?

What happen I theorize is nature progressed the same as now, but "sin" was not present. The law of "do unto others" is what ruled. Many years passed. I suppose people died, I don't know. But unrest developed in mankind. Questions of why and how took on a life of their own. Power to resist going beyond the "law" was discovered. So the question "is it really so that God has said not to eat from every tree" made it all the way back to "Eve". I suspect Eve is a name for the one that heard the question. Does the question mean "is what we see all there is?" The answer for them is "no" the answer for us is "yes".

Does the guarding the way to the Garden mean?; It can't be undone again. Or can it?


Active Member
What ARE asking....are the actions of Man a reflection of God?

Is Man truly an image of God?

What?...you don't see a separation?
And in separation a certain amount of variable?

Not much point in creating a free agent if you already know what to anticipate.

Not much point in freewill...without choice.

Not much point in certainty....when what you desired was the surprise.

Not much point in letting you have 'your own thoughts' on the the matter.

You want certainty?
If Man had failed to make the choice the alterations made would be null effect.
That Man made the choice in the face of death....
The alteration had taken hold.

Yes and no are not applicable to all things.
And obviously....I do know.

I don't know either but it really does not matter.

If God is not all knowing .. is he at least intelligent enough to figure out that the humans would stand no chance against Sataniel

The point of my questions is to examine the validity of the garden of Eden story in the Bible.

If one assumes the story is true then God created humans, Satan and everything else in the garden.

Genesis also states that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of Good or Evil so clearly God would knew this.

It makes no sense then for God to be upset at the humans for believing the wiley snake.

The Genesis story, as written, makes God out to be quite irrational.


There are rumors of another universe parallel to this one.

Is it possible that the other universe was but with the temptation in the Garden now it isn't?

What happen I theorize is nature progressed the same as now, but "sin" was not present. The law of "do unto others" is what ruled. Many years passed. I suppose people died, I don't know. But unrest developed in mankind. Questions of why and how took on a life of their own. Power to resist going beyond the "law" was discovered. So the question "is it really so that God has said not to eat from every tree" made it all the way back to "Eve". I suspect Eve is a name for the one that heard the question. Does the question mean "is what we see all there is?" The answer for them is "no" the answer for us is "yes".

Does the guarding the way to the Garden mean?; It can't be undone again. Or can it?

all imagination. there is no parallel universe.


Rogue Theologian
I don't know either but it really does not matter.
The point of my questions is to examine the validity of the garden of Eden story in the Bible.

If one assumes the story is true then God created humans, Satan and everything else in the garden.

Genesis also states that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of Good or Evil so clearly God would knew this.

It makes no sense then for God to be upset at the humans for believing the wiley snake.

The Genesis story, as written, makes God out to be quite irrational.

Btw....your quoting technique makes it look like someone else's words are mine.

As for God being irrational.....
God was attempting a manipulation to alter the body and spirit of Man.
Satan came to interfere.
And God is somehow irrational?

You say that God should be the foremost in the art of 'knowing'......
and then accuse Him of being irrational.

That's not logical.
As if your sense of 'rational' would be greater than the Creator?

The Garden event happened.
Man has diverged from the rest of the animal kingdom.
God did it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm sorry. I am not making fun of You. I think differences of OPINION are funny.

I have no evidence. Is it my imagination or is it so in the history of the World that invention seems to come in twos?

And what about apparitions and such? do they come from imagination or is there something else?

The story of Samuel appearing to Saul suggests to me a break in the time-space whatever it is. I believe the Bible. I believe it means something. Most people don't. I can't argue with that.


Veteran Member
I'm sorry. I am not making fun of You. I think differences of OPINION are funny.

no offense taken. really. :)

I have no evidence. Is it my imagination or is it so in the history of the World that invention seems to come in twos?
can you elaborate?

And what about apparitions and such? do they come from imagination or is there something else?
i gather it's our imagination... based on our undue importance

The story of Samuel appearing to Saul suggests to me a break in the time-space whatever it is. I believe the Bible. I believe it means something. Most people don't. I can't argue with that.

i think the bible means a lot of things...
it's just that what i think it means is of no value to you
and what you think it means is no value to me.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My memory is not so good for details but while reading the accounts of society changing inventions I seem to be remembering reading that there are more than a few in which the real first inventor is up for debate. And it always seems to come in twos. Who really invented (fill in the blank). Google it. Why does it seem that there are many inventions that seem to crop up in more than one place at about the same time? If I think of any specifically this thread will be long gone I suspect.


Well-Known Member
My memory is not so good for details but while reading the accounts of society changing inventions I seem to be remembering reading that there are more than a few in which the real first inventor is up for debate. And it always seems to come in twos. Who really invented (fill in the blank). Google it. Why does it seem that there are many inventions that seem to crop up in more than one place at about the same time? If I think of any specifically this thread will be long gone I suspect.

I'm not sure what your post had to do with the subject of the topic unless it was playing on the fact that one person posts an erroneous answer and another person then fabricates it differently.

The Bible is a whole narrative and details are scattered throughout it in some cases to complete it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm not sure what your post had to do with the subject of the topic unless it was playing on the fact that one person posts an erroneous answer and another person then fabricates it differently.

The Bible is a whole narrative and details are scattered throughout it in some cases to complete it.

It's just a little bit of evidence for the possibility of parallel universes. We were talking about the time line being crooked and not in a strait linear line. Is it possible Satan became Satan after time progressed to a certain cataclysmic junction? If so it would mean people caused Satan and not Satan caused sin like it is popular to believe.

I believe in the "whole narrative" of the Bible too.


Well-Known Member
It's just a little bit of evidence for the possibility of parallel universes....

I believe in the "whole narrative" of the Bible too.

A rumor isn't real--nor can a possibility be without more than an imaginary "rumor". I haven't seen in the Scriptures any hint of a present parallel universe.
Yes, this one is slated to be "made anew".

We were talking about the time line being crooked and not in a strait linear line. Is it possible Satan became Satan after time progressed to a certain cataclysmic junction? If so it would mean people caused Satan and not Satan caused sin like it is popular to believe.

The time-line for Humans is straight---from Creation to the present.
When one places all the Bibical references togethar concerning ""And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."", one has enough information to comprehend that "cataclysmic junction"(SIN) happened in the presence of GOD and Satan/that old serpent is the cause of the miseries of mankind.(by listening to/believing his lies).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The time-line for Humans is straight---from Creation to the present.

How do you know this?

What is my scriptural evidence that time and spirit are not simple ie in a strait line from beginning to end?

34“Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 35“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
36“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My theory of what caused Satan to defect is jealously for God's attention, not people's attention like I was taught. I was taught Satan was an angel who became jealous of the worship due God and wanted the people to worship Satan (sin).

I think the spirit that became Satan was jealous of the attention devoted to humans by God. And that would have taken time. That is why I suspect Satan went BACK in time to screw the people. If Satan went back in time the existence before that would be the alternate universe.

Anyway, I think we can agree that The Son of God has the power to see events in the future. But when he speaks, the events change, don't they?


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
The time-line for Humans is straight---from Creation to the present.

How do you know this?

The "begats" and the recorded history of the people.

What is my scriptural evidence that time and spirit are not simple ie in a strait line from beginning to end?

34“Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 35“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
36“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

SW, Matt.24 and those verses is a continuation of that straight line. That is all future in occuring.We haven't gotten to that point yet.----But very near---the "signs" as represented by that Fig Tree has shown a greening-up, with the production of leaves and tiny fruit and the heat of Summer is strongly felt.(but, this is another subject.)----however, the "casting out" and why may be a means of showing WHY Satan/serpent got into the Garden.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24

When Love is accomplished I believe it can influence the PAST not just the future like religion teaches. I'm not talking about flesh. How would that even be possible?

Galatians 6:8 Religion teaches this to mean sowing for the enjoyment of the flesh but I think it means sowing for the saving of the flesh. God is Spirit

People seem to think God is powerless to influence the past. But God is Almighty.


Rogue Theologian
God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24

When Love is accomplished I believe it can influence the PAST not just the future like religion teaches. I'm not talking about flesh. How would that even be possible?

Galatians 6:8 Religion teaches this to mean sowing for the enjoyment of the flesh but I think it means sowing for the saving of the flesh. God is Spirit

People seem to think God is powerless to influence the past. But God is Almighty.

The last line is fine. The rest you can do without.

You have a linear existence.
It makes you, who you are.
As if writing your own life story as you live it.

Later, when this part of the story ends....
God will open the books of life.
Some He will keep...some He will cast into the fire.

Influence the past?...your past?
If He finds your 'text' worthwhile...He might do no more than rip out the offensive material
and save what's left.

Might hurt a bit. And what's left over won't be 'you' any more.

But it's better to enter heaven in 'part'....than to burn in hell 'whole'.

Just saying.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That's lovey thank you Thief.

I didn't make it up. It is how I read the Bible.

Please what does telo mean (Strong's 5056);
Matthew 10:22, 17:25, 24:6, 24:13,14, 26:58, Mark 3:26, Mark 13:7, Mark 13:13, Luke 1:33, Luke 18:5, Luke 21:9, John 13:1, Romans 6:21,22, 10:4, Romans 13:7, 1 Corinthians 1:8, 10:11, 15:24, 2 Corinthians 1:13, 3:13, 11:15.

Things happening now Christ spoke about, is it true, or not? If it is true that He can see us we are influencing what he says, are we not?

If we are, then how is that not present effecting past?
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