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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Rogue Theologian
That's lovey thank you Thief.

I didn't make it up. It is how I read the Bible.

Please what does telo mean (Strong's 5056);
Matthew 10:22, 17:25, 24:6, 24:13,14, 26:58, Mark 3:26, Mark 13:7, Mark 13:13, Luke 1:33, Luke 18:5, Luke 21:9, John 13:1, Romans 6:21,22, 10:4, Romans 13:7, 1 Corinthians 1:8, 10:11, 15:24, 2 Corinthians 1:13, 3:13, 11:15.

Things happening now Christ spoke about, is it true, or not? If it is true that He can see us we are influencing what he says, are we not?

If we are, then how is that not present effecting past?

What He spoke was happening at that time.
It continues now.
The 'conclusion' is pending.(5056)

The linear existence cannot be broken.
You can forget your past....but 'you' change in doing so.
Having forgotten....your next step might be taken differently.
Your sense of 'direction' might also be different.

But you can't go back.
And anyone who knew 'you' then will remind you of what you've done.
Best that you not forget.


Well-Known Member
Taken from an archeologist dig/site in greece sometime recently:



Well-Known Member
The "begats" and the recorded history of the people.

Show that humanity is and has continued on a straight course/line.

----however, the "casting out" and why may be a means of showing WHY Satan/serpent got into the Garden.

Jesus who came from "Heaven and the Father" instructed John in the writing of Revelation. In it, is found the various names given to Satan along with Satan's being cast out of heaven/the Presence of GOD.(Rev.12:1-17). Great red dragon is found in 13 verses; Old "serpent" is seen in 14 verses; "devil" is seen in 38 verses (and is figurative of man as well when actions as of such character); Satan is seen 36 times wuith the same connotation; In the Hebrew, Satan is found 27 times.
In Isa.14:12-15, The King of Babylon is likened to one who had been in heaven(That King had not ever been in Heaven). And in Ezek.28:12, the king of Tyrus was liken to one that "had been in Eden" and had been "created". Neither was true of him. Both persons were likened to Satan who had been.
Therefore, As Revelations stated, there was war in heaven because Lucifer, in his pride and beauty, he courrupted his wisdom and sinned, he had desired to make/set up a government in contrast to that of GOD--as GOD.
He and those angels he deluded were casted out of heaven---onto earth.
We do not know how long GOD'S abode had been made and the beings that inhabit it were created. We are told in Rev.4:11, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
GOD created this world to last forever with a sustaining "tree of life", but the adversary, who was casted out of heaven, also, wrecked that plan for the time being. However, that creation will produce the "Obedient persons" who will populate the remade new earth. As Mal.3:16-17 declares, "Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard [it], and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. "
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there is no debate at all

they were all photoshopped.

its a laughablly poor job at that, I can see it clearly.

No giant homo sapiens have ever walked this earth, unless you want to count for abnormal growth out of a few odd people. Its pretty obvious the giants in the bible are mythology


Well-Known Member
If those are the photos there is a big debate going on now as to whether or not those photos including this one were photoshopped.

Yaddoe, Those pictures were sent to me.
This one is different from those you posted.
It is easy to claim the Bible as mythology by those who desire to do so.
We have some big skeletons of some animals. That very well may be a "photoshopped" picture.
The question then is the other site from wench the Skull and rest of the skeleton was evacuated "photoshopped."?
I personally do not believe so. Look at the size of those living turtles on the G. Islands and the Size of some living Snakes.

The only reason that one would want to suppress these finds today would be that the Bible would be proven true----contrary to outhouses vehement denial of such being the case.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
No, it's just that these are fake pictures. We call them fake, because they are. You just want the Bible to be true so you will believe anything that tells you so, no matter how egregiously false it is.

We have large animal skeletons in museums. These giant skeletons are mysteriously nowhere to be found. There is a reason why.


The only reason that one would want to suppress these finds today would be that the Bible would be proven true----contrary to outhouses vehement denial of such being the case.

just the opposite

your willing to believe lies, faked evidence and anything alse anyone throw's at you, just to prove that ancient allegory and mythology and fiction are literally true due to a lack of knowledge in biblical history.

If there was real evidence I would love it so I can change my view of history to accurately portray what is known. have no bias one way or another. It would be great to find out some mythology had a historical core. We see this in much of the mythology anyway.


Left Hand Path
No, it's just that these are fake pictures. We call them fake, because they are. You just want the Bible to be true so you will believe anything that tells you so, no matter how egregiously false it is.

We have large animal skeletons in museums. These giant skeletons are mysteriously nowhere to be found. There is a reason why.


Or not, dang! Well I like this :clap


Well-Known Member
just the opposite

your willing to believe lies, faked evidence and anything alse anyone throw's at you, just to prove that ancient allegory and mythology and fiction are literally true due to a lack of knowledge in biblical history.

If there was real evidence I would love it so I can change my view of history to accurately portray what is known. have no bias one way or another. It would be great to find out some mythology had a historical core. We see this in much of the mythology anyway.

Again, as I look out my window and see the "flora and fauna", My Faith is more grounded/established in the "ONE who Spoke and it stood fast"--- than in all the "esteemed scholars" who have claimed those things just appeared spontaneously---from nothing as the result of some "Big Bang"which is theorized, but still lacks verification. Faith? Yes, but it takes more faith to believe your myth than my GOD.

I'll take and believe what you say is my lie over the lie you are assuming true any day.


Left Hand Path
"Evidence"?? There is no evidence for the theories of evolution. That is still theories backed up by more theories/assumptions.

Theres plenty of evidence, there is no evidence for your creator God.

Do you understand the dichotomy here, why your denying something that others accept while others deny what you accept?

I can't help but think this circle is anything but intended.