The person who drew this was no scientist. The ropes aren't even attached to the load because there's no means to attach a single line. Those pulling from behind are doing nothing because the coefficient of friction between rope and wood is so high that they are just puling the post.
Not only is there no evidence of ramps at Giza but there is no evidence they had ramps with posts in the way of the workers. This is just nonsense dreamed up by Egyptologists trying to save their precious ramps. First they dumped water on sand to hold them down and then Lehner banished thousands of workers to hold them down at night by simply invoking the phrase "they mustta slept on them". It just goes on and on. I debunked ramps, all ramps, back in 2010 based on logic and evidenc4e and have already proven (shown) that stones were pulled up one step at a time from above. It doesn't matter any longer what any Egyptologist believes because they aren't even allowed to see the evidence. Hawass will not allow publication of the infrared study so their opinion is moot. Professional opinion is now based on old evidence. This is a simple fact and no spell or incantation can change this fact.
Egyptology has gone the way of the horse and buggy. Soon enough they will be a punchline for jokes.