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How did the first living thing on earth come to life?


Well-Known Member
Seyorni said:
This makes it sound like crocs and turtles are stagnating.
I'd say, rather, that they are so brilliantly and perfectly designed that they've managed to endure through hundreds of millions of years of environmental change.

It seems to me that sentience, which I think you're equating with intelligence, is clearly maladaptive. Modern humans, for example, burst onto the scene at the end of the last ice age, only 10,000 years ago. They immediatly wiped out the Neanderthals and the Pleistoscene megafauna, and now -- in a blink of geological time -- the species is not only on the verge of wiping itself out but is destroying the Planet's ecosystem as well. Hominids have launched the latest catastrophic mass extinction event.
Humans seem to be the most virulent and poorly designed organism Nature ever made the mistake of creating. What other species has fulmanated into a planetary infection, completely altered the biosphere and climate, and precipitated a mass extinction event?

I agree 100 percent with your sentiments, homo sapiens is a very destructive species,
one reason being because many of us think all other life forms are expendable or unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Religion to a certain extent has added to this problem by teaching that only man is favored by a supposed god, while all other species were made for our use/abuse. We shall soon find out that killing off most every other species will only insure our own demise.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The question asked may not find an ansewr here. if there was an answer to the original question it would already have been published in some science journal. The original question is almost like asking how was the universe crated. Heck.... what was there before the universe? I don't think you're going to find the answers here.

Yes...tee hee.. i think i had one beer too many that night when i posted that. I believe this will be a debate that may outlast all of us. With all of the scientific debate that i have read here it seems to come back to the beginning. Out of all the posts the original question may not have been answered. It's no ones fault. it's a tough question answered by a lot of scientific facts and some theories.

I apologize if i offended any religous lifestyle. I should have restructured my post. I was merely trying to say that for a long time the schools of thought were science and religion. I believe that under certain circumstances life happens. I read some ones post explaining how you're able to carry out certain methods in a controlled enviorment. My question is do we have any evidence that the earth ever existed in a controlled state where life could have been cultered or was the earth in kaos and that is what sparked life? I'm hoping that I asked the question the right way.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Religion to a certain extent has added to this problem by teaching that only man is favored by a supposed god, while all other species were made for our use/abuse.
woah there... not my religion. My religion has always said humans and all things in creation are equal, not one is more or less special or needed. We've been trying to tell people that since they set foot here. Nice to know that after 400 years you're finally starting to listen. :rolleyes:
You'll find many religions that feel the same way.

now back to the OP.
chemically speaking, life seems to be rather inevitable given how molicules react.
Amino acids, protiens and so on form spontaniously in the right environment.
Life exists in every environment avalable here on Earth, Archea are masters of living in the worst places. Sulfer, methane, acid, ice, boiling water... they love it all. They don't need oxygen, heat, cold, light, or 'safe' PH. The univerce is likely crawling with life. We just have learn to look for it.



Rough_ER said:
I fail to see how any of this results in you believing in God and his purposeful creation of the universe. Let's just suppose that you have proven the existence of "a" God, how are you so sure of his identity (the God of the Bible)?. It seems quite a leap to get from believing in "a God", to believing in "my God". Perhaps you could tell me why you don't believe in Zeus? Maybe then I will understand better. :)
the point iwas trying to make is that to me its a certainty. that doesn't mean it has to be to you


Charismatic Enigma
DreGod07 said:
The question asked may not find an ansewr here. if there was an answer to the original question it would already have been published in some science journal. The original question is almost like asking how was the universe crated. Heck.... what was there before the universe? I don't think you're going to find the answers here.

Yes...tee hee.. i think i had one beer too many that night when i posted that. I believe this will be a debate that may outlast all of us. With all of the scientific debate that i have read here it seems to come back to the beginning. Out of all the posts the original question may not have been answered. It's no ones fault. it's a tough question answered by a lot of scientific facts and some theories.

I apologize if i offended any religous lifestyle. I should have restructured my post. I was merely trying to say that for a long time the schools of thought were science and religion. I believe that under certain circumstances life happens. I read some ones post explaining how you're able to carry out certain methods in a controlled enviorment. My question is do we have any evidence that the earth ever existed in a controlled state where life could have been cultered or was the earth in kaos and that is what sparked life? I'm hoping that I asked the question the right way.

I agree ish lol. I think religion has alot to answer for as far as discovery goes.
I think alot of theorys can be proven but are held back from doing so by religions not wanting to be proven wrong. People underestimate the true power of religion.
I remember a radio show a few years ago that had some scientists on that had come up with a formula/equasion for what makes up a ghost and even wrote a book on the subject but even they knew that such a thing would never be released to the public as it would shake religion to it's foundations. And hey nobody wants that, do they?
I think the big bang theory is alot more than that but so long as there is religion we will never truly know where or how we came about.
It's pretty sad really!

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I remember a radio show a few years ago that had some scientists on that had come up with a formula/equasion for what makes up a ghost and even wrote a book on the subject but even they knew that such a thing would never be released to the public as it would shake religion to it's foundations. And hey nobody wants that, do they?
nope, sounds like a publicity stunt to me. :D
Honestly most religions don't take ghosts seriously anyway. Heck science doesn't take ghosts seriously at all. There has never been any evidence they exist outside of the minds of the people who "witness" them... but this is niether here nor there and not with the OP.

And now back to our regularly schedualed OP. How did the first living thing on Earth come to life?



Veteran Member
painted wolf said:
Amino acids, protiens and so on form spontaniously in the right environment.
Isn't part of the problem with the abiogenesis theories that amino acid polymerisation is energetically unfavourable (i.e. require protein enzymes to lower the energy of the transition states), hence proteins are not likely to arise spontaniously?


Active Member
The disconnect will diminish as we evolve. The universe had no beginning and it has no end. A great spirit permeates all matter. Varying levels of awareness exist in matter. Our neurons fire at a limited speed and that determines our awareness. Our electron discharges may be to slow to know yet. A DNA altering catastrophy (or persistent dogma) may set us back into the dark ages ; But hopefully we will awake fully to God.


Well-Known Member
capslockf9 said:
Our disconnect will diminish as we evolve.

From "God" presumably: quite right!

capslockf9 said:
The universe had no beginning and it has no end and a great spirit permeates all matter. Varying levels of awareness exist in matter.

Right again.

capslockf9 said:
Our neurons fire at a limited speed and that determines our awareness. Our electron discharges may be too slow ,to know yet.

If you say so...is there an accompanying scientific discipline or theory that supports this, out of curiousity?

capslockf9 said:
A DNA altering catastrophy (or persistent dogma) may set us back into the dark ages ; But hopefully we will awake fully to God

Hopefully. :)


Well-Known Member
All most religions gives us is that life was created by magic; we're looking for more solid answers to these fundamental questions thru science.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
amino acids are quite common in space and seem to fall to Earth quite a lot.
Aparently the conditions out there are just right for it.

wanderer... most parents can't manage to answer "where do babies come from." let alone "where did we all come from."... "God did it" is as good a dodge as cabbage patches and storks. ;)



darkpenguin said:
I agree ish lol. I think religion has alot to answer for as far as discovery goes.
I think alot of theorys can be proven but are held back from doing so by religions not wanting to be proven wrong. People underestimate the true power of religion.
I remember a radio show a few years ago that had some scientists on that had come up with a formula/equasion for what makes up a ghost and even wrote a book on the subject but even they knew that such a thing would never be released to the public as it would shake religion to it's foundations. And hey nobody wants that, do they?
I think the big bang theory is alot more than that but so long as there is religion we will never truly know where or how we came about.
It's pretty sad really!
and science has a lo0t to0 answer for,say like nuclear weapons . I trust science to always do the right thing.yah right


If You're right then believers like me are wasting time. If I'm right and God did create the universe, then you'll have some explaining to do, anyway, I'm so old that I saw Him do it.:angel2:


Sweet n Spicy
pete29 said:
If You're right then believers like me are wasting time. If I'm right and God did create the universe, then you'll have some explaining to do, anyway, I'm so old that I saw Him do it.:angel2:

Wow, you must be billions of years old? Are you Santa Claus? I'm just joking. :D There are other believers here Pete. Did you see my previous post in relation to what you said?.....

pete29 said:
I don't know how God created life. I dont think it's important how he did it i'm content in knowing that he did :)

I think that is sweet. Isn't that what faith is about? Don't worry, the human mind is too limited to comprehend everything that God does. I remember in high school, one of my biology texts said that scientists are unsure about how the child begins to live in the mother's womb. Yes, they can explain the formation of the foetus and how the child is sustained in the womb etc. but not how it actually BECOMES alive. Did scientists figure out that one yet? I remember when I read that, the first thing I thought was - this is where God gives life to the unborn baby.


Charismatic Enigma
pete29 said:
and science has a lo0t to0 answer for,say like nuclear weapons . I trust science to always do the right thing.yah right

Touche my friend.
I think science has done more for the explanation of creation than religion though!
Also science has prooved that global warming is very very real, yet alot of religions seem to be dismissing this as it doesn't fit with their beliefs.
Yet another case of religious ignorance holding the world back from education.


Charismatic Enigma
pete29 said:
If You're right then believers like me are wasting time. If I'm right and God did create the universe, then you'll have some explaining to do, anyway, I'm so old that I saw Him do it.:angel2:

Not really, I'll be living a life in paradise with satan after doing his bidding for him on earth. From what I've learned he's more forgiving than god!


Sweet n Spicy
darkpenguin said:
I think science has done more for the explanation of creation than religion though!

I've heard that the Vedas give a description on the the creation of the earth that is similar to the "big bang" theory. :D


Charismatic Enigma
Hema said:
I've heard that the Vedas give a description on the the creation of the earth that is similar to the "big bang" theory. :D

Wow I had no idea! Thats pretty cool. I was refering to religions that try to rubbish the big bang theory though. But thanks for that, as I said, I didn't know that!