E Pluribus Unum!!!
I have never considered God to Jewish, or belong to the Jews.
God was around long before them, and was worshipped since man thought up religion.
The Jews were not even the first or only peoples to believe in a single God.
If you believe in a single God as both Christians and Muslims do, and base your beliefs on those prevailing at the time. It is inevitable that that God will be thought to be the same one.
However the Jews Christians and Muslims have very different concepts of Gods Nature.
Would you mind pointing to the archaeological and/or archival evidence to support the idea that Jehovah has been worshiped before the Jews first wrote about said god?
Considering the time line, and funerary prayers in early Torah matching Egyptian burial spells word for word, there is more evidence to suggest that Jehovah is an evolution of the Egyptian Deity Amen.