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How did your god/s create the earth?


Thou art That
I will point out AGAIN that this is NOT A DEBATE THREAD: it is not okay to challenge people about their beliefs here. The OP asked for people to describe their/their religion's beliefs with NO DEBATE (in the Comparative Religions forum, which is not for debates...it's for comparisons). If you want to argue about their beliefs vs. your beliefs, go start a thread in a DEBATE section.

I did not challenge the post, only made a statement and then asked a question in order to clarify the post.


Thou art That
Regardless by what label the beginning of the material realm is called there was a start or a beginning.
God's dynamic energy does Not end because according to Psalms 90:2 God is from everlasting ( No beginning )
So, God was ' before ' the beginning of creation. God and His power and strength existed ' before ' the beginning of creation.
The ' Starter Dough ' was Not out of Nothing at All. God supplied the needed something.
God supplied His ' power and strength ' His energy to create the visible material realm of existence.

- references -> Isaiah 40:26; Jeremiah 10:12; Jeremiah 27:5; Jeremiah 32:17; Psalms 104:30

Q: Science tells us Space-Time was created at the moment of inception of the Big Bang, so Time and Space did not exist until that moment. So what is this "before" you are referring to?

Q: You say that the 'visible material realm of existence' was created out of God's energy, which is non-material. Isn't that magic?

Q: You talk about 'realms'. Where does the energy realm end and the material realm begin?


Veteran Member
Q: Science tells us Space-Time was created at the moment of inception of the Big Bang, so Time and Space did not exist until that moment. So what is this "before" you are referring to?
Q: You say that the 'visible material realm of existence' was created out of God's energy, which is non-material. Isn't that magic?
Q: You talk about 'realms'. Where does the energy realm end and the material realm begin?

Doesn't a ' moment of inception ' mean a starting point ?
God as Creator was ' before ' that beginning or starting point.
We have electrical energy, does that prove magic or just power?
As a power plant's grid provides energy in the form of electricity, God provided the needed power to create both the invisible and visible realms of existence.
Since God is un-created, then all realms begin with the Creator ( No one created the Creator, otherwise He could Not be the Creator )


Thou art That
Doesn't a ' moment of inception ' mean a starting point ?
God as Creator was ' before ' that beginning or starting point.

That is the only way the rational mind has to refer to it. There was no Space-Time when the BB occurred, so no, it was not a 'starting point' in linear time. It is an event in this timeless Present Moment that continues on as we speak.

We have electrical energy, does that prove magic or just power?

We call it 'electrical energy', but we don't know what it actually is. We just know how it behaves, how to channel it, and how to predict its behavior. The collapse of the wave function is inexplicable. We no longer know what to call it: matter or energy, perhaps neither. Descriptions no longer work. Descriptions are not that which is being described.

As a power plant's grid provides energy in the form of electricity, God provided the needed power to create both the invisible and visible realms of existence.

I would call that 'magic'. It is inexplicable in rational terms, and beyond the powers of Reason and Logic.

Since God is un-created, then all realms begin with the Creator ( No one created the Creator, otherwise He could Not be the Creator)

That was not my question. I asked where does one realm leave off and the other begin?
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Forty posts so far and only one seems to address the OP's question.

When Carlita asks "how?" I'm assuming she's asking for a mechanism; a manufacturing process. Descriptions of creation myths or attribution of agency don't describe technique, they dodge the question.
'Speaking' it into existence -- What does that mean?

Good eye. Good eye.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I wonder why people forget to use Wikipedia:

"The earliest written form of the Germanic word God (always, in this usage, capitalized) comes from the 6th-century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic * ǥuđan. The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * ǵhu-tó-m was likely based on the root * ǵhau(ə)-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke". The Germanic words for God were originally neuter - applying to both genders - but during the process of the Christianization of the Germanic peoples from their indigenous Germanic paganism, the words became a masculine syntactic form."

I can go into Wikipedia, put a good source up, fansy up the language, and say its correct. Hate Wiki. Its better to hear it from a believer or actually go to the source not a social-medium of it. Pet Peeve.


Be your own guru
We are not original researchers. We have to go by views expressed by scholars. Check 'Indo-European Lexicon: Pokorny Master PIE Etyma'.


Thou art That
If some deity created it all, then it was done by magic. Magic is hard to define, and in reality is just wishful thinking or trickery.

Assuming it is impossible to create a Universe via Reason, Logic, and Analysis, magic seems to be the only other possibility. If you can imagine for a moment that the words "and the Word became Flesh" can be transformed into "and Pure Consciousness became The Universe", then you may catch a glimpse of The Miraculous. After such a glimpse, you will forever be transformed. Having said that, you will then just carry on in The Ordinary.

"The Universe is [none other than] The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"


Veteran Member
Assuming it is impossible to create a Universe via Reason, Logic, and Analysis, magic seems to be the only other possibility. If you can imagine for a moment that the words "and the Word became Flesh" can be transformed into "and Pure Consciousness became The Universe", then you may catch a glimpse of The Miraculous. After such a glimpse, you will forever be transformed. Having said that, you will then just carry on in The Ordinary.
"The Universe is [none other than] The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"

Eternity is in our hearts. For each day we can count, we can count both forwards and backwards forever and ever.

The ' word ' from God's mouth does Not have to mean magic - Psalms 33:6; Hebrews 11:3
God existed before anything else existed. In Scripture the 'Word' refers to Jesus as being God's spokesman for us.


Veteran Member
That is the only way the rational mind has to refer to it. There was no Space-Time when the BB occurred, so no, it was not a 'starting point' in linear time. It is an event in this timeless Present Moment that continues on as we speak.
We call it 'electrical energy', but we don't know what it actually is. We just know how it behaves, how to channel it, and how to predict its behavior. The collapse of the wave function is inexplicable. We no longer know what to call it: matter or energy, perhaps neither. Descriptions no longer work. Descriptions are not that which is being described.
I would call that 'magic'. It is inexplicable in rational terms, and beyond the powers of Reason and Logic.
That was not my question. I asked where does one realm leave off and the other begin?

The thought of ' eternity ' being in our hearts shows we can count endlessly both forwards and backwards forever and ever.
When the BB occurred it was an event somewhere in eternity. CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation) gives us the accurate dating because of the accuracy of microwaves.
So, the invisible heavenly realm, left off, so to speak, and the visible material realm began.
The invisible realm of existence was then joined by having a visible creation in addition to the invisible.
Since the BB both realms ( invisible and visible ) of existence exist. Before the BB it was only the invisible realm.


Thou art That
Eternity is in our hearts. For each day we can count, we can count both forwards and backwards forever and ever.

The ' word ' from God's mouth does Not have to mean magic - Psalms 33:6; Hebrews 11:3
God existed before anything else existed. In Scripture the 'Word' refers to Jesus as being God's spokesman for us.

The Sun is always shining, so there really is only just One Long Day.

I did not mean to imply that the world was spoken into existence, but rather that 'the Word', which means the Spirit, which became Flesh, is equivalent to Pure Consciousness transforming into The Universe. IOW, Nothing becomes Everything, or more accurately, Everything comes out of Nothing, since all 'becoming' is illusory.

I suspect that the idea that 'the Word became Flesh', ie; that God spoke the world into existence, came from the Hindus, which is actually what they say, but on a deeper level, the sound of creation is OM.


Thou art That
The thought of ' eternity ' being in our hearts shows we can count endlessly both forwards and backwards forever and ever.
When the BB occurred it was an event somewhere in eternity. CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation) gives us the accurate dating because of the accuracy of microwaves.
So, the invisible heavenly realm, left off, so to speak, and the visible material realm began.
The invisible realm of existence was then joined by having a visible creation in addition to the invisible.
Since the BB both realms ( invisible and visible ) of existence exist. Before the BB it was only the invisible realm.

Much too convoluted an explanation. This 'material world' is none other than the Heavenly, or the spiritual itself. IOW, there are no separate 'realms'. This is it, and it is One World.
What is 'forward' or 'backward' does not yet exist or has ceased to exist. The only true reality is this eternal, timeless Present Moment, without a 'before' or 'after', both of which are merely ideas of the mind; mental grids superimposed over Reality.

There was no 'before' the BB, since Space-Time was created with the BB itself. Then again, Space-Time is merely a concept, a construct. Only Consciousness does not exist in Space-Time, and since the BB occurred in not Space-Time, it must have been an event in Consciousness. IOW, 'and Pure Consciousness became The Universe', meaning that Pure Consciousess is manifesting Itself as The Universe. There is not 'Pure Consciousness' over here, and 'The Unviverse' over there: they are one and the same. Once this is realized, the world will become completely transformed right before your very eyes. It was there all the time, but we failed to see it, because the conditioned mind is dictating HOW it is to be seen, rather than how consciousness simply sees it as it actually is.

'First there is a mountain;
then there is no mountain;

then there is'

The idea of 'another realim' is, in the words of Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki, 'a substantial, delusive idea'.

If you still insist there is another realm, will you kindly point out its location, and the precise point at which it ends and this 'realm' begins.

Realize it's just all in your head.
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Veteran Member
The Sun is always shining, so there really is only just One Long Day.

I can also agree that the "Son" is always shining. Meaning Jesus does Not need to sleep as we do.
There will be One-Long Millennial Day when Jesus governs over Earth for a thousand years.
Then, so to speak, that 1,000-year day will bring an ' endless day ' of new possibilities to enjoy life forever on a beautiful paradisical Earth surrounded with loved ones the world over.

- Proverbs 4:18


Thou art That
I can also agree that the "Son" is always shining. Meaning Jesus does Not need to sleep as we do.
There will be One-Long Millennial Day when Jesus governs over Earth for a thousand years.
Then, so to speak, that 1,000-year day will bring an ' endless day ' of new possibilities to enjoy life forever on a beautiful paradisical Earth surrounded with loved ones the world over.

- Proverbs 4:18

The only time that can occur is now, and at no other time. We suffer because we think it will come in some future, and live our present lives for that future, when we should be living the life we already have, not for the moment, but in the moment. We know beyond any doubt that we are here, now, but to fantasize upon some future Paradise is neither here nor there. But what is missing is the awakening to the fact that this very Ordinary world, is none other than Paradise itself. IOW:

"The Universe is [none other than] The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"


Veteran Member
The only time that can occur is now, and at no other time. We suffer because we think it will come in some future, and live our present lives for that future, when we should be living the life we already have, not for the moment, but in the moment. We know beyond any doubt that we are here, now, but to fantasize upon some future Paradise is neither here nor there. But what is missing is the awakening to the fact that this very Ordinary world, is none other than Paradise itself. IOW:

In Scripture God made a promise for us through father Abraham that ALL families of Earth will be blessed, and ALL nations of Earth will be blessed. Blessed with healing for earth's nations - Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18; Revelation 22:2 - According to Scripture Jesus will fulfill God's promise to Abraham during Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth. Like us, the people of Hebrews chapter 11 have Not yet seen the fulfillment of God's promise, but they and we will - Hebrews 11:13; Hebrews 11:39


Thou art That
In Scripture God made a promise for us through father Abraham that ALL families of Earth will be blessed, and ALL nations of Earth will be blessed. Blessed with healing for earth's nations - Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18; Revelation 22:2 - According to Scripture Jesus will fulfill God's promise to Abraham during Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth. Like us, the people of Hebrews chapter 11 have Not yet seen the fulfillment of God's promise, but they and we will - Hebrews 11:13; Hebrews 11:39

As I said, that is just your belief-system. We are not experiencing that scenario yet, and won't know if it is true until it actually occurs.

What has been occurring over the last several years, is a simultaneous eruption of violence around the world coupled with a world-wide spiritual awakening. This is what is ACTUALLY happening, and offers us a chance to be a part of that awakening which can act to subsequently subdue the violence and upheaval. We hold the answers to our suffering right in our own hands.


Veteran Member
As I said, that is just your belief-system. We are not experiencing that scenario yet, and won't know if it is true until it actually occurs.
What has been occurring over the last several years, is a simultaneous eruption of violence around the world coupled with a world-wide spiritual awakening. This is what is ACTUALLY happening, and offers us a chance to be a part of that awakening which can act to subsequently subdue the violence and upheaval. We hold the answers to our suffering right in our own hands.

That is an interesting thought about world-wide awakening with subsequently subdue the violence and upheaval.

How can such an awakening subdue the occurring ' great earthquakes ' ( as mentioned at Luke 21:11 )

Could the North Korean underground nuclear explosions be a contributing factor to the earthquakes, so even if there is a world-wide spiritual awakening how would that include all ?


Veteran Member
Genesis gives a pretty good account

Yes, the Genesis accounts, and I like what Job 33:4 says about 'God's breath' giving life to what is on Earth.- Genesis 2:7
Isaiah and Jeremiah wrote that God used his Power and Strength ( energy ) to create the material earth.
- Isaiah 40:26; Isaiah 42:5; Jeremiah 10:12; Jeremiah 27:5; Jeremiah 32:17; Psalms 104:30


Thou art That
That is an interesting thought about world-wide awakening with subsequently subdue the violence and upheaval.

How can such an awakening subdue the occurring ' great earthquakes ' ( as mentioned at Luke 21:11 )

Could the North Korean underground nuclear explosions be a contributing factor to the earthquakes, so even if there is a world-wide spiritual awakening how would that include all ?

Earthquakes and other natural phenomena are not caused by humans. Human violence against one another is. We can do something about the latter; nothing about the former, except that caused by humans.

Spirituality eventually can subdue both our aggression and that of North Korea. All of the world-wide political tension is a result of old 19th century territorial policies coming to a head. At least the nuclear tests (and our own fraccing) can come to an end via a transformation of consciousness. This transformation is precisely the transformation Jesus referred to when he said:

'Unless you turn, and become as little children, you will not enter into Paradise'

Here is scientific proof that spirituality (ie; pure consciousness) via group effort has a direct effect on quelling human violence:

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