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How do you detect "design"?


Industrial Strength Linguist
" There's a difference." Which is _____________________________
To me the dead are sleeping. Just as a sleeping person is Not aware of the passing of time so are the dead not aware of anything.
The world teaches the dead are conscious. The wrong 'afterlife' teaching teaches being more alive after death then before death.
I find both Jesus and the OT both teach the dead know nothing - Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; John 11:11-14
If the dead were already alive somewhere there would be No point for Jesus to resurrect the dead
Acts 24:15 give me the hope that our grandparents will come back to life from death's deep unconscious sleep-like state
Acts 24:15 uses the 'future tense' that there 'is going to be' a resurrection..... ( KJV says for the just and unjust )

Proselytizing doesn't work on me, but I'm familiar enough with the doctrine, since my grandmother succeeded in converting me at the age of seven. That lasted for about a week, before I returned home and heard my mother lay into her for breaking her promise not to try to do that. I like to think of it as the age at which my skepticism of religion was born, because my mother then had to explain to me why I should be an Episcopalian and not a JW, with all the pretty picture books and fascinating tales of paradise. All I got from the Episcopalians was sore knees and exhaustion from all the kneeling, standing up, and sitting, but the pancakes served after the service were always tasty. Also, JWs didn't celebrate birthdays or Christmas, so no free toys. :D

I think your grandparents would like you :) to be here on Resurrection Day ( aka Jesus' 1000-yr. day ) to welcome them back

I know that, because that is what was explained to me when I was seven years old. But, of course, back when I was told it, Resurrection Day was supposed to be 1975. I guess that there is a more nuanced version now that they are peddling to the faithful.


Veteran Member
........................... In fact we can date Mark to at least 75 CE because its author uses Josephus' The Jewish Wars, Bk 6 Ch. 5.3, the chapter on the trial of Jesus of Jerusalem aka Jesus son of Ananus, as the model for his trial of Jesus before Pilate, and Wars wasn't available until 75 CE.
I find in Josephus book " Jewish Antiquities " Book XX Josephus refers to the death of " James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ."
Thus, Jesus son of, Not Joseph, but son of Ananus is referring to another Jesus.
See Appendix Dissertation I on page 979 Josephus The Complete Works translated by William Whiston, A.M.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The future happy ending is still future :)
So all murderers should live happily ever after and as for their victims, well, tut tut, bad things happen?

No, as I said, the morality of God in Job is revolting.
Acts 24:15 says there 'is going to be' (future) a resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous (KJV just and unjust )
You can believe that if you like. I don't. I can't see any point to it, for a start. If you were God and you'd built yourself the human equivalent of an ant's nest, where's the fun, what's the point, who gains anything at all, if you have to look after all the apparently dead ones for eternity?
So, ALL of Job's family will be here to enjoy everlasting life on a beautiful paradisical Earth as Eden originally was a sample.
I don't recall any mention of that in the story. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Please post the verses you have in mind that God was an active participant ___________________
It was Satan's morality(?) (or lack of it) that is what is repulsive
It was God's participation in the bet, sitting on [his] hands while Job was reduced and his family murdered, that's disgusting.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I find in Josephus book " Jewish Antiquities " Book XX Josephus refers to the death of " James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ."
Thus, Jesus son of, Not Joseph, but son of Ananus is referring to another Jesus.
See Appendix Dissertation I on page 979 Josephus The Complete Works translated by William Whiston, A.M.
Yes. Pay attention class! I said the author of Mark used it as a template for that scene, not that he copied it word for word, or mistook one Jesus for another.

Note how the authors of Matthew and of Luke, and to a looser extent John, used the whole of Mark as a template.


Veteran Member
Proselytizing doesn't work on me, but I'm familiar enough with the doctrine, since my grandmother succeeded in converting me at the age of seven. That lasted for about a week, before I returned home and heard my mother lay into her for breaking her promise not to try to do that. I like to think of it as the age at which my skepticism of religion was born, because my mother then had to explain to me why I should be an Episcopalian and not a JW, with all the pretty picture books and fascinating tales of paradise. All I got from the Episcopalians was sore knees and exhaustion from all the kneeling, standing up, and sitting, but the pancakes served after the service were always tasty. Also, JWs didn't celebrate birthdays or Christmas, so no free toys. :D
I know that, because that is what was explained to me when I was seven years old. But, of course, back when I was told it, Resurrection Day was supposed to be 1975. I guess that there is a more nuanced version now that they are peddling to the faithful.
Wrong thoughts don't make the Bible as wrong just the wrong thoughts as wrong - Proverbs 4:18
Back in 1975 we did Not see the fulfillment of 1st Thessalonian 5:2-3 when the powers in charge will be saying , " Peace and Security...." as the 'final signal' Not for Peace on Earth but the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14

Christmas gift giving is mostly gift exchanging ( that is Not free )
One aunt said to me Christmas is really about profit for merchants.
I don't know why you got No free toys because toys can be given at any time of the year.
I recall getting 'Christmas gifts' from grandmother, aunts and uncle but nothing I really wanted. Just wanted a large box of crayons.

How many candles on a birthday cake are sacrificed each year to the fake god of good-luck wishes ?
True, birthdays can be good for you because the more you have the longer you live !
How did Jesus' apostles celebrate Jesus' birthday - Ecclesiastes 7:1 B - they didn't.
The principle of Romans 12:2-3 applies. Who is the ' center' of attention on a birthday because that ' centering ' puts the focus on one of God's creation rather than on the Creator.
Plus, the Bible's God is a jealous God so there is No set-apart day to be the ' center ' for being born.
After all, we did nothing to cause our birth as person who accomplishes something is recognized (even rewarded) for their good work.
So, to avoid celebrating is Not to hurt anyone (gifts can be given anytime) but to have a spiritual balance between what is 'central' to Bible standards, and to view oneself as Romans 12:2-3 says to be in humble position (Not a central position) in one's relationship to our Creator and others in being in harmony with His will - Ecclesiastes 7:1
God's ' free gift ' of the return of the Genesis Tree of Life (Rev, 22:2) on Earth is for all humble meek people living on Earth, all earth's nations, so that all of us can live forever on Earth, so birthdays are good for us, but today's non-biblical customs need Not be part of Jesus 1000-year day when death will be No more on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8


Well-Known Member
A topic that frequently comes up in these creation debates, be it in context of evolution or the origins of the universe or alike, is our supposed ability to be able to differentiate "design" from natural occurances.

Yet whenever creationist or "design proponents" bring this up, it seems to me that they are either very vague about it or their methodology of "detecting design" seems to be no more then fallacious argumentst from ignorance ("I don't know how it can be natural, so therefor it isn't"), arguments from incredulity ("I don't believe it's natural, therefor it isn't") or various species or combinations thereof.

I would say that in a nutshell, we detect design by demonstrating signs of manufacturing or use of artificial materials.
This implies that we have to understand manufacturing processes and what signs / traces they tend to leave.
It also implies that we have to understand the difference between naturally occuring materials and artificial materials.

This in turn means that we could not detect or conclude design when it concerns things of unknown manufactoring and natural processes or of unknown materials.

This also means that if a designer sets out to mimic natural processes and materials while doing a perfect job, we would not be able to tell the artificial object from the natural object.

For example, if someone would take a rough stone and smooth it out by perfectly mimicing water erosion as what would happen in say a river, we would not be able to tell that this was done by a person instead of by a river.

So, having said that, when somebody *Mod edit* then states that one can "detect design" in the universe based on for example of the values of the physical constants, I wonder what the methodology is that is being used.

So in this thread, I invite people who disagree with my methodology of detecting design to explain their methodology of doing so and demonstrate how it achieves better results.
Design can be detected by its deliberate conscious intent. For example, the Doberman Pincher dog did not appear naturally using the law of nature. It was designed based on a need. It began with a Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman, who was a tax collector, night watchman, dogcatcher, and the keeper of a dog pound, in Germany, about 1890.

As a tax collector he often had to go to the shady sides of town, to collect taxes from businesses. He was often approached by thieves. So, he decided he needed a body guard dog. As the head of the dog pound and dog catcher he used the various breeds in the pound, and crossbred them until he came up with a new breed that was ideally designed for his own personal protection; big, strong, scary, fearless, athletic, loyal and could break a man's arm with one bite. This is still the only dog breed specifically and intentionally, bred from scratch, to be a human bodyguard. This is an example of a dog designed for a human task, that would not and did not occur naturally; manmade design.

If you look at the Big Bang, the question that appears is what came before the BB and the primordial atom? Science does not know. It can and does speculate. Many assume it came from nothing, since the BB made everything that is now tangible including the laws of nature. Like the doberman and the gap between natural wolf and man made doberman shows design, since science cannot use the natural laws, to make the Big Bang from scratch, maybe it appeared by conscious intend and necessity; design.

The same is true of life. Evolution starts at replicators but cannot show how these first replicators appeared, naturally. They could have been designed by an alien race to left here, like we can do in a lab today. Based on our knowledge of the laws of life and nature, the first replicators do not have a natural explanation and proof, that we could demonstrate with only natural causes. All we have winning the lottery ticket. The doberman is a dog, but it is not of natural origins. Like the replicators, appearing by design is a valid option.

Science of evolution uses a dual standard to negate the claim of design. The science proof needed to back that negation, requires making replicators from scratch. But since that has never happened, to disprove design, they have made an unbacked claim. The claim of natural selection and natural laws, would preclude using applied science and modern techniques, since that would also by design. It would show conscious intent or design using applies science synthesis techniques and tools, that are not fully natural; in glassware.

All the science speculation for original causes, are based on theoretical and mathematical designs, and not natural proof. At this point, design is the correct answer, for man or God, since nobody has done it naturally. The religion of evolution cannot just impose a dogma and not have any natural proof. Can you show me where nature uses statistical methods and a black box? This is a math design that is not natural.


Veteran Member
.......................................I don't recall any mention of that in the story. Correct me if I'm wrong.
It was God's participation in the bet, sitting on [his] hands while Job was reduced and his family murdered, that's disgusting.
First happy ending is the last chapter of Job.
Second happy ending is because of 'Resurrection Day' (Jesus' coming 1000-yr.day ) is when ALL of Job's family will be resurrected or as Acts 24:15 says ' there will be ' (future) a resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous (KJV says just and unjust)
They will be part of the humble meek people who will inherit the Earth just as Jesus' promised - Matt. 5:5 from Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26


Well-Known Member
God is from everlasting...... (Psalm 90:2) Being The Creator then God did not have to come from life
The living do Not need a Creator
The word 'father' means: life giver
Since the God of the Bible is also our Heavenly Father ( Aka Life Giver ) then life comes from life
Creator God sends forth His spirit (aka power/strength) to create more life - Isaiah 40:26 ; Psalm 104:30
This is simply understood as special pleading. It is a circular argument that requires you to accept the argument without evidence in order to accept the argument. If that sounds silly it is because it is silly.

Special pleading is an informal fallacy wherein one cites something as an exception to a general or universal principle, without justifying the special exception. It is the application of a double standard.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Christmas gift giving is mostly gift exchanging ( that is Not free )
One aunt said to me Christmas is really about profit for merchants.
I don't know why you got No free toys because toys can be given at any time of the year.
I recall getting 'Christmas gifts' from grandmother, aunts and uncle but nothing I really wanted. Just wanted a large box of crayons.

I'm not going to continue discussing JW doctrine with you, because I'm just not interested. And quoting the Bible to me is pointless. I don't find it a credible source of information. I just want to make clear that I was never really a JW believer except for about a week of time when I was 7 years old. I did time as a member of the Episcopalian faith throughout most of my childhood, but I broke free in my early teens. And I celebrated birthdays and holidays like others, except that I still resented the fact that my parents had lied to me about Santa Claus. I still feel embarrassed that I fell for that lie, but it probably also explained my early skepticism of adults telling me to believe in miracles. The toys I got weren't bad, but they were never as good as the ones I thought I would have gotten from Santa.


Active Member
Oh, now I just have to read an entire book to dig around for the numbers you refuse to provide.
Nah, that isn't how this works.

What do you propose are Roger Penrose's assertions, exactly? I've seen a lot of people misrepresent his views on these boards.

I see a pattern of you making claims, then refusing to back them up. Then admonishing others for not reading an entire book to maybe find the claims you're making here.
The numbers are in the last section of the chapter about cosmology and the arrow of time; I think it is chapter 7. The number 1 in 10^10^123 comes out of the calculation somewhere in this section. However, Penrose does not discuss the implications of this extraordinary result; the last three chapters of the book deal with the search for quantum gravity, model brains (or minds) and real brains, and the physics of the mind, which are not connected with cosmology.

The book covers a wide range of topics, but religion is not one of them. Penrose does not infer that the universe is so improbable that it must have been created by a god.


Admiral Obvious
God is from everlasting...... (Psalm 90:2) Being The Creator then God did not have to come from life
The living do Not need a Creator
The word 'father' means: life giver
Since the God of the Bible is also our Heavenly Father ( Aka Life Giver ) then life comes from life
Creator God sends forth His spirit (aka power/strength) to create more life - Isaiah 40:26 ; Psalm 104:30
No idea what you are talking about.


Veteran Member
Design can be detected by its deliberate conscious intent. For example, the Doberman Pincher dog did not appear naturally using the law of nature. It was designed based on a need. It began with a Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman, who was a tax collector, night watchman, dogcatcher, and the keeper of a dog pound, in Germany, about 1890.
Great, Fred designed the Doberman from existing dogs.

So why did your God design cancers in humans, and even our pets? Explain the intent.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
First happy ending is the last chapter of Job.
Second happy ending is because of 'Resurrection Day' (Jesus' coming 1000-yr.day ) is when ALL of Job's family will be resurrected or as Acts 24:15 says ' there will be ' (future) a resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous (KJV says just and unjust)
They will be part of the humble meek people who will inherit the Earth just as Jesus' promised - Matt. 5:5 from Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26
So you morally approve of murder and rape and theft and genocide and famine and drought and all those things because, hey, it'll all be fixed when you're dead, hein?

You're happy that the benevolence of God doesn't extend to doing anything much benevolent on earth, because, hey, it'll all be fixed when you're dead, hein?

My own view is that God's morality, as portrayed in Job, makes God complicit in arbitrary tormenting and degrading, multiple murders of family members, and so on. is revolting, unacceptable by any positive standard.


Veteran Member
...........................So why did your God design cancers in humans, and even our pets? Explain the intent.
To me the answer can only be found in the Bible
According to the Bible there was No sickness in Eden
The consequences for breaking the Law of the Land of Eden was: death (Not sickness along with death)
*Satan's intent* challenged the man Job (Job 2:4-5) and us with ' touch our flesh.....' (loose physical health ) and we would Not serve God.
Both Job and Jesus under adverse conditions proved Satan to be a liar and so can we.
The passing of time since Adam's downfall God has allowed for all of us to be born
Without being born there would be No opportunity for us to ever see life ( temporary or permanent )
Because we are innocent of what Adam did is why 'life' is offered to us, and why we are all invited to pray to God for Jesus to come !
Notice Rev. 22:2 because it is Jesus who will bring ' healing ' to earth's nations
Healing meaning: No one will say, " I am sick...." - Isaiah 33:24
Healthy healing as described at Isaiah 35:5-6
Jesus' coming will also bring even an end to death on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8


Veteran Member
....................You're happy that the benevolence of God doesn't extend to doing anything much benevolent on earth, because, hey, it'll all be fixed when you're dead, hein?
In the Bible Jesus did benevolent things on Earth
ALL the powerful works Jesus performed was giving us a preview, a coming attraction, of what Jesus will be doing for us.
I find at the coming 'time of separation' to take place on Earth (Matthew 25:31-34,37) is for alive living people on Earth.
The figurative sheep are alive and can remain alive on Earth and be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' coming Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth for a thousand years.
The living sheep can gain everlasting life (live forever) on Earth as originally offered to Adam before his downfall
The dead, who are not called to Heaven, can have a happy-and-healthy physical resurrection on Earth
So, No it is Not all fixed when one is dead, but fixed for the living figurative sheep on Earth and those already dead to be restored to life

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
In the Bible Jesus did benevolent things on Earth
EVERYONE ─ with very few exceptions ─ does benevolent things on Earth.
I find at the coming 'time of separation' to take place on Earth (Matthew 25:31-34,37) is for alive living people on Earth.
Yes, I recall a sung version of parts of Matthew 25:31. But as you know, this was all supposed to happen within the lifetime of some of Jesus' audience (Mark 9:1, Matthew 16:28, Luke 9:27), and a gap of some 2000 years between order and not-yet-delivery is re-e-e-e-ally stretching the friendship.
The figurative sheep are alive and can remain alive on Earth and be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' coming Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth for a thousand years.
But we're talking about things that should have happened ─ if they were ever going to happen ─ TWO thousand years ago, not one.
No it is Not all fixed when one is dead, but fixed for the living figurative sheep on Earth and those already dead to be restored to life.
As I said, when your promises have not been met after 2000 years, it's high time to dismiss them as (at best) not credible.


Veteran Member
EVERYONE ─ with very few exceptions ─ does benevolent things on Earth.
Yes, I recall a sung version of parts of Matthew 25:31. But as you know, this was all supposed to happen within the lifetime of some of Jesus' audience (Mark 9:1, Matthew 16:28, Luke 9:27), and a gap of some 2000 years between order and not-yet-delivery is re-e-e-e-ally stretching the friendship.
But we're talking about things that should have happened ─ if they were ever going to happen ─ TWO thousand years ago, not one.
As I said, when your promises have not been met after 2000 years, it's high time to dismiss them as (at best) not credible.
If all was supposed to happen in the first century Jesus would Not have said at Luke 19:11-15 that it would Not happen then
Remember Jesus' followers asked if the kingdom was to be restored at that time - Acts 1:6
Jesus informed us at Matthew 24:36 that No one knows the time ( just when the season would be ripe/ harvest time )
Both Matthew chapter 24 and Luke chapter 21 have both a 'minor' and a MAJOR fulfillment
The 'minor' was for the first century when the Romans armies destroyed unfaithful Jerusalem in the year 70
The MAJOR is for our day or time frame, neither Matthew 24:14 nor Acts 1:8 happened in the first century
Rather, the second century was the foretold start of the great apostasy that we see today -> Acts 20:28-29 ; 2nd Timothy 4:3-4

Mark 9:1 was in connection to a VISION - Matthew 17:9 (a VISION and Not a real happening )
Matthew 16:28 is in connection to the transfiguration VISION at 17:9 in connection to Mark 9:1 and Luke 9:27
They were given a foregleam VISION of Jesus' coming Glory Time of Matthew 25:31; Daniel 7:14; Rev. 19:14,16
So, Jesus being resurrected was preview, a coming attraction, of what will be (future) in Jesus' Kingdom Glory Time
Yes, I suppose one could say a 'gap' in the sense because the modern-day ' great tribulation ' of Rev. 7:14 (Mark 13:24-27) did Not happen 2000 yrs ago because the world-wide international proclaiming about God's Kingdom (Daniel 2:44 ) was at its starting point
We are at the concluding point of what was written down (Rev. 1:19) thus what Jesus said bridges a L-o-n-g period of time
- Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10; Rev. 14:6


Premium Member
To me the answer can only be found in the Bible
According to the Bible there was No sickness in Eden
The consequences for breaking the Law of the Land of Eden was: death (Not sickness along with death)
*Satan's intent* challenged the man Job (Job 2:4-5) and us with ' touch our flesh.....' (loose physical health ) and we would Not serve God.
Both Job and Jesus under adverse conditions proved Satan to be a liar and so can we.
The passing of time since Adam's downfall God has allowed for all of us to be born
Without being born there would be No opportunity for us to ever see life ( temporary or permanent )
Because we are innocent of what Adam did is why 'life' is offered to us, and why we are all invited to pray to God for Jesus to come !
Notice Rev. 22:2 because it is Jesus who will bring ' healing ' to earth's nations
Healing meaning: No one will say, " I am sick...." - Isaiah 33:24
Healthy healing as described at Isaiah 35:5-6
Jesus' coming will also bring even an end to death on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8
The problem remains the literal or even near literal view of the Genesis and the Creation account is the conflict with what we know of History science and archaeology that any effort of' Intelligent Design' is hopeless.