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How do you know if God loves you?


I like logic.
Dude..if you are dying slowy of poisoning and are in such excruciating pain daily why in the world not go to the military Dr's???...Wouldnt it be worth saving your life to have to go through all the red tape?


Well, sure... however, I have no money to get there... it's over two hours away. Every doctor I've been to basically, and literally, laughs at me. And besides, we really don't know it's poisoning. That's just what I decided it could be. I'd hate to go two hours away from home, only to be turned away and have to sit in the car another two hours. It hurts like crazy even walking outside.
Trust me, I've looked into my options and the common denominator in all of them is... drumroll, please... the allmighty... no, not him.... DOLLAR!! Yes, the dollar rules us all and it even is held higher than a human's life.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Well, sure... however, I have no money to get there... it's over two hours away. Every doctor I've been to basically, and literally, laughs at me. And besides, we really don't know it's poisoning. That's just what I decided it could be. I'd hate to go two hours away from home, only to be turned away and have to sit in the car another two hours. It hurts like crazy even walking outside.
Trust me, I've looked into my options and the common denominator in all of them is... drumroll, please... the allmighty... no, not him.... DOLLAR!! Yes, the dollar rules us all and it even is held higher than a human's life.

Is there anyone that would be willing to lend you the gas money?...And why would they turn you away if its not diagnosed as poisioning?..Wouldnt they run all kinds of test?..I mean if its not going to go away by itself at least you woudl be trying to do something about it.




Wonder Woman
^That makes sense. So, if I can love how deity makes me feel, then certainly, I can hate it, too.

Therefore, if God is not just giving me wind, water, etc... but pain and confusion and abandonment, then I can assume that he doesn't love me... which is the topic of discussion. It all comes full circle, doesn't it?

It all depends on how you view deity. You seem stuck on viewing deity as a singular entity, hence you using the phrase "he doesn't love me". What I am saying is that this energy that I perceive as deity is flowing through us. Much like wind through your hair or water through the land. You cannot love them, nor can they love you. You can like or dislike how they affect you, but there is no emotion really between them and you.


I like logic.
Is there anyone that would be willing to lend you the gas money?...And why would they turn you away if its not diagnosed as poisioning?..Wouldnt they run all kinds of test?..I mean if its not going to go away by itself at least you woudl be trying to do something about it.



Sure, but I can't drive in my condition because of the 'anti-anxiety' medicine they put me on, which ironically enough, makes me anxious. Go figure. I can't see very far ahead of me and the bright lights screw me up.
They turn me away because their simple blood tests, the kind they do every time I go there, turn up nothing. So, they put me on crazy pills and charge me two hundred bucks. They won't run tests unless you have insurance, which I no more have due to this illness. Trust me, I've gone all avenues. I'm even creating new ones to try to get some help, but it's to no avail. That's why I'm disappointed in God. He's done nothing to aid me.


I like logic.
It all depends on how you view deity. You seem stuck on viewing deity as a singular entity, hence you using the phrase "he doesn't love me". What I am saying is that this energy that I perceive as deity is flowing through us. Much like wind through your hair or water through the land. You cannot love them, nor can they love you. You can like or dislike how they affect you, but there is no emotion really between them and you.

Yeah, I was raised believing in one God, therefore, that's where I get that from. Like most people, I presume.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Sure, but I can't drive in my condition because of the 'anti-anxiety' medicine they put me on, which ironically enough, makes me anxious. Go figure. I can't see very far ahead of me and the bright lights screw me up.
They turn me away because their simple blood tests, the kind they do every time I go there, turn up nothing. So, they put me on crazy pills and charge me two hundred bucks. They won't run tests unless you have insurance, which I no more have due to this illness. Trust me, I've gone all avenues. I'm even creating new ones to try to get some help, but it's to no avail. That's why I'm disappointed in God. He's done nothing to aid me.

The verterans hospital requires health inurance?And if the anti anxiety medication causes anxiety I persoanlly woud stop taking it if thats all its for.




I like logic.
The verterans hospital requires health inurance?And if the anti anxiety medication causes anxiety I persoanlly woud stop taking it if thats all its for.


Actually, it requires money to some degree. I've done my research, somewhat. Yeah, the medicine makes you crazy, or even crazier in my case. I'm getting off of it now, but it's hard for the simple fact that when you start taking it, it fries your brain. Literally. So, it's a slow weening process.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Actually, it requires money to some degree. I've done my research, somewhat. Yeah, the medicine makes you crazy, or even crazier in my case. I'm getting off of it now, but it's hard for the simple fact that when you start taking it, it fries your brain. Literally. So, it's a slow weening process.

Which one is it???..Iv'e probably taken it..I've taken about 30 different medications over the years..




I like logic.
Which one is it???..Iv'e probably taken it..I've taken about 30 different medications over the years..


Cymbalta. If I would've known how it would warp my brain, I wouldn't have started it in the first place. A lot of my problem is that. I went a few days without it, felt okay, but then the brain fries came back and I had to put more inside me.:(


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Ugh. What dosage are you on? I stopped taking it and was fine, but I was only on 30 mg.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Cymbalta. If I would've known how it would warp my brain, I wouldn't have started it in the first place. A lot of my problem is that. I went a few days without it, felt okay, but then the brain fries came back and I had to put more inside me.:(

O.K no I havent taken that one..Just Litium,elevil,prozac,serzone,topamax,wellbutrin,zoloft,neurontin,serequel,depokote,lexapro,

Thats all I can remember..my brain has been fried a couple times too.




I like logic.
Ugh. What dosage are you on? I stopped taking it and was fine, but I was only on 30 mg.
Well, initially, I was on thirty. That's when I was in the hospital. My gp put me in there for depression, unknown to me. So, the doctor assigned to me there, a good friend with my gp, put me on thirty... they then kicked me out of the hospital not twenty three hours later. No tests, save for an MRI of my head were taken. A few days later, I went back to my gp for a follow up and clearly nothing was better, so he upped it to sixty. I took sixty with great reservation, but did nonetheless. Now, I'm weening myself off of it. I take like thirty every few days. It so doesn't help.


I like logic.
O.K no I havent taken that one..Just Litium,elevil,prozac,serzone,topamax,wellbutrin,zoloft,neurontin,serequel,depokote,lexapro,

Thats all I can remember..my brain has been fried a couple times too.



That's the thing about me, I cannot stand to take medicine. Even with a cold, I'd rather tough it out. I've seen too many people abuse them.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
That's the thing about me, I cannot stand to take medicine. Even with a cold, I'd rather tough it out. I've seen too many people abuse them.
Same here, but my meds have been a godsend. Of course, my problems actually ARE psychological.


I like logic.
Same here, but my meds have been a godsend. Of course, my problems actually ARE psychological.

Mine aren't, and I'm not even going to begin to preach about the medical industry. Money... for nothing. The medicine has made me worse. It's evil, I tell ya! :D


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well, not if you actually need it, it's not. Not that I thought all that highly of Cymbalta...

Anyway, the meds aren't your problem, the doctors are.
Mine aren't, and I'm not even going to begin to preach about the medical industry. Money... for nothing. The medicine has made me worse. It's evil, I tell ya! :D
Exile, if these drugs are supposed to change your perception, they don't seem to be doing a wonderful job.
You want to believe in God. Go for it. Let Him change your perception.