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How do you know if God loves you?


Depends Upon My Mood..
That's the thing about me, I cannot stand to take medicine. Even with a cold, I'd rather tough it out. I've seen too many people abuse them.

Well I was diagnosed with "manic depression a.k.a bi-polar" when I was 15..The only problem is nothing they prescribed me over the past 25 years(actually I stopped taking anythign for "manic" a few years ago.(for the supposed mania)"helped" and many made me sick..The doctor O.D'd me on the topamax and I went from 117lbs to 88lbs in about 5 months plus it felt like my brain was melting.(he was givign me 4 times the maximum dose they prescribe to people currently).I had constant numbness and tingling in my hands and feet..The depokote gave tremors so bad I had to use 2 hands to hold a cup little kids would ask me what was "wrong with me"...The nuerontin caused me to loose my balance and fall frequently most of the time I looked like I had been in a car wreck..I fell backwards into the bathtub just trying to flush the toilet 2 seperate times and hit the back of my head on the soap dish and cut my head open.The wellburin was makign me have intrusive morbid thoughts of self mutilation(one day I had the urge to peel my arm with a potatoe peeler..I didnt do it but I KNEW something wasnt right DUH)..

The only thing I take now is clonapen for anxiety(its similar to xanix or ativan) and to help me sleep on occasion..and Im fine..thats why Im convinced I cant be bi polar.I get bouts of depression and the Lexapro does work for that if need it.

They just threw that diagnosis out and I went along with it..I was only 15 and I thought dr.s knew everything..So I kept going to different dr.s as an adult and just told them I was diagnosed..Plus I had some symptoms that fit..So I never questioned it.Unfortunately neither did they..




I like logic.
Exile, if these drugs are supposed to change your perception, they don't seem to be doing a wonderful job.
You want to believe in God. Go for it. Let Him change your perception.

I'm looking for reasons to, just not finding them.


I like logic.
Well I was diagnosed with "manic depression a.k.a bi-polar" when I was 15..The only problem is nothing they prescribed me over the past 25 years(for the supposed mania)"helped" and many made me sick..The doctor O.D'd me on the topamax and I went from 117lbs to 88lbs in about 5 months plus it felt like my brain was melting.(he was givign me 4 times the maximum dose they prescribe to people currently).I had constant numbness and tingling in my hands and feet..The depokote gave tremors so bad I had to use 2 hands to hold a cup little kids would ask me what was "wrong with you"...The nuerontin caused me to loose my balance and fall frequently most of the time I looked like I had been in a car wreck..I fell backwards into the bathtub just trying to flush the toilet 2 seperate times and hit the back of my head on the soap dish and cut my head open.The wellburin was makign me have intrusive morbid thoughts of self mutilation(one day I had the urge to peel my arm with a potatoe peeler..I didnt do it but I KNEW something wasnt right DUH)..

The only thing I take now is clonapen for anxiety(its similar to xanix or ativan) and to help me sleep on occasion..and Im fine..thats why Im convinced I cant be bi polar.I get bouts of depression and the Lexapro does work for that if need it.

They just threw that diagnosis out and I went along with it..I was only 15 and I thought dr.s new everything..So I kept going to different dr.s as an adult and jsut told them I was diaganosed..Plus I had some symptoms that fit..So I never questioned it.Unfortunately neither did they..



See, that's me. This stuff clouds my head and burns my brain. I have to wonder why they gave me this particular drug in the first place. Doctors do not know everything, they're just so grossly overpaid that we as patients think they do.


Depends Upon My Mood..
See, that's me. This stuff clouds my head and burns my brain. I have to wonder why they gave me this particular drug in the first place. Doctors do not know everything, they're just so grossly overpaid that we as patients think they do.

Well if they are treating you for anxiety and mild to moderate depression look into Lexapro..the neat thing about it is it seems to really help people specifically who have an anxiety disorder.(seperate from depression)..and for almost all people there is one dosage..10 mg.So there is not messing aroudn with upping and lowering you dosages to find the theraputic level for you.

Clonapen is more of a sedative..and can be habit forming.But it definately knocks out the anxiety..and if I take a double dose I sleep like a baby..




I like logic.
That's just the thing, though. I wasn't depressed until I got sick. They want to tell me that I was depressed first, then got sick. I tell you, I had nothing to be depressed about. I had a good job that I was way overpaid to do, I'm a single guy, relatively young with my choice of hotties, and all my bills were paid months ahead of time. I was happy, then all of a sudden, literally like a ton of bricks, I get sick and go on this meandering adventure with the medical industry to get better.


Depends Upon My Mood..
That's just the thing, though. I wasn't depressed until I got sick. They want to tell me that I was depressed first, then got sick. I tell you, I had nothing to be depressed about. I had a good job that I was way overpaid to do, I'm a single guy, relatively young with my choice of hotties, and all my bills were paid months ahead of time. I was happy, then all of a sudden, literally like a ton of bricks, I get sick and go on this meandering adventure with the medical industry to get better.

Yes I realize the antidepressants are not the cure for your disease.But many people who are sick become depressed and it needs to be treated..Anyone would be depressed with what all you are going through..But its not going to help matters.I would treat it if I were you..It doesnt mean you are going to turn into mr.shunshine happy go lucky man.Just ease it up a little ...Just like when someone becomes depressed for say a death..you treat the depression..It doesnt solve the "death" but it eases up the blackness a little..

It could help you think clearer as well..So you can try and keep focusing and fighting for a solution to the disease..There has to be a solution..




Depends Upon My Mood..
That's just the thing, though. I wasn't depressed until I got sick. They want to tell me that I was depressed first, then got sick. I

Now you know how many women have felt for a LONG time..We are told its "all in our head" or we are "hysterical" when we know what we are experiencing..Thyroid disease for instance wasnt taken seriously for a long time..My mother had to go for about a year trying to find a doctor that would take her seriously and run the more in dept test..That was about 30 years ago ...She also had dr's tell her that she was fine when seh had a raging staph infection in her abdomen which almost killed her..by the time it was treated ...whats in your intestines?..she was vomiting out of her mouth.Same when she insited my brother had scarlett fever..they rolled their eyes..and went along with her to "pasify" her..and he was tested positve.

Just dont give up..You could have something rare that most dr.s have never encountred.




I like logic.
I don't think what I have is rare, I just think they see me, an otherwise healthy 31 year old, saying he's hurting and blood tests show nothing, so naturally, it's depression. Right... and yes, now I need something for depression, but that wasn't the initial cause. And Cymbalta is sure as hell isn't what I need.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I don't think what I have is rare, I just think they see me, an otherwise healthy 31 year old, saying he's hurting and blood tests show nothing, so naturally, it's depression. Right... and yes, now I need something for depression, but that wasn't the initial cause. And Cymbalta is sure as hell isn't what I need.

No..your symptoms that arent drepression related would not lead me as a dumb SAHM to say well then "naturally " it MUST be depression..I have had severe depression..One time was bed ridden for over 3 months..All I did was fantasize about suicide..

I did NOT have seering gut wrenching physical pain.It id not physically "hurt" my eyes to look at light..It was not "physically" painful to be outdoors.

My physical symptoms were lethargy,exaustion,loss of appetite,and soreness and achiness from laying in a bed 22 hours a day for months..

Im sorry if you gave a dr. the list of your symptoms they are the ones who need some nut ball meds if they say after a few normal blood test "naturally" it must be depression...




I like logic.
No..your symptoms that arent drepression related would not lead me as a dumb SAHM to say well then "naturally " it MUST be depression..I have had severe depression..One time was bed ridden for over 3 months..All I did was fantasize about suicide..

I did NOT have seering gut wrenching physical pain.It id not physically "hurt" my eyes to look at light..It was not "physically" painful to be outdoors.

My physical symptoms were lethargy,exaustion,loss of appetite,and soreness and achiness from laying in a bed 22 hours a day for months..

Im sorry if you gave a dr. the list of your symptoms they are the ones who need some nut ball meds if they say after a few normal blood test "naturally" it must be depression...


Yeah, but they're doctors, so their friends, who are also doctors, can see and treat them without going through red tape and convincing a total stranger that they're not crazy.


Done here.
That's just the thing, though. I wasn't depressed until I got sick. They want to tell me that I was depressed first, then got sick. I tell you, I had nothing to be depressed about. I had a good job that I was way overpaid to do, I'm a single guy, relatively young with my choice of hotties, and all my bills were paid months ahead of time. I was happy, then all of a sudden, literally like a ton of bricks, I get sick and go on this meandering adventure with the medical industry to get better.
Have your doctors considered Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


I like logic.
Nah... like I said. Blood tests come back normal, and I'm crazy. No one's ever really taken me seriously. I'm a young, white, male, so naturally, I'm making it up. Stereotypes go both ways, it seems. It even applies to doctors.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary, depending on the weather, stress, physical activity or even the time of day. Common signs and symptoms include:
  • <LI class=doublespace>Widespread pain. Fibromyalgia is characterized by pain in specific areas of your body when pressure is applied, including the back of your head, upper back and neck, upper chest, elbows, hips and knees. The pain generally persists for months at a time and is often accompanied by stiffness. <LI class=doublespace>Fatigue and sleep disturbances. People with fibromyalgia often wake up tired and unrefreshed even though they seem to get plenty of sleep. Some studies suggest that this sleep problem is the result of a sleep disorder called alpha wave interrupted sleep pattern, a condition in which deep sleep is frequently interrupted by bursts of brain activity similar to wakefulness. So people with fibromyalgia miss the deep restorative stage of sleep. Nighttime muscle spasms in your legs and restless legs syndrome also may be associated with fibromyalgia. <LI class=doublespace>Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating associated with IBS are common in people with fibromyalgia. <LI class=doublespace>Headaches and facial pain. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have headaches and facial pain that may be related to tenderness or stiffness in their neck and shoulders. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, which affects the jaw joints and surrounding muscles, also is common in people with fibromyalgia.
  • Heightened sensitivity. It's common for people with fibromyalgia to report being sensitive to odors, noises, bright lights and touch.
Other common signs and symptoms include:
  • Depression
  • Numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet (paresthesia)
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mood changes
  • Chest pain
  • Dry eyes, skin and mouth
  • Painful menstrual periods
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
Maybe these people are nut balls too ....maybe we can share our crazy drugs with them so they can get all better..(Im sticking out my tongue at you now)




I like logic.
Yeah, I've done the research for everything, and there's a few things it could be. I have the symptoms of that which you posted, however, I have the symptoms of Lupus, as well. I have the rash over the face, not severe, but it's there.