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How does homosexual activity benefit society?


Well-Known Member
Lesbians are able to bear children by in vitro fertilization.

Homosexuality helps to limit dangerous runaway population growth. There are far too many people in some countries, not too few. In addition, every new person on the earth contributes to global warming, and uses valuable food and water resources.

What options does nekoboy suggest for homosexuals? Even some supporters of reparative therapy have admitted that it only works about 30% of the time, and works best by far for religiously motivated homosexuals.

Many homosexuals have unsuccessfully tried to give up homosexuality, and became very unhappy during their attempts to give it up.

Initial sexual identity is not a choice, and is generally difficult to change.
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Teenage neko
Consider the following from another thread:

Lesbians are able to bear children by in vitro fertilization.
But it isn't truly hers, because she doesn't have any relationship with the donor. That's crass.

Homosexuality helps to limit dangerous runaway population growth. There are far too many people in some countries, not too few. In addition, every new person on the earth contributes to global warming, and uses valuable food and water resources.
Overpopulation is a myth |

What options does nekoboy suggest for homosexuals? Even some supporters of reparative therapy have admitted that it only works about 30% of the time, and works best by far for religiously motivated homosexuals.

Many homosexuals have unsuccessfully tried to give up homosexuality, and became very unhappy during their attempts to give it up.

Initial sexual identity is not a choice, and is generally difficult to change.
I guess she is a fake, then.
Amazon.com: Born That Way?: A True Story of Overcoming Same-Sex Attraction With Insights for Friends, Families, and Leaders (9780875798356): Erin Eldridge: Books

But yes, homosexuals have a choice to embrace their homosexuality and make a choice of their own. AND IT IS A TWO WAY STREET. I won't stop them, but I won't support them either. If gay marriage is legalized, I can't stop them. I can't support them either.

There were many things I never chose to be. And yet I became them anyway. I have a choice to do better despite that fact, or to wallow in self pity and remain the same mediocre human being I am. I have often become suicidal in these attempts, but the one thing that keeps me going is the fact that I know that I am among the spirit children of God with amazing potential, and that these hardships will be for my own good, and that they will not last.
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Agnostic Theist
Homosexuality hardly helps limit population growth. The impact that they have on limiting population growth is insignificant. Primarily because many homosexuals can have children (such as lesbians through in vitro fertilization, and there are many other cases of homosexuals being married and having children as well), and the percentage of the population that is homosexual is quite small.

So I don't think that is a reliable argument in any form.

Also, why does "homosexual activity," which I am assuming means sexual activity, have to benefit the society as a whole? Most sex doesn't. Many sexual activities definitely don't. So why does one have to even make an argument against such a ludicrous position?

One thing that I do find funny (or pitifully sad) in what nekoboy said is the idea that homosexuals can't have children. That is just so dumbfounding. Of course they can have children, and many do.


Well-Known Member
nekoboy said:
But it isn't truly hers, because she doesn't have any relationship with the donor.

It is hers under the law. Laws are passed based upon the will of the people.

What about adopted children? They do not have any genetic relationship to the donor. According to all of the leading medical associations, homosexuals can make good adoptive parents.
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Teenage neko
What about adopted children? They do not have any genetic relationship to the donor. According to all of the leading medical associations, homosexuals can make good adoptive parents.
I can't stop a homosexual from adopting. But artificial birth is crass, especially if the child never sees his other real parent. And just because the law says it ok, it is ok?

I strongly urge you to read the sample from that book on amazon. The words are amazing, considering the fact that they are from a LESBIAN.
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Agnostic Theist
But it isn't truly hers, because she doesn't have any relationship with the donor. That's crass.
Sure it still is hers. The child still shares her genetic makeup. The child is still born to her. She will still love the child.
I guess she is a fake, then.
Amazon.com: Born That Way?: A True Story of Overcoming Same-Sex Attraction With Insights for Friends, Families, and Leaders (9780875798356): Erin Eldridge: Books

But yes, homosexuals have a choice to embrace their homosexuality and make a choice of their own. AND IT IS A TWO WAY STREET. I won't stop them, but I won't support them either. If gay marriage is legalized, I can't stop them. I can't support them either.

There were many things I never chose to be. And yet I became them anyway. I have a choice to do better despite that fact, or to wallow in self pity and remain the same mediocre human being I am.
Why can't you support them? Because of a blind prejudice? Because of bigotry? Because of blind intolerance? Neither one is a good excuse.

There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. To suggest such, and treat them as less, because of who they are, simply is intolerant, and really goes against so many basic Christian ideals.

As for the one book you provided, here is a rebuttal, and a documentary that shows the dangers of "ex-gay" ministries: Amazon.com: One Nation Under God: -, Francine Rzeznik, Teodoro Maniaci: Movies & TV

And here is a public apology from one such "ex-gay" leader:Michael Bussee Ex-Gay Leader Apology - Beyond Ex-Gay

You can't fix something that's not broken. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In general, male homosexuals have higher IQs than male heterosexuals. I forget how much higher on average, but it's significant. Society can use all the intelligence it can get.


Teenage neko
There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. To suggest such, and treat them as less, because of who they are, simply is intolerant, and really goes against so many basic Christian ideals.
When it comes to homosexuality, it's "love the sinner, hate the sin". I don't treat homosexuals as less, but at the same time, I can't approve of certain actions. It's like a kleptomaniac. He has a tendency to steal, but not out of malice, and he may not cause too much serious damage...

The reason I oppose homosexuality so much is because it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit for the real reason God entrusted us to something as sacred as sexuality.

On the subject of changing, I personally believe that though Christ, we can change for the better. We can become new creatures, metaphorically speaking. Try rebutting the sample from that book I posted. It's quite obvious you haven't read it.

I have personally felt suicidal from working on my own struggles. What keeps me going is the fact that I have potential in this life, and the life to come, and that the hardships will not last.
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Well-Known Member
nekoboy said:
But it isn't truly hers, because she doesn't have any relationship with the donor.

Agnostic75 said:
It is hers under the law. Laws are passed based upon the will of the people.

What about adopted children? They do not have any genetic relationship to the donor. According to all of the leading medical associations, homosexuals can make good adoptive parents.

nekoboy said:
I can't stop a homosexual from adopting.

But the issue is not about whether or not you can stop homosexuals from adopting. You said "she doesn't have any relationship with the donor." Neither do people who adopt children.

nekoboy said:
But artificial birth is crass, especially if the child never sees his other real parent.

So do you approve when the child does see the real parent?

nekoboy said:
And just because the law says it ok, it is ok?

But the same question can be asked about any law. What makes any law right or wrong?

nekoboy said:
I strongly urge you to read the sample from that book on Amazon. The words are amazing, considering the fact that they are from a LESBIAN.

I do not need to read the book. I already said in another thread that I approve of cases where homosexuals have tried reparative therapy, and ended up being much happier than they were when they were practicing homosexuals.

I wonder how many more times I will have to tell you that even some supporters of
reparative therapy have admitted that it only works about 30% of the time, and works best by far for religiously motivated homosexuals. Regarding homosexuals who are not religiously motivated, the percentages are much lower than 30%.

Many homosexuals experience great physical and emotional distress when they unsuccessfully try to give up homosexuality. For them, it is best to be homosexuals.

Many homosexuals who abused drugs, and alcohol, successfully recovered by using standard professional help that did not address their sexual identity.

One thing that is needed is more professionals who will support homosexuals, and help them with their self-esteem. There are some wonderful cases where attentive, tolerant, understanding professionals have helped homosexuals overcome drug, and alcohol abuse.

Beautiful success stories are not limited to successful attempts at reparative therapy.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
When it comes to homosexuality, it's "love the sinner, hate the sin". I don't treat homosexuals as less, but at the same time, I can't approve of certain actions. It's like a kleptomaniac. He has a tendency to steal, but not out of malice, and he may not cause too much serious damage...

My problem is that you view it as a sin in the first place

The reason I oppose homosexuality so much is because it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit for the real reason God entrusted us to something as sacred as sexuality.

you first need to prove that your ideology is correct.

On the subject of changing, I personally believe that though Christ, we can change for the better. We can become new creatures, metaphorically speaking. Try rebutting the sample from that book I posted. It's quite obvious you haven't read it.

People can change through a variety of things for a variety of reasons. Also I personally believe I changed for the better by leaving Christ. Funny that ain't it?


Agnostic Theist
When it comes to homosexuality, it's "love the sinner, hate the sin". I don't treat homosexuals as less, but at the same time, I can't approve of certain actions. It's like a kleptomaniac. He has a tendency to steal, but not out of malice, and he may not cause too much serious damage...

The reason I oppose homosexuality so much is because it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit for the real reason God entrusted us to something as sacred as sexuality.

On the subject of changing, I personally believe that though Christ, we can change for the better. We can become new creatures, metaphorically speaking. Try rebutting the sample from that book I posted. It's quite obvious you haven't read it.

I have personally felt suicidal from working on my own struggles. What keeps me going is the fact that I have potential in this life, and the life to come, and that the hardships will not last.
Since the "sin" is part of who the person is, you're essentially hating the person. But nice try.

Why should homosexuals have to change if there is nothing wrong with them? Why fix something that isn't broken?

And yes, I didn't take the time to read a biased, and really, sad report. There is no reason, and it is sad that anyone would feel a need to go through an "ex-gay" sort of ministry. And ex-gay leaders have also come out and said just the same thing. Maybe you should read the apology letter that I linked to. Or maybe watch the documentary I linked to.

A homosexual should not have to try to fix themselves, or struggle with the fact that they were born a certain way (or with a predisposition to a certain sexuality).

And it isn't counterfeit. God didn't entrust us with sexuality. And if God did, he created homosexuality as well. So really, you have no argument.

Finally, there is nothing dangerous about being homosexual, besides the fact that so many people are intolerant, and want to make them less than human.


Well-Known Member
nekoboy said:

I prefer texts to videos.

At overpopulation -- NOW A SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS, a joint statement from 58 of the world's scientific academies says:

"The world is in the midst of an unprecedented expansion of human numbers. It took hundreds of thousands of years for our species to reach a population level of 10 million, only 10,000 years ago. This number grew to 100 million people about 2,000 years ago and to 2.5 billion by 1950. Within less than the span of a single lifetime, it has more than doubled to 5.5 billion in 1993."

"This accelerated population growth resulted from rapidly lowered death rates (particularly infant and child mortality rates), combined with sustained high birth rates. Success in reducing death rates is attributable to several factors: increases in food production and distribution, improvements in public health (water and sanitation) and in medical technology (vaccines and antibiotics), along with gains in education and standards of living within many developing nations."

"Humanity is approaching a crisis point with respect to the interlocking issues of population, environment, and development. Scientists today have the opportunity and responsibility to mount a concerted effort to confront our human predicament. But science and technology can only provide tools and blueprints for action and social change. It is the governments and international decision-makers, including those meeting in Cairo next September at the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, who hold the key to our future. We urge them to take incisive action now and to adopt an integrated policy on population and sustainable development on a global scale. With each year's delay the problems become more acute. Let 1994 be remembered as the year when the people of the world decided to act together for the benefit of future generations."
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I want Khilafah back
Lesbians are able to bear children by in vitro fertilization.

Homosexuality helps to limit dangerous runaway population growth. There are far too many people in some countries, not too few. In addition, every new person on the earth contributes to global warming, and uses valuable food and water resources.

What options does nekoboy suggest for homosexuals? Even some supporters of reparative therapy have admitted that it only works about 30% of the time, and works best by far for religiously motivated homosexuals.

Many homosexuals have unsuccessfully tried to give up homosexuality, and became very unhappy during their attempts to give it up.

Initial sexual identity is not a choice, and is generally difficult to change.

so everyone should turn homosexual to prevent human numbers from rising? :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
eselam said:
So everyone should turn homosexual to prevent human numbers from rising?

Sexual identity is not a choice.

What is your solution to homosexuality?

In Islamic republics, homosexuals are imprisoned or put to death. Do you approve of that?


Do you 'know' or believe?
Rather than homosexual activity helping society; there are instead two alternative ways to look at it - firstly it is the OPTION to engage in homosexual activity which helps society, as it is one aspect by which people are able to choose (or follow their nature perhaps) their actions and to express themselves without harming others; the more such options are available to the people of society the more free that society is (B.S measurements like taxation and wealth inequality be damned, it is the capacity to choose which determines how free we are)

Secondly, how does homosexual activity diminish society? It does not, unless you equate homosexuality to immorality which is farcical not to mention prejudiced


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Homosexuality is a normal psychological variant. In our natural state, as hunter-gatherers it was clearly beneficial. In a civilized society, though, those functions are less needed.

Yet why should this harmless variant should be singled out for persecution? Are we blindly following a bronze age rule book? Are we uncomfortable or threatened by difference?

Where's the harm in homosexuality? -- or left-handedness, or red hair?


Well-Known Member
nekoboy said:
The reason I oppose homosexuality so much is because it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit for the real reason God entrusted us to something as sacred as sexuality.

That is merely your own personal opinion, and you have not provided any reasonable evidence that God opposes homosexuality. Even if a God inspired the original Bible, it is well-known that the Bible has lots of errors and interpolations. In addition, it is well-known that a global flood did not occur.

How are your religious beliefs more valid than anyone else's religious beliefs?

nekoboy said:
On the subject of changing, I personally believe that though Christ, we can change for the better.

But many highly motivated Christians have unsuccessfully tried to give up homosexuality. They did their best. What more could they do?

Can an amputee get a new arm or leg through Christ, or is God only interested in humans' spiritual needs?