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How does homosexual activity benefit society?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
When it comes to homosexuality, it's "love the sinner, hate the sin".
Where's the sin? Could we say the same thing about blacks, or Native Ams? Or Jews? Or Mormons?


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Where's the sin? Could we say the same thing about blacks, or Native Ams? Or Jews? Or Mormons?

No, because clearly the objective morals state that they aren't sinful for being themselves. As for homosexuals... :rolleyes: [/sarcasm]


Do you 'know' or believe?
I'm more of a yuri (shoujo-ai) fan myself
Well thats pretty nice too; but I was more talking about the implication anthropomorphism fans require therapy :p

Where's the sin? Could we say the same thing about blacks, or Native Ams? Or Jews? Or Mormons?
Generally their explanation for why they oppose homosexuality yet nor race is about race not being a matter for choice... as for why not religion... well they skirt around that most of the time because it is too tricky (unless it is a less popular religion in their locale, like Islam in the western world for example, where Islamaphobia is fair enough and muslims are fair game; but to be honest I expect it is much the same in many Islamic countries for Christianity *shrugs*)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
How does homosexual activity benefit society?
10) Elton John
9) Leonard Bernstein
8) Tastier cuisine
7) Higher fashion
6) Funnier sitcoms
5) Sassy gay friends
4) My best friend
3) Eddie Izzard
2) Pat Robertson (Just because it would really **** him off to see his name here)

1) Randall from "Honey Badger"


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Generally their explanation for why they oppose homosexuality yet nor race is about race not being a matter for choice
And they think sexuality is...
Y'know, I've got some lovely swampland...


Do you 'know' or believe?
Just went to the bathroom at the library, where some theist had left behind a card saying "God is Love"

After looking at the card I realised that something was missing, you see for so many theists it should actually read: "God is (culturally approved types of) Love"

Edit: Oh and I forgot, they would usually then tack on the end "the Devil is all other types of Love."
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Son Worshiper
Lesbians are able to bear children by in vitro fertilization.

Homosexuality helps to limit dangerous runaway population growth. There are far too many people in some countries, not too few. In addition, every new person on the earth contributes to global warming, and uses valuable food and water resources.

What options does nekoboy suggest for homosexuals? Even some supporters of reparative therapy have admitted that it only works about 30% of the time, and works best by far for religiously motivated homosexuals.

Many homosexuals have unsuccessfully tried to give up homosexuality, and became very unhappy during their attempts to give it up.

Initial sexual identity is not a choice, and is generally difficult to change.

What about the various cultures of the world where orientation wasn't even a though? A men would at times be homosexual and then later in life develop heterosexual relationships, such as the culture of Japan

I'm a bit skeptical that it's orientation not simply preference when various people (even if it's as you claim a small percent) change sexuality

And on top of that even if people are born homosexuality, Christianity has always viewed celibacy as an honourable lifestyle, and if orientation is entirely legitimate then likely many homosexuals in years gone by may have been attracted to the Monastery for that very reason


I want Khilafah back
Homosexuality helps control the population. That's about the only benefit I can see of it

no it doesn't, homosexual women can still have children these days. what makes you think that heterosexuals are less capable of undertaking such a task as not having children anymore?


.45 Cal
no it doesn't, homosexual women can still have children these days. what makes you think that heterosexuals are less capable of undertaking such a task as not having children anymore?

If nothing else heterosexuals make many more unwanted/unintended children than gays ever will.


I want Khilafah back
If nothing else heterosexuals make many more unwanted/unintended children than gays ever will.

so blame that on adultery and fornication, people have sex and then don't want anything with the child, thats how communities get corrupted and start to struggle helping such people.


.45 Cal
so blame that on adultery and fornication, people have sex and then don't want anything with the child, thats how communities get corrupted and start to struggle helping such people.

I do blame it on that but people are going to do what they do. Homosexuals are in the unique position that when they engage in the gay equivalents of adultery and fornication no children come of it. Besides, even married couples, usually the ones who don't believe in birth control, sometimes have 10 children
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I want Khilafah back
I do blame it on that but people are going to do what they do. Homosexuals are in the unique position that when they engage in the gay equivalents of adultery and fornication no children come of it

no children come of heterosexual sex too, not always anyway, it's only by being careless. homosexual women could just as easy develop an urge to have 'plenty' of children as any heterosexual woman and their mistakes. it would even double the number.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Homosexuality helps control the population. That's about the only benefit I can see of it
Diversity is the key to survival, Jungle. Different psychological types perform different roles in the band. Depression, ADD, homosexuality -- all useful, functional variations.

In a hunting-gathering band mortality is high. Hunting and gathering are iffy and dangerous, accidents common, medical care primitive, orphans and single parenthood common.
Homosexuals provide babysitting services (children cannot be taken on a hunt) and, should disaster occur, adoptive parents.
Homosexuals can hunt, but they can also stay behind, watch the children, make tools and clothing and defend the cave from predators and raiders. They're like stem cells, with the flexibility to take up new roles as needed -- women who hunt and fight, males who mother and fight.

Would our species have survived without such a biological safety net, without that diversity-enabled flexibility?


Its only a Label
Friend Agnostic,
Lesbians are able to bear children by in vitro fertilization.

So they get sprem for in vitro fertilization from space??
Homesexuals can get surrogates, similarly!

Love & rgds