Sorry, I have read about it and I have not seen any evidence for evolution in that experiment.
Did you read about it from creationist lying sources perhaps?
Because the actual specific mutations (yes, plural) that made this metabolic pathway an option were actually identified. Even the generations in which they happened are known. Almost immediately after these mutations were introduced in the population, the population size
exploded as a direct result of having more resources available as food. This population explosion is actually how they noticed that something significant happened there.
So there was a genetic mutation that turned out to be beneficial.
This mutation was then "selected" and past on to off spring.
This mutation then quickly spread and achieved fixation (ie: became a fixed part of the genome, present in +95% of all individuals of the population).
Sure sounds like evolution by natural selection to me.
But perhaps you are once again thinking about some strawman instead...
It is basically like saying, "my kid has longer arms than I have, he must be a new species".
No, there can be lot of variation in offspring and it is possible that different genes are activated in different situations
Not what happened here. This wasn't mere variation. This was an entirely novel genetic trait that gave them an advantage that wasn't present in their ancestors or peers.
You really do have your head stuck in the ground.
, but it is not good reason to believe all species evolved as the theory of evolution suggests.
No, that single demonstration of every aspect of the mechanism of evolution indeed is not enough to accept all species evolved.
The mountains and mountains of other evidence (that you no doubt remain willfully ignorant about also), however, is.