Thats a primitive reason some are afraid of the Darkness, and the Darkness seeks to keep the human understanding of it just as primitive. More primitive humans were killed by beast during the day than at night. Your explinations of the Darkness are primitive, and I understand why.
Imagine yourself sleepwalking, then you walk to a lake of human waste, you jump in. Now your sleep swimming in a lake of human waste. You reach the middle of the Lake and for some reason you wake up out of your sleep. Now you must swim, conscious, back through the waste just to get to Land again. Then you reach Land and are walking back home, only to discover that the land is also infected with the waste. This is why I said I am advanced in the Darkness, and I never claim to be advanced in anything. The Darkness is the Waste, and I was sleepwalking in it. Then I swam in it, and then I woke up in the middle of the waste. I became aware of it.
Still in it, its all over me, all around me, and all in the Land, the Darkness is there. Its there during the Day, its IN the Light, it masqurades as the Light, it has nothing to do with day or night. It ruled primitive humans, it still rules modern humans.
Its the Darkness that makes you snap at others Carlin, its the Darkness that gives you your love for smerk humor. Its the Darkness that makes you favor always going on the offensive, always trying to correct others, as if you are qualified to do so. Its the Darkness that gives you favortism toward Cynical conversation. Its in you, it fuels your mind and comes out of your mouth, you say a lot of Dark things.
Its the Darkness. Its in you, and its in me.