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How hard is it to watch people heading for hell



Yeah, I totally agree. They're free to proselytize, just like I would be free to tell them why I think they are wrong, or have made an error in judgement. What I meant by interfering, is creating laws that limit the freedoms of others based on personal opinion.



Just me
Premium Member
That is true, but the line where these two "rights" meet is not black and white.

What if, for example, you think that you have the right not to see buildings dedicated to religion and religious practice - including proselytizing.

And I wonder if you have the right to avoid the proselytizing - don't people have the right to approach someone and talk with them, knock on doors, and even preach in the streets (in the public domain)?
That's why we have laws. (And law-makers.)


Well-Known Member
The Christians believe in eternal hell torture " Because" of certain verses in the bible. How those verses got in there, I just don't know. Some verses have mistranslated " The Grave', into meaning Hell. A few others, its as if they got added there, because eternal hell suffering does not " Fit the pattern and Flow" of the bible, and it certainly does not " Fit Gods characther." But this belief is " Deeply Entrenched into the Christian Pathology", and they cannot let it loose.

I mean they really, really think its something God is going to do. They don't understand the SHEER unmagnified horror that such an eternal existence in a pain magnifhier would feel like to the poor " Super Human Sufferers." And those in this Hell are going to HAVE to be Super beings, more powerful than any Spirit being would be. Why/ Because Constant, everlasting, unending, terrible nonstop punishing could only be survived by the most Powerful beings God could ever create! They would have to have Super Superior Minds, eyes, feet, legs, torsos, heads, hands and teeth, to constantly endure, for every second of eternity, a Super heated unquenching Fire.

And there is no doubt about this. I don't believe God would create " Super Humanoid Sufferers" like that, I just don't.

I can't see it happening. To keep them Conscious and in Pain, for ALL ETERNITY, and be Conscious of it? Christians don't understand the awful horror that something like this would be. And they don't understand what it is saying about God.



Premium Member
In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, a woman named Miss Maudie told the little girl Scout that "The bible in the hand of one person is worse than the bottle of whiskey in the hand of her father". Scout was shocked, as her father only drank whiskey once and didn't like it. In which Miss Maudie explained that "some people at their best are worse than some people at their worst". There was a lot of truth in that. And why we should look in the mirror first before we judge others.


Well-Known Member
As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. ?

As a non-christian, its hard for me to watch Christians spread this hell belief around. Have you ever Sunbathed and got heat burns on your skin? And the Sun is thousands of miles away, and can still lightly burn your skin. Do you know what it would be like to actually stand on the Sun? Well thats how this Hell fire would have to be.

But its the " Modifications that God must make", for this to be true, which really bugs me. He either has to turn down the intensity of the heat , to low flames that will burn but not consume , or vastly increase the endurance of the human sufferer. Really, I am in error for calling them" Super- humanoids", nothing human could possibily endure such an incredible longetivity of torture.

So people in hell must be " Born Again also", created into new beings of vast incredible suffering ability. I keep telling Christians I meet that if this hell is real, then those super suffering beings are going to need to be constantlu guarded by Angels, legions of Super Archangels, just to keep them from getting out. They may be stronger than Archangels themselves, like " Firebreathing great suffering Dragons." Their lungs MUST be powerful, to breathe this intense fire for eternity;

I think it no hughe jump in speculation;

That they could then breathe out the fire like a Dragon. And aim it like a flamethrower.



"How hard is it to watch people heading for hell?"

Well, Ill have to get back to you on this, as of right now I have not seen one person heading towards hell.


Well-Known Member
The Punishment of hell simply does not fit the crime. I mean, here we have a Just merciful Loving God, which I sin against for what" 75 years of my life". Now, I must be punished for 75 trillion- 65 billion- 55 million- 45 thousand years and its only just begun? Another 99 trillion years of constant conscious pain, then after that, another 88 billion, 66 thousand years on into infinity!

Theres something really sick about this horrible belief. Really strange that people believe it.

And its turning a lot of people off from God. And its instilling a great fear into others.



Premium Member
The thing about these "fire and brimstone" types is they truly believe what they are saying and that believe that they are giving "tough love". I never really cared for the "fire and brimstone" talk- which is odd since I am a Baptist (jk :D ). I always thought that preaching about love and forgiveness would be more effective. And I never though it right to second guess what God would do to people. On top of that, I don't believe in a literal hell.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I remember the old "fire and brimstone" sermons I attended when I was a child. The preacher would yell and scream, (and awake the snoozers) in our church. His voice could get quiet and steady in one minute and roar and foam at the mouth the next.

No one sitting in those pews wanted to go to hell, that's for sure. As a child I was mindful of not forgetting my prayers before bedtime. Some folks just don't get the concept of "God fearing". :preach::seesaw:
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Well-Known Member
If God wanted to instill fear into people, why would he need a man to do it? I mean God is "Not" trying to instill fear into humans, but IF he wanted to, he sure wouldnot need a pastor to do it. Their doing that on their own.

The book of Revelations speaks of a time to come when God will lash out fear into humans, and believe me, Pastors will have nothing to do with that.



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If God wanted to instill fear into people, why would he need a man to do it? I mean God is "Not" trying to instill fear into humans, but IF he wanted to, he sure wouldnot need a pastor to do it. Their doing that on their own.

It seems to me that the pastor is scaring the people out of his own volition, although he may well believe that it is God's will that he does so.

The book of Revelations speaks of a time to come when God will lash out fear into humans, and believe me, Pastors will have nothing to do with that.

Yet many of them insist on claiming that we should fear God already.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the pastor is scaring the people out of his own volition, although he may well believe that it is God's will that he does so.quote

Well hes scaring them for many reasons; He thinks its a good evangelism trick. He thinks its part of the Gospel, which it is not. He trying to scare that money out of their pockets. He just does not know any better, and then the few who actually do care.

Yet many of them insist on claiming that we should fear God already.

There is no reason for any human to fear God; not now.

But later, thats going to change. The stuff I have read in Revelations is no joke man, If that stuff occurs, your going to see some scared jokers on this planet. If I am still alive, I'll be one of them.




Well-Known Member
You know I really feel like a martian or something. I really don't understand the concept of hell. Even my grandmother didn't believe in an eternal hell....if that makes much of a difference.

I guess it would take pages and pages to ask these questions. I've gotten to know many...many people who were forced into a situation their own society would deem as hell. It's like watching schizos take over the world.


Well-Known Member
That would be a good reason to doubt Revelations, wouldn't it?

I have a few doubts, because I don't complettely understand if I am interpiting the book correctly, it is perhaps the most difficult one in the bible, in my view. I doubt things in the bible, like this eternal hell thing, I doubt that. I doubt the Trinity, I doubt that all humans willnot be saved. I doubt that women are supposed to keep silent in churchs.

I doubt many things in the bible, but believe most things, which I understand.
