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How hard is it to watch people heading for hell


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Funny: most of the evangelizers I meet in real life wind up telling me to go to hell (in one way or another).


Well-Known Member
As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. I want to grab them and shake them and tell them to wake up, you don't have to go there. That is one of the toughest things about being a Christian. I consider how C.S. Lewis had to do it, how Billy Graham has to do it, how John Wesley had to do it. That keeps me moving, keeps me knocking on doors, keeps me asking, prodding, urging, teaching, instructing, preaching, helping, giving, visiting. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can usually tell if they are headed to hell and I think to myself, what is the point of living for the devil?

If you think your way is the one true way, it isn't.:D


Resident Liberal Hippie
If someone says, I live with my girlfriend and do you want to come over and have some beers, you don't know what they believe?

Funny. When I lived with my girlfriend, and kept beer in the fridge, we were both Christians who believed Jesus came to earth to save mankind from eternal damnation.

Now she is my wife, we still keep beer in the fridge, and I recognize the folly of reveled revelations.

But I suppose if you had known us before, you would have thought we were godless heathens....

Oh the misguided ideals of those who prejudge.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
Funny. When I lived with my girlfriend, and kept beer in the fridge, we were both Christians who believed Jesus came to earth to save mankind from eternal damnation.

Now she is my wife, we still keep beer in the fridge, and I recognize the folly of reveled revelations.

But I suppose if you had known us before, you would have thought we were godless heathens....

Oh the misguided ideals of those who prejudge.

Like I pointed out in a previous post, it takes more than a belief to be a Christian, it takes a change.
minding your own business, ever tried it?

please come knock on my door, all the jehovahs witnesses an mormons have blacklisted my house. it gets so boring without fundies. but i have to warn you, i've been watching a lot of dexter lately. :D


Like I pointed out in a previous post, it takes more than a belief to be a Christian, it takes a change.

There's the rub. See, I was raised christian and followed that teaching for many many years. One of the things that started me questioning and doubting was the people calling themselves "christians". There was no change. Sure,they claimed all sorts of change and on the outside even tried to show their changes,but fundamentally they were the same. The ones who were ***** before where still *****, just sugar coated. The good people remained good people.
The only way to convert or teach anybody is to live in such a way that they become attracted to your way of life and begin to question you about it. If you cannot demonstrate that you live a better,more enlightened or more spiritual life in your day to day activities, why would I or anyone else believe you when you start preaching?
If I showed up at your door driving a rusted out Chevette and wearing ratty clothes and tried to sell you my own personal path to wealth and prosperity,would you bite? This,essentially, is what most Christians and others who are "witnessing" are doing. If you life doesn't tell me who you are,there's no point in talking. If I haven't known you long enough to make that judgement,why the heck would I believe anything you said anyway?
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As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. I want to grab them and shake them and tell them to wake up, you don't have to go there. That is one of the toughest things about being a Christian. I consider how C.S. Lewis had to do it, how Billy Graham has to do it, how John Wesley had to do it. That keeps me moving, keeps me knocking on doors, keeps me asking, prodding, urging, teaching, instructing, preaching, helping, giving, visiting. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can usually tell if they are headed to hell and I think to myself, what is the point of living for the devil?

Is it also hard to watch god send people to everlasting torture solely because their life experiences lead them to be convinced of different ideas or claims about the Universe? How does this affect your belief that god is loving?


It's easy for me to watch people heading for hell, because we live in hell. Hell is where the beast (animals) and false prophet are. The animals are here on earth, and so are the false prophets. Just think about it; a false prophet can only be affective here on earth (hell). Jesus distanced himself from hell: "If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." (John 15:19)
"I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world." (John 17:14)


Stripling Warrior
As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. I want to grab them and shake them and tell them to wake up, you don't have to go there. That is one of the toughest things about being a Christian. I consider how C.S. Lewis had to do it, how Billy Graham has to do it, how John Wesley had to do it. That keeps me moving, keeps me knocking on doors, keeps me asking, prodding, urging, teaching, instructing, preaching, helping, giving, visiting. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can usually tell if they are headed to hell and I think to myself, what is the point of living for the devil?
So who is right, there is no shortage of people going around trying to "save" everybody they meet who has a different idea about God and/or acts differently then they and therefore such people are in danger of eternal hell fire.
As a Mormon I adhere to the guiding principles of proselytizing that are given by our leaders.

First: In D&C 11:21 we are told - Seek not to declare my word but first seek to obtain my word and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men.

This is important, you have to be sure you are correct with what you teach and it is up to each individual gain such assurance. I believe that ignorance can be no excuse for teaching incorrect principles because a person who turns to the Lord with the proper attitude will find the source of truth and then with a little effort and time they will learn the truth and then they can go to preach it. A person who has received the word of the Lord will know it beyond doubt then the second directive applies.

Second: Mormons are told never to try and force what they are preaching on others. Unfortunately some are so zealous that they step outside these bounds and begin to judge others, I have been guilty of that but I do try not to let my zeal for what I know get the best of me. If a Mormon missionary is told to go away and not come back then that is what they will do. Mormons only teach those who indicate that they are open to discussion.

Now, having said that let me cut off the obvious request, This forum is not a place to proselytize so , NO, I'm not going to go away so don't ask.:p

I would not be so bold as to try and size up anybody as being worthy of Hell (outer darkness), Lord knows I have my own crosses to bear, but I do believe that I can know when something is wrong and I do love to engage in constructive conversation of a religious nature. Too many people here ask for proof of what everybody else says and that is useless, I believe that proof can only come from communication from the spirit of God to the spirit of the individual; that discussion and/or preaching can only open up the mind to the possibilities and then it is up to the individual to investigate and decide for themselves. Accusing and name calling is always counter productive and illogical nonsense for the sake of argument is always transparent for what it is.


Well-Known Member
As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. I want to grab them and shake them and tell them to wake up, you don't have to go there. That is one of the toughest things about being a Christian. I consider how C.S. Lewis had to do it, how Billy Graham has to do it, how John Wesley had to do it. That keeps me moving, keeps me knocking on doors, keeps me asking, prodding, urging, teaching, instructing, preaching, helping, giving, visiting. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can usually tell if they are headed to hell and I think to myself, what is the point of living for the devil?

Oh dear:facepalm: that attitude is pathetic and WRONG, you don't know for a fact hell exists, let alone who is destined to go there! If you knocked on my door I would be saying, "No thank you", (I hope politely) as I shut it. You are much more likely to put people off Christianity for life if your posts are an indication of your views!:yes:


Well-Known Member
Oh dear:facepalm: that attitude is pathetic and WRONG, you don't know for a fact hell exists, let alone who is destined to go there! If you knocked on my door I would be saying, "No thank you", (I hope politely) as I shut it. You are much more likely to put people off Christianity for life if your posts are an indication of your views!:yes:

That implies that "spreading the good news" or whatever is actually caring about others. It's more like theological masturbation.


Well-Known Member
That implies that "spreading the good news" or whatever is actually caring about others. It's more like theological masturbation.

It amuses me that they refer to it as 'good news'. "Believe in Jesus and get 'saved' or go to hell!" Who are they trying to kid?:facepalm: